<img src="http://bit.ly/2EpoAEr" width="600" height="400" alt="#Divorce and #remarriage is #null and #void - you are NOT allowed to #walkaway from your #husband or #wife after #marrying them - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/dating-relationships-marriage" rel="nofollow"></a>
Truth: Society and the courts lie to you. They tell you it's okay to divorce and remarry anytime you please. Did you know no matter what happens in your marriage, after you say "I do" to your husband or wife at the alter, you are married until death? It doesn't matter how many times she or he cheated on you or stole from you. Or even if you had a one night stand and decided to get married the following week, even though the both of you barely knew each other. You said "I do," and that's set in stone as long as both of you are in the land of the living.
Related: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=no+divorce+and+remarriage" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube search results on the icy hot topic of "divorce and remarriage</a>
The truth hurts but it'll set you free. And there's nothing you can say that'll justify divorcing and remarrying. Think before you marry. And it's better to marry someone equally yoked who's in the same church like you under the right teaching. Lastly, a woman was never called to preach nor to usurp authority over the man. Lastly, as long as your first husband or wife is still living and you go and say you're married to someone else, that's considered "Adultery."
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/dating-relationships-marriage/marriage/1945-marriage-you-can-t-divorce-and-remarry-no-can-do
via Drewry News Network
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
#Earthquake: Tsunami.gov and News Networks Issue #Tsunami Alert
<iframe src="https://www.nbcnews.com/widget/video-embed/1143443523921" width="700" height="400" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Alaska's recent earthquake might open the door for a potential Tsunami to hit the entire west coast. According to <a href="http://tsunami.gov/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Tsunami.gov</a> and media outlets such as <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tsunami-alert-issued-after-gulf-alaska-earthquake-n840111" target="new" rel="nofollow">NBC</a>, <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/alaska-earthquake-tsunami-watch_us_5a6707a1e4b0e56300730ab9" target="new" rel="nofollow">HuffPo</a>, <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/23/us/alaska-earthquake/index.html" target="new" rel="nofollow">CNN</a>, and <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/23/8-2-magnitude-earthquake-strikes-off-alaska-prompting-tsunami-warning.html" target="new" rel="nofollow">Fox News</a>, the entire west coast should be on alert for a potential earthquake or Tsunami coming their way.
Update: CNN.com and FoxNews.com says all Tsunami warnings are now "canceled."
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1944-earthquake-tsunami-gov-and-news-networks-issue-tsunami-alert
via Drewry News Network
Alaska's recent earthquake might open the door for a potential Tsunami to hit the entire west coast. According to <a href="http://tsunami.gov/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Tsunami.gov</a> and media outlets such as <a href="https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tsunami-alert-issued-after-gulf-alaska-earthquake-n840111" target="new" rel="nofollow">NBC</a>, <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/alaska-earthquake-tsunami-watch_us_5a6707a1e4b0e56300730ab9" target="new" rel="nofollow">HuffPo</a>, <a href="https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/23/us/alaska-earthquake/index.html" target="new" rel="nofollow">CNN</a>, and <a href="http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/01/23/8-2-magnitude-earthquake-strikes-off-alaska-prompting-tsunami-warning.html" target="new" rel="nofollow">Fox News</a>, the entire west coast should be on alert for a potential earthquake or Tsunami coming their way.
Update: CNN.com and FoxNews.com says all Tsunami warnings are now "canceled."
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1944-earthquake-tsunami-gov-and-news-networks-issue-tsunami-alert
via Drewry News Network
Thursday, January 18, 2018
#RealTalk: Removing Phony Facebook Friends and Family Members off Your Friends List
Seek The LORD Jesus Christ for achieving transformation progress in the quest for righteousness.
<img src="http://bit.ly/2DnAn8V" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#Time to #clean your #friends #list on #Facebook and #delete your #narcissist #employer, #family, and #phony #friends / The #newyear is #here and time to #moveforward with #healthy #choices and #healthychanges and #positivethoughts - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/health"></a>
When it comes to Facebook friends, not every friend is your friend on the ever so popular social networking site. That goes for fake friends who hang around just because you have something they want, or phony family members. While Facebook is a wonderful networking social portal on the World Wide Web to reconnect with old classmates, make new friends, and build your business simultaneously by way of properly utilizing Facebook, there are so-called friends on the friends lists of many Facebook profile users who actually are two-faced "people who say and do two different things." In one breath, they support you and like you, and leave nice picture comments on your Facebook profile. In another breath, they speak against you and indirectly put you down, when you've never argued with them, nor had nothing negative to say at all about them, or directly to them. Why are people hating on another person's progress on Facebook for? Those kinds of Facebook friends need to be immediately deleted from the friends lists.
Any social networking inner circle is supposed to be a group of like-minded, positive people. Agree?
Making healthy changes in your life requires filtering out your Facebook friends list, and in some cases, those longtime fake acting family members that are on your list or co-workers and ex's need to be quietly deleted.
Additionally, making healthy new year's changes on and off of Facebook consist of:
Those kind of people you need to let them fly like an eagle off of your Facebook friends list without hesitation of deleting them as a friend. People like that are most likely showing their true character and possible jealousy of your progress. It makes no sense for someone who is your friend on Facebook to speak against you when a person has done no wrong to the other.
While it's possible to still be compassionate towards others online on any social network, its also possible to be friendly from a distance long after deleting them as a Facebook friend. Live, love, laugh, and continue to move forward faithfully in the new year. Life goes on.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business/entrepreneurial-upliftment/1943-realtalk-removing-phony-facebook-friends-and-family-members-off-your-friends-list
via Drewry News Network
<img src="http://bit.ly/2DnAn8V" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#Time to #clean your #friends #list on #Facebook and #delete your #narcissist #employer, #family, and #phony #friends / The #newyear is #here and time to #moveforward with #healthy #choices and #healthychanges and #positivethoughts - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/health"></a>
When it comes to Facebook friends, not every friend is your friend on the ever so popular social networking site. That goes for fake friends who hang around just because you have something they want, or phony family members. While Facebook is a wonderful networking social portal on the World Wide Web to reconnect with old classmates, make new friends, and build your business simultaneously by way of properly utilizing Facebook, there are so-called friends on the friends lists of many Facebook profile users who actually are two-faced "people who say and do two different things." In one breath, they support you and like you, and leave nice picture comments on your Facebook profile. In another breath, they speak against you and indirectly put you down, when you've never argued with them, nor had nothing negative to say at all about them, or directly to them. Why are people hating on another person's progress on Facebook for? Those kinds of Facebook friends need to be immediately deleted from the friends lists.
Any social networking inner circle is supposed to be a group of like-minded, positive people. Agree?
Making healthy changes in your life requires filtering out your Facebook friends list, and in some cases, those longtime fake acting family members that are on your list or co-workers and ex's need to be quietly deleted.
Additionally, making healthy new year's changes on and off of Facebook consist of:
- Seeking The Lord Jesus Christ for soul salvation
- Getting a better job
- Getting a pay raise
- Losing weight
- Getting back in shape
- Finish writing a book
- Striving to be an entrepreneur
- Changing the content of your heart spiritually
- Dressing better
- Building more meaningful relationships with people that are worthwhile
- Buying a new car
- Purchasing your first home
- Rebuilding broken relationships from the past
- Building a brighter future for your children by way of starting your own business
Those kind of people you need to let them fly like an eagle off of your Facebook friends list without hesitation of deleting them as a friend. People like that are most likely showing their true character and possible jealousy of your progress. It makes no sense for someone who is your friend on Facebook to speak against you when a person has done no wrong to the other.
While it's possible to still be compassionate towards others online on any social network, its also possible to be friendly from a distance long after deleting them as a Facebook friend. Live, love, laugh, and continue to move forward faithfully in the new year. Life goes on.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business/entrepreneurial-upliftment/1943-realtalk-removing-phony-facebook-friends-and-family-members-off-your-friends-list
via Drewry News Network
Saturday, January 13, 2018
#SnowBeach: DrewryNewsNetwork Makes Special Request of #RalphLauren in 2017 - 'Request Granted'
<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen src="https://w3.cdn.anvato.net/player/prod/v3/anvload.html?key=eyJtIjoiQU5WIiwidiI6IjQyOTM3MDgiL CJhbnZhY2siOiI3MFgzNVFiVllWWU5QVW1QOVlmYnpJMDZZcVl RazJSMSIsInBsdWdpbnMiOnsiZGZwIjp7ImNsaWVudFNpZGUiO nsia2V5VmFsdWVzIjp7InBvc3RJRCI6Ijc0MTQzMyIsIlRlc3Q iOiJwcm9kdWN0aW9uIiwiY2F0ZWdvcnkiOiJuZXdzIiwidGFnI joibG8tbGlmZXMsbmV3c2xldHRlcixwb2xvLXJhbHBoLWxhdXJ lbixyYWxwaC1sYXVyZW4sc25vdy1iZWFjaCIsInN0YXJ0VGltZ W91dCI6Mn0sImZ1bGxBZENsaWNrYWJsZU9uTW9iaWxlIjp0cnV lLCJsb2FkVmlkZW9UaW1lb3V0IjoyLCJhZFRhZ1VybCI6Imh0d HBzOi8vcHViYWRzLmcuZG91YmxlY2xpY2submV0L2dhbXBhZC9 hZHM%2Fc3o9NjAyeDQwMCZpdT0vNDA1Mi9oaXBob3B3aXJlZC9 2aWRlb3ByZXJvbGx3aWJiaXR6JmltcGw9cyZnZGZwX3JlcT0xJ mVudj12cCZvdXRwdXQ9dmFzdCZ1bnZpZXdlZF9wb3NpdGlvbl9 zdGFydD0xJnVybD1bcmVmZXJyZXJfdXJsXSZkZXNjcmlwdGlvb l91cmw9aGlwaG9wd2lyZWQuY29tJmNvcnJlbGF0b3I9W3RpbWV zdGFtcF0mY21zaWQ9MjQ2MTI0OSZ2aWQ9QU5WX0FOVl80MjkzN zA4In19fSwiaHRtbDUiOnRydWUsInRva2VuIjoiQWdvTUEwWHB vOS11bjJFeVpOcGt6TUZRNmdnQm5UWm02UndWMzZ0TDNCY35Nb jR3ZmcifQ%3D%3D" width ="600" height="400"></iframe>
Lo heads out of Flatbush Brooklyn and throughout New York City in the height of the Polo era in the 1990's have been longing for Ralph Lauren, born <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Ralph Lifshitz</a> of Bronx, NY, to bring back the vintage Polo 1990's collection. As many know, Lauren has been struggling to bring back most of the favorite pieces Lo heads truly enjoyed; some of which include Polo knit bear sweaters, polo crest knits, Polo P-Wing, Polo stadium 1992, Polo sportsman, Polo Indian head knit sweaters, polo cycle jackets, and more. Ralph has been listening to the people and has brought back some of the goodies galore from the vintage days.
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AJ-rn1qh5Go" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
DrewryNewsNetwork is quite confident old school Lo heads from Flatbush Brooklyn and throughout New York City will see this message, especially claimed Lo Life founders Rack-Lo and Thirstin Howl III, along with other Lo heads such as King Fila of Flatbush, Dallas Penn, BEK Live, and Fredro Starr of Onyx.
Famous crews from East Flatbush Brooklyn known for flamming Polo:
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BnxuAL8E9iM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In October 2017, the founder of DrewryNewsNetwork reached out to Polo.com customer service via e-mail on October 16, 2017. DNN's founder first received an automated message from the RL customer service department stating in so many words that the email would be forwarded to the appropriate department for review, in regard to Polo retro merchandise. The first initian contact was in regard to the remastered Polo stadium 1992 short sleeve top and if there were any big sizes left. Unfortunately, due to the polularity of the Ralph Lauren 1992 classic Polo stadium collection, the item sold virtually overnight and won't be restocked.
Related: <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/2-free-blog-traffic-builders_us_5a38632ee4b0cebf48e9f6b7" target="new" rel="nofollow">2 Free Blog Traffic Builders</a> - HuffingtonPost
Going forward, additional e-mails were sent on October 16, 2017 to RL customer service in regard to bringing back other Polo vintage itmes from the 1990's, including remastered PWing tops in big & tall sizes, Ralph Lauren linens, Polo Golf shirts with Arnold Palmer on front swinging the golf club, RL 2000 boots, and the classic "Polo Snow Beach pullover jacket."
Related: <a href="https://sneakernews.com/2018/01/09/nike-air-max-1-875844-403/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Nike Air Max 1 “Snow Beach” Coming Soon</a> - sneakernews.com
The Polo Snow Beach pullover sports yellow, red, and blue with red Snow Beach letters with an American Flag on the sleeve. Lo and behold....Ralph Lauren listened to DrewryNewsNetwork's founder and took into consideration to bring back the "Polo Snow Beach jacket Remastered."
Related: <a href="http://hiphopwired.com/741433/polo-ralph-lauren-to-retro-legendary-snow-beach-pullover/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Polo Ralph Lauren To Retro Legendary “Snow Beach” Pullover</a> - hiphopwired.com
No sooner than DNN's founder conatcted RalphLauren.com via e-mail on October 16, 2017 concerning bringing back Polo Snow beach pullover jackets, Nike.com jumped on the bandwagon. The famous sneaker giant is so head over heels about Ralphie's Snow Beach jacket that Nike is rumored to be releasing or have already released an Air Max 1993 sneaker by Nike. Isn't that a hot blip?
Stay tuned for more information coming soon on the "Polo Ralph Lauren Snow Beach 2018 release date."
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/new-york/1942-snowbeach-drewrynewsnetwork-makes-special-request-of-ralphlauren-in-2017-request-granted
via Drewry News Network
Lo heads out of Flatbush Brooklyn and throughout New York City in the height of the Polo era in the 1990's have been longing for Ralph Lauren, born <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Ralph Lifshitz</a> of Bronx, NY, to bring back the vintage Polo 1990's collection. As many know, Lauren has been struggling to bring back most of the favorite pieces Lo heads truly enjoyed; some of which include Polo knit bear sweaters, polo crest knits, Polo P-Wing, Polo stadium 1992, Polo sportsman, Polo Indian head knit sweaters, polo cycle jackets, and more. Ralph has been listening to the people and has brought back some of the goodies galore from the vintage days.
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AJ-rn1qh5Go" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
DrewryNewsNetwork is quite confident old school Lo heads from Flatbush Brooklyn and throughout New York City will see this message, especially claimed Lo Life founders Rack-Lo and Thirstin Howl III, along with other Lo heads such as King Fila of Flatbush, Dallas Penn, BEK Live, and Fredro Starr of Onyx.
Famous crews from East Flatbush Brooklyn known for flamming Polo:
- Lo Life - a branch of Decepticons from Brooklyn thast broke off and formed the infamous Lo Life crew (originally composted of Lo heads from Marcus Garvey village houses and heads from St. Johns & Utica Avenue in Crown Heights Brooklyn)
- S.T.P.
- V.I.M. - Vandeveer international massive (New York Avenue and Foster in Flatbush Brooklyn)
- V.I.P. - Vandeveer international posse (Foster & New York Avenue in Brooklyn)
- Steam Team
- Decepticons (NBC - nightbreedcons, constructicons and emergicons & deceptinettes)
- F.P.K. - Flatbush Pulley Kids
- Universal Soldiers
- P.B.S. - Paying Back Society starring infamous graffiti writer Dinker
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BnxuAL8E9iM" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In October 2017, the founder of DrewryNewsNetwork reached out to Polo.com customer service via e-mail on October 16, 2017. DNN's founder first received an automated message from the RL customer service department stating in so many words that the email would be forwarded to the appropriate department for review, in regard to Polo retro merchandise. The first initian contact was in regard to the remastered Polo stadium 1992 short sleeve top and if there were any big sizes left. Unfortunately, due to the polularity of the Ralph Lauren 1992 classic Polo stadium collection, the item sold virtually overnight and won't be restocked.
Related: <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/2-free-blog-traffic-builders_us_5a38632ee4b0cebf48e9f6b7" target="new" rel="nofollow">2 Free Blog Traffic Builders</a> - HuffingtonPost
Going forward, additional e-mails were sent on October 16, 2017 to RL customer service in regard to bringing back other Polo vintage itmes from the 1990's, including remastered PWing tops in big & tall sizes, Ralph Lauren linens, Polo Golf shirts with Arnold Palmer on front swinging the golf club, RL 2000 boots, and the classic "Polo Snow Beach pullover jacket."
Related: <a href="https://sneakernews.com/2018/01/09/nike-air-max-1-875844-403/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Nike Air Max 1 “Snow Beach” Coming Soon</a> - sneakernews.com
The Polo Snow Beach pullover sports yellow, red, and blue with red Snow Beach letters with an American Flag on the sleeve. Lo and behold....Ralph Lauren listened to DrewryNewsNetwork's founder and took into consideration to bring back the "Polo Snow Beach jacket Remastered."
Related: <a href="http://hiphopwired.com/741433/polo-ralph-lauren-to-retro-legendary-snow-beach-pullover/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Polo Ralph Lauren To Retro Legendary “Snow Beach” Pullover</a> - hiphopwired.com
No sooner than DNN's founder conatcted RalphLauren.com via e-mail on October 16, 2017 concerning bringing back Polo Snow beach pullover jackets, Nike.com jumped on the bandwagon. The famous sneaker giant is so head over heels about Ralphie's Snow Beach jacket that Nike is rumored to be releasing or have already released an Air Max 1993 sneaker by Nike. Isn't that a hot blip?
Stay tuned for more information coming soon on the "Polo Ralph Lauren Snow Beach 2018 release date."
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/new-york/1942-snowbeach-drewrynewsnetwork-makes-special-request-of-ralphlauren-in-2017-request-granted
via Drewry News Network
#GoodSolidNutrition: 5 Easy to Prepare Foods that Naturally Raise #Testosterone
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CmjCcNCxRU8" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Men over 30 experience instantly declining levels of the primary hormone known as Testosterone. Testosterone, also dubbed as "T," is responsible for helping to maintain numerous functions on the male body. Healthy levels of natural Testosterone help men achieve more than building muscle in the gym and going above and beyond in the bedroom.
These foods naturally raise T:
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/health/diets-healthy-eating/1941-goodsolidnutrition-5-easy-to-prepare-foods-that-naturally-raise-testosterone
via Drewry News Network
Men over 30 experience instantly declining levels of the primary hormone known as Testosterone. Testosterone, also dubbed as "T," is responsible for helping to maintain numerous functions on the male body. Healthy levels of natural Testosterone help men achieve more than building muscle in the gym and going above and beyond in the bedroom.
These foods naturally raise T:
- Avocado
- Banana
- Boiled eggs
- Celery
- Sweet Potato
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/health/diets-healthy-eating/1941-goodsolidnutrition-5-easy-to-prepare-foods-that-naturally-raise-testosterone
via Drewry News Network
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
#AffiliateMarketing: Let the #Entrepreneur Out and #QuitYourDayJob
via Stories by Drewry on Medium https://medium.com/@drewryNYC/affiliatemarketing-let-the-entrepreneur-out-and-quityourdayjob-6eba7fd1af01?source=rss-94d48341d89b------2
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
#ContentMarketing: 2 Things to Avoid When Boosting SEO
via Stories by Drewry on Medium https://medium.com/@drewryNYC/contentmarketing-2-things-to-avoid-when-boosting-seo-79c0f5b78861?source=rss-94d48341d89b------2
Monday, January 8, 2018
#NBCNews Streams Live Video on Facebook of Firefighters at #TrumpTower
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNB CNews%2Fvideos%2F2270965059590178%2F&show_text=0&w idth=600" width="560" height="400" rel="nofollow" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Breaking: NBCNews.com reports on their Facebook.com page in a live video of firefighters in New York City responding to a fire at the Trump.com tower.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/new-york/1939-nbcnews-streams-live-video-on-facebook-of-firefighters-at-trumptower
via Drewry News Network
Breaking: NBCNews.com reports on their Facebook.com page in a live video of firefighters in New York City responding to a fire at the Trump.com tower.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/new-york/1939-nbcnews-streams-live-video-on-facebook-of-firefighters-at-trumptower
via Drewry News Network
#SelfImprovement: Overcoming Your Lowest Level Habits
<center><img src="https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/images/allimages/selfimprovement.jpg" rel="nofollow" width="600" height="400" alt="When you error, get up and begin again. #Transformation is a #lifetime journey of #striving to #achieve spiritual #excellence. #Believe in #self and keep #movingforward. #Forgive other #people and #blessings will #fall upon you. - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/affiliate-marketing"></a></center>
Struggling with a specific flaw? Guess what? We're all born with flaws from birth. It doesn't mean we're destined for failure throughout our lifetime. It is of our free choice made to get up and turn ourselves around in identifying our strengths, weaknesses, as well as pointing out our lowest level habits, whether it be biting your nails, drinking, swearing, eating the wrong foods, and so forth. Working to correct obtuse actions may be quite a daunting task. But, with patience, consistency, and quashing feelings of any fears of changing for the better, things have a way of hashing itself out, in overcoming lower level habits.
When we work towards self-improvement, we look at things which are lower level habits. Some of them we can't always identify so quickly. Procrastination tends to be one of some lower level habits in a person's life. Though a person may perform well I perform well in some areas and achieve things on time, there's other times a person may intentionally slack. Academic wise, some people have a tendency of waiting the last minute. Working on a project slowly but surely helps eliminate procrastination.
This weakness can be transformed into a strength by:
a) Planning ahead and starting work way ahead of time
b) Increasing cardiovascular output, because doing cardio on a regular basis does help anyone complete any kind of task faster, as well as quicker intellectual decision making. Cardiovascular activity has a unique tendency to sharpen cognitive thinking process, and subliminally inspire you to get things done quicker in a shorter time span.
c) Keep your room clean. Believe it or not, part of your procrastination is possibly because of a dirty room. A dirty room results in a slower thinking process and slows down response time, resulting in decreased production and increased feelings of laziness. Are you listening? In a dirty room, not only doesn't slow down your healthy train of thought, but it also clutters your mind. It's also one more thing on the to do list you have to achieve. Keeping your room clean promotes healthy thinking, increased production in the workplace and your side hustle business project, makes you feel good about yourself, and more.
d) Allow your self more time to concentrate - By starting and striving to complete tasks and assignments in an earlier fashion, it allows yourself to have a clearer train of thought, thus giving more of a mature and intellectual insight.
Being honest, genuine and sincere not only with yourself, but others, adds to the positive character one strives for. In our daily transformations, we work earnestly toward achieving greatness, through identifying our strong and weak points before others. This in turn helps to keep positive pressure on one another to succeed, no matter how strong or weak you are.
In conclusion, you have to want to overcome your lowest level habits. Every human in today's generation errors somewhere in their life. Everyone in today's generation has a specific flaw she or he struggles with overcoming. It's not the end of the world if you pushed roles in the past to overcome this flaw and still struggle with it. You're not the only one dealing with overcoming internal flaws. Overcoming your lowest level habits require failing times over. This simply means the more you desire to overcome a specific lower-level habit, you'll do it even more because your flash doesn't want to stop indulging in human flesh. That's a fact of life.
When you find yourself miserably failing times over in going back to the law you desire to overcome like a dog chasing its own tail, keep believing in your self and never give up trying to overcome that flaw. Even if it takes 20 to 30 years to overcome it, don't throw in the towel and quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit. With that said, the longer you stay in the trenches striving for excellence to overcome your flaws and lower level habits, the more it will shape your character and make you an honorable person in the long run for staying the course.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1938-selfimprovement-overcoming-your-lowest-level-habits
via Drewry News Network
Struggling with a specific flaw? Guess what? We're all born with flaws from birth. It doesn't mean we're destined for failure throughout our lifetime. It is of our free choice made to get up and turn ourselves around in identifying our strengths, weaknesses, as well as pointing out our lowest level habits, whether it be biting your nails, drinking, swearing, eating the wrong foods, and so forth. Working to correct obtuse actions may be quite a daunting task. But, with patience, consistency, and quashing feelings of any fears of changing for the better, things have a way of hashing itself out, in overcoming lower level habits.
When we work towards self-improvement, we look at things which are lower level habits. Some of them we can't always identify so quickly. Procrastination tends to be one of some lower level habits in a person's life. Though a person may perform well I perform well in some areas and achieve things on time, there's other times a person may intentionally slack. Academic wise, some people have a tendency of waiting the last minute. Working on a project slowly but surely helps eliminate procrastination.
This weakness can be transformed into a strength by:
a) Planning ahead and starting work way ahead of time
b) Increasing cardiovascular output, because doing cardio on a regular basis does help anyone complete any kind of task faster, as well as quicker intellectual decision making. Cardiovascular activity has a unique tendency to sharpen cognitive thinking process, and subliminally inspire you to get things done quicker in a shorter time span.
c) Keep your room clean. Believe it or not, part of your procrastination is possibly because of a dirty room. A dirty room results in a slower thinking process and slows down response time, resulting in decreased production and increased feelings of laziness. Are you listening? In a dirty room, not only doesn't slow down your healthy train of thought, but it also clutters your mind. It's also one more thing on the to do list you have to achieve. Keeping your room clean promotes healthy thinking, increased production in the workplace and your side hustle business project, makes you feel good about yourself, and more.
d) Allow your self more time to concentrate - By starting and striving to complete tasks and assignments in an earlier fashion, it allows yourself to have a clearer train of thought, thus giving more of a mature and intellectual insight.
Being honest, genuine and sincere not only with yourself, but others, adds to the positive character one strives for. In our daily transformations, we work earnestly toward achieving greatness, through identifying our strong and weak points before others. This in turn helps to keep positive pressure on one another to succeed, no matter how strong or weak you are.
In conclusion, you have to want to overcome your lowest level habits. Every human in today's generation errors somewhere in their life. Everyone in today's generation has a specific flaw she or he struggles with overcoming. It's not the end of the world if you pushed roles in the past to overcome this flaw and still struggle with it. You're not the only one dealing with overcoming internal flaws. Overcoming your lowest level habits require failing times over. This simply means the more you desire to overcome a specific lower-level habit, you'll do it even more because your flash doesn't want to stop indulging in human flesh. That's a fact of life.
When you find yourself miserably failing times over in going back to the law you desire to overcome like a dog chasing its own tail, keep believing in your self and never give up trying to overcome that flaw. Even if it takes 20 to 30 years to overcome it, don't throw in the towel and quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit. With that said, the longer you stay in the trenches striving for excellence to overcome your flaws and lower level habits, the more it will shape your character and make you an honorable person in the long run for staying the course.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1938-selfimprovement-overcoming-your-lowest-level-habits
via Drewry News Network
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Humble Beginnings of Ryan Deluca of Bodybuilding.com: Comparison of Bodybuilding and MuscleandStrength.com
<img src="http://bit.ly/2lWHcDC" width="600" rel="nofollow" height="400" alt="You must have #faith in #self when you #start a #business. #Believe you can achieve #success in #entrepreneurship. If #RyanDeluca of #bodybuilding can do it, why can you achieve #fitness of the #mind and get #started now out of #inspiration? When you #start now out of inspiration or #desperation, you are doing the #transformation business #work - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business"></a>
Ryan Deluca came from humble beginnings. He had a vision for starting an online business without a clue how to get started. He was a visionary entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast back in the late 1990’s. He purchased the domain name bodybuilding.com February 16, 1999 (via domain name inception date site CheckPageRank.net) for $20,000 and started the business out of the home garage. And launched the site April 13, 1999. With little to no visitors coming to his website, he couldn’t see how he would earn necessary monies to sustain the business. Despite not having enough wet traffic nor loyal clientele to keep sales revenues coming in smoothly, continued moving forward with his online business vision of growing bodybuilding.com to a nationally respected Internet business, earning acknowledgment and respect from professional IFBB bodybuilders and companies across the globe. After purchasing the domain name and running the business of his home garage, he began to get enough orders to the point where he needed to transition into a professional office building. Deluca understood the power of the Internet and how he could reach his target audience.
Connecting With The Target Audience
Ryan used a number of marketing ploys to promote the site in the fitness industry. The first ploy he used was networking with professional bodybuilders and possibly promoting bodybuilding supplements at fitness shows. This is a number one vehicle for the immediately gaining free word-of-mouth advertising just about anything. Promoting bodybuilding.com and bodybuilding events placed a seed in the minds of fitness competitors knowing they can order their supplements at an affordable price and receive new orders virtually right away. Former Mr. Olympia and IFBB pro Jay Cutler once purchased supplements from bodybuilding.com before starting his own company called Cutler Nutrition. Fitness Shields gave bodybuilding.com necessary exposure to grow the site without shelling out major dollars for online advertising.
The success of Bodybuilding.com allegedly created jealousy among founders of competing fitness supplement websites. With Bodybuilding.com earning national recognition across America in 1999, it quietly encouraged potential copycats to engage in supplements sales competition.
Bodybuilding.com offers competing prices and quick fitness supplement deliveries:
MuscleandStrength.com (Started in 2006).
Muscle and Strength stands out in a unique way. While Muscle and Strength is possibly an arm deriving possibly from Muscle and Fitness magazine as an online supplement dealer and ranks well on <a href="https://alexa.com/siteinfo/muscleandstrength.com" target="new" rel="nofollow">Alexa</a> and in search engines, they have one unique trait that keeps them one step ahead of generically competing fitness supplement websites and ranking high in competition with Bodybuilding.com: fresh and engaging website content. Many fitness supplement websites fail to keep their site content regularly updated with a unique combination of blogging + image + video, and only uploading .csv spreadsheets of the latest fitness supplements for sale or BOGO’s. Muscle and Strength does what others fail to do daily, which is why M & S is closely in competition with Bodybuilding.com.
Comparison of The Companies
Bodybuilding.com and Muscle and Strength rely on the pull medium to drive hordes of traffic. The pull medium can refer to a unique combination of leveraging social networks, email newsletter marketing, adding links in YouTube video descriptions to specific pages on both fitness supplement websites, and most importantly, unique website content. Content is and always will be the number one method of driving large amounts of traffic from search engines and social networks. Bodybuilding.com and Muscle and Strength understand that.
Creative Marketing Strategies
The internet provides an avenue for them to reach the local and national audience mostly based off of creativity and effort of human energy, with PPC advertising taking a backseat until later on when sales revenues became greater from online supplement sales. This is the beauty of having a people-powered online business and making the best of “natural internet marketing.”
Bodybuilding.com and MuscleandStrength.com both have long-term strategic objectives. Their goal is to keep their target loyal audience engaged in longevity through marketing ploys such as offering fun contests for supplement giveaways, emailing opted in subscribers about one-day discount sales and 4-hour super discounts through copying and pasting a unique code sent to their email inboxes, and providing a way for their followers to stay connected with them on social media like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Another strategic objective both fitness supplement websites quietly use in reducing costs for advertising and increasing sales is sharing content on social networks and using the energy of the people to share that content with their family and friends. This gives both fitness supplement companies free exposure and increased sales without shelling out one dime for online advertising costs. Because the Internet is mostly driven by word of mouth and content sharing one’s networks, this results in companies maximizing Web profit potential, because the Internet is also a portal mostly based on a relationship oriented foundation.
Last but not least, both fitness supplement websites use something besides directly promoting themselves through content marketing, video marketing, and social media engagement that keeps them one step ahead in maximizing Internet marketing profits. This ploy is known as “affiliate marketing.” Affiliate marketing is a process whereas a publisher or someone known as a third-party independent contractor signs up as an affiliate for someone’s site. They promote the advertiser only website or blog alongside their site content. When a site visitor clicks in advertisement on the publishers blogger website and makes a purchase, the site owner earns an affiliate commission. Bodybuilding.com and MuscleandStrength.com incorporate what’s called an “affiliate program” in their marketing mix.
Related: <a href="https://www.vrfitnessinsider.com/author/ryandeluca/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Ryan Deluca</a> - vrfitnessinsider.com
This marketing ploy gives both fitness supplement companies of peace of mind knowing they can reduce their pay per click ad spends and maximize sales potential through offering a commission only based structured to third-party publishers without additional benefits. It’s a win-win for both companies as the end result, though MuscleandStrength.com doesn’t rank as well as Bodybuilding.com due to less domain age and not enough website and forum content to gain the lead in search engines over BB. Despite M & S not ranking as well as bodybuilding.com due to not having a website seniority like BB, they offer one thing BB doesn’t: free samples of certain bodybuilding supplements. This ploy alone keeps people coming back for more because people don’t have to spend the average retail cost to purchase a supplement for the first time in order to know if it’s worth buying.
Product, Place, Price, and Promotion
Bodybuilding.com spontaneously runs discount promotions on products and brands at random. Place? Only on their website. Price? Pricing is regularly fair. Users can get a discounted price on fitness supplements through bodybuilding.com if they search in their favorite search engine for “discount fitness supplement coupon websites,” and used the coupon codes in the checkout section of their Bodybuilding.com supplement purchases. Some of these discount coupon sites offer deep discounts to the point where BB customers can possibly get enormous discounts on shipping. Coupon codes from reputable discount coupon websites that promote and offer their coupons to BB customers looking to save money on fitness supplement purchases keeps site users coming back to Bodybuilding.com. Bodybuilding.com strives to keep fair pricing at bay.
MuscleandStrength.com does things in a way that possibly drives customers away. For example, though they have compelling site content plus engaging video with rich images and popular fitness supplements for sale, their prices are slightly higher than Bodybuilding.com. This makes M & S seem more like a transaction oriented site. Why? Their site content is attractive but prices are unattractive. An example of potential above average pricing on M & S would be a product called Natural Sterol Complex by Universal Nutrition. Bodybuilding “BB” sells NSC for $22.42. M & S sells for $23.49. This is not good for M & S because savvy online shoppers who perform price comparisons on fitness supplements begin to silently view M & S in a certain place in their minds being seen as a greedy-only out for the money site without offering additional value for new and existing customers (unable to conveniently purchase the product at the time they desire).
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HTrKfnZu62s" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
BB allows customers immediately order and place the item in their shopping cart and see the cost of the product plus shipping with or without having an existing customer account. This gives customers a rough idea of how much everything will cost including product and shipping. M & S prompts you to log in to your existing customer account or create a new customer accounts before viewing additional information such as cost of product plus shipping. Some people are possibly doing price comparisons and don’t want to create new customer accounts, which can be seen as a possible turn off to price comparison shoppers. As a result, BB stays one step ahead of M & S in getting more sales and leveraging traffic plus free word-of-mouth advertising from sharing content on social networks vs. Muscle and Strength, thrusting BB closer to organically leveraging the global marketplace. If M & S would possibly use a combination of push strategy and pull strategy in leveraging more web traffic resulting in a possible increase of online sales, this could potentially encourage them to lower their prices, although their affiliate program commissions structure is better than Bodybuilding.com.
The mentioned companies both have unique traits and goodness to offer to their customers through their commerce styles differ in terms of pricing, consumer satisfaction, free trials of certain fitness supplements, and affiliate program commission structures. With the success of BB and M & S, this goes to show the Internet can make anyone successful that starts a business from humble beginnings and strives for excellence as a visionary entrepreneur in providing value to their clientele.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business/entrepreneurial-upliftment/1937-humble-beginnings-of-ryan-deluca-of-bodybuilding-com-comparison-of-bodybuilding-and-muscleandstrength-com
via Drewry News Network
Ryan Deluca came from humble beginnings. He had a vision for starting an online business without a clue how to get started. He was a visionary entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast back in the late 1990’s. He purchased the domain name bodybuilding.com February 16, 1999 (via domain name inception date site CheckPageRank.net) for $20,000 and started the business out of the home garage. And launched the site April 13, 1999. With little to no visitors coming to his website, he couldn’t see how he would earn necessary monies to sustain the business. Despite not having enough wet traffic nor loyal clientele to keep sales revenues coming in smoothly, continued moving forward with his online business vision of growing bodybuilding.com to a nationally respected Internet business, earning acknowledgment and respect from professional IFBB bodybuilders and companies across the globe. After purchasing the domain name and running the business of his home garage, he began to get enough orders to the point where he needed to transition into a professional office building. Deluca understood the power of the Internet and how he could reach his target audience.
Connecting With The Target Audience
Ryan used a number of marketing ploys to promote the site in the fitness industry. The first ploy he used was networking with professional bodybuilders and possibly promoting bodybuilding supplements at fitness shows. This is a number one vehicle for the immediately gaining free word-of-mouth advertising just about anything. Promoting bodybuilding.com and bodybuilding events placed a seed in the minds of fitness competitors knowing they can order their supplements at an affordable price and receive new orders virtually right away. Former Mr. Olympia and IFBB pro Jay Cutler once purchased supplements from bodybuilding.com before starting his own company called Cutler Nutrition. Fitness Shields gave bodybuilding.com necessary exposure to grow the site without shelling out major dollars for online advertising.
The success of Bodybuilding.com allegedly created jealousy among founders of competing fitness supplement websites. With Bodybuilding.com earning national recognition across America in 1999, it quietly encouraged potential copycats to engage in supplements sales competition.
Bodybuilding.com offers competing prices and quick fitness supplement deliveries:
MuscleandStrength.com (Started in 2006).
Muscle and Strength stands out in a unique way. While Muscle and Strength is possibly an arm deriving possibly from Muscle and Fitness magazine as an online supplement dealer and ranks well on <a href="https://alexa.com/siteinfo/muscleandstrength.com" target="new" rel="nofollow">Alexa</a> and in search engines, they have one unique trait that keeps them one step ahead of generically competing fitness supplement websites and ranking high in competition with Bodybuilding.com: fresh and engaging website content. Many fitness supplement websites fail to keep their site content regularly updated with a unique combination of blogging + image + video, and only uploading .csv spreadsheets of the latest fitness supplements for sale or BOGO’s. Muscle and Strength does what others fail to do daily, which is why M & S is closely in competition with Bodybuilding.com.
Comparison of The Companies
Bodybuilding.com and Muscle and Strength rely on the pull medium to drive hordes of traffic. The pull medium can refer to a unique combination of leveraging social networks, email newsletter marketing, adding links in YouTube video descriptions to specific pages on both fitness supplement websites, and most importantly, unique website content. Content is and always will be the number one method of driving large amounts of traffic from search engines and social networks. Bodybuilding.com and Muscle and Strength understand that.
Creative Marketing Strategies
The internet provides an avenue for them to reach the local and national audience mostly based off of creativity and effort of human energy, with PPC advertising taking a backseat until later on when sales revenues became greater from online supplement sales. This is the beauty of having a people-powered online business and making the best of “natural internet marketing.”
Bodybuilding.com and MuscleandStrength.com both have long-term strategic objectives. Their goal is to keep their target loyal audience engaged in longevity through marketing ploys such as offering fun contests for supplement giveaways, emailing opted in subscribers about one-day discount sales and 4-hour super discounts through copying and pasting a unique code sent to their email inboxes, and providing a way for their followers to stay connected with them on social media like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Another strategic objective both fitness supplement websites quietly use in reducing costs for advertising and increasing sales is sharing content on social networks and using the energy of the people to share that content with their family and friends. This gives both fitness supplement companies free exposure and increased sales without shelling out one dime for online advertising costs. Because the Internet is mostly driven by word of mouth and content sharing one’s networks, this results in companies maximizing Web profit potential, because the Internet is also a portal mostly based on a relationship oriented foundation.
Last but not least, both fitness supplement websites use something besides directly promoting themselves through content marketing, video marketing, and social media engagement that keeps them one step ahead in maximizing Internet marketing profits. This ploy is known as “affiliate marketing.” Affiliate marketing is a process whereas a publisher or someone known as a third-party independent contractor signs up as an affiliate for someone’s site. They promote the advertiser only website or blog alongside their site content. When a site visitor clicks in advertisement on the publishers blogger website and makes a purchase, the site owner earns an affiliate commission. Bodybuilding.com and MuscleandStrength.com incorporate what’s called an “affiliate program” in their marketing mix.
Related: <a href="https://www.vrfitnessinsider.com/author/ryandeluca/" target="new" rel="nofollow">Ryan Deluca</a> - vrfitnessinsider.com
This marketing ploy gives both fitness supplement companies of peace of mind knowing they can reduce their pay per click ad spends and maximize sales potential through offering a commission only based structured to third-party publishers without additional benefits. It’s a win-win for both companies as the end result, though MuscleandStrength.com doesn’t rank as well as Bodybuilding.com due to less domain age and not enough website and forum content to gain the lead in search engines over BB. Despite M & S not ranking as well as bodybuilding.com due to not having a website seniority like BB, they offer one thing BB doesn’t: free samples of certain bodybuilding supplements. This ploy alone keeps people coming back for more because people don’t have to spend the average retail cost to purchase a supplement for the first time in order to know if it’s worth buying.
Product, Place, Price, and Promotion
Bodybuilding.com spontaneously runs discount promotions on products and brands at random. Place? Only on their website. Price? Pricing is regularly fair. Users can get a discounted price on fitness supplements through bodybuilding.com if they search in their favorite search engine for “discount fitness supplement coupon websites,” and used the coupon codes in the checkout section of their Bodybuilding.com supplement purchases. Some of these discount coupon sites offer deep discounts to the point where BB customers can possibly get enormous discounts on shipping. Coupon codes from reputable discount coupon websites that promote and offer their coupons to BB customers looking to save money on fitness supplement purchases keeps site users coming back to Bodybuilding.com. Bodybuilding.com strives to keep fair pricing at bay.
MuscleandStrength.com does things in a way that possibly drives customers away. For example, though they have compelling site content plus engaging video with rich images and popular fitness supplements for sale, their prices are slightly higher than Bodybuilding.com. This makes M & S seem more like a transaction oriented site. Why? Their site content is attractive but prices are unattractive. An example of potential above average pricing on M & S would be a product called Natural Sterol Complex by Universal Nutrition. Bodybuilding “BB” sells NSC for $22.42. M & S sells for $23.49. This is not good for M & S because savvy online shoppers who perform price comparisons on fitness supplements begin to silently view M & S in a certain place in their minds being seen as a greedy-only out for the money site without offering additional value for new and existing customers (unable to conveniently purchase the product at the time they desire).
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HTrKfnZu62s" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
BB allows customers immediately order and place the item in their shopping cart and see the cost of the product plus shipping with or without having an existing customer account. This gives customers a rough idea of how much everything will cost including product and shipping. M & S prompts you to log in to your existing customer account or create a new customer accounts before viewing additional information such as cost of product plus shipping. Some people are possibly doing price comparisons and don’t want to create new customer accounts, which can be seen as a possible turn off to price comparison shoppers. As a result, BB stays one step ahead of M & S in getting more sales and leveraging traffic plus free word-of-mouth advertising from sharing content on social networks vs. Muscle and Strength, thrusting BB closer to organically leveraging the global marketplace. If M & S would possibly use a combination of push strategy and pull strategy in leveraging more web traffic resulting in a possible increase of online sales, this could potentially encourage them to lower their prices, although their affiliate program commissions structure is better than Bodybuilding.com.
The mentioned companies both have unique traits and goodness to offer to their customers through their commerce styles differ in terms of pricing, consumer satisfaction, free trials of certain fitness supplements, and affiliate program commission structures. With the success of BB and M & S, this goes to show the Internet can make anyone successful that starts a business from humble beginnings and strives for excellence as a visionary entrepreneur in providing value to their clientele.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business/entrepreneurial-upliftment/1937-humble-beginnings-of-ryan-deluca-of-bodybuilding-com-comparison-of-bodybuilding-and-muscleandstrength-com
via Drewry News Network
#Adversity: Using Negativity from Others to Start a Business and Learning Patience
Use what God gave you; a brain, and a will to succeed, and encourage others in a positive way to follow your lead.
<img src="http://bit.ly/2CDZQKU" width="600" height="400" alt="Using your #brains, #creativity, and #character to #build your #business and #succeed in #entrepreneurship / #online #sidehustle - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/affiliate-marketing" rel="nofollow"></a>
Building an online income is very realistic and accomplishable, even if you are starting out in blogging. Creating and publishing creative blog posts regular, daily, and even hourly and letting your friends and family know online on various social networks increase awareness, traffic, and potential online income.
Related: <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanrobinson/2018/01/02/side-hustle-deal-with-rejection/" target="new" rel="nofollow">7 Tips For Side Hustlers Struggling To Deal With Rejection</a> - Forbes.com
The best and easiest form on building a passive online income is with affiliate program, and contextual advertising, which are all searchable search terms in your favorite search engine.
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eFiA-A0L6x4" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
When starting out in blogging, it won't be easy. Yes, it takes time. You'll make 5 cents here, 2 cents there. Be patient. Be thankful and humbled for every dime, dollar and cent you generate online. Truth is, if you stick to it 6 days a week for 2-3 years, it will work. Staying dedicated is the hard part.
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LbJqBJa4wkI" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Posting frequently and coming up with something creative to post in thinking on the fly is mentally challenging. Stay the course. There are all sorts of things to talk about. And, little do people know that some of the things that are in the household, or place where they live are worth talking about in a blog post. It's hidden money right before your very eyes. It is possible to virtually create money out of thin air in generating online income? It requires creative thinking and using adversity in uncovering your true mental ability to move ahead in thinking creative.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business/entrepreneurial-upliftment/1935-adversity-using-negativity-from-others-to-start-a-business-and-learning-patience
via Drewry News Network
<img src="http://bit.ly/2CDZQKU" width="600" height="400" alt="Using your #brains, #creativity, and #character to #build your #business and #succeed in #entrepreneurship / #online #sidehustle - https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/affiliate-marketing" rel="nofollow"></a>
Building an online income is very realistic and accomplishable, even if you are starting out in blogging. Creating and publishing creative blog posts regular, daily, and even hourly and letting your friends and family know online on various social networks increase awareness, traffic, and potential online income.
Related: <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanrobinson/2018/01/02/side-hustle-deal-with-rejection/" target="new" rel="nofollow">7 Tips For Side Hustlers Struggling To Deal With Rejection</a> - Forbes.com
The best and easiest form on building a passive online income is with affiliate program, and contextual advertising, which are all searchable search terms in your favorite search engine.
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eFiA-A0L6x4" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
When starting out in blogging, it won't be easy. Yes, it takes time. You'll make 5 cents here, 2 cents there. Be patient. Be thankful and humbled for every dime, dollar and cent you generate online. Truth is, if you stick to it 6 days a week for 2-3 years, it will work. Staying dedicated is the hard part.
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LbJqBJa4wkI" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Posting frequently and coming up with something creative to post in thinking on the fly is mentally challenging. Stay the course. There are all sorts of things to talk about. And, little do people know that some of the things that are in the household, or place where they live are worth talking about in a blog post. It's hidden money right before your very eyes. It is possible to virtually create money out of thin air in generating online income? It requires creative thinking and using adversity in uncovering your true mental ability to move ahead in thinking creative.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business/entrepreneurial-upliftment/1935-adversity-using-negativity-from-others-to-start-a-business-and-learning-patience
via Drewry News Network
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
#BloggingFromParadise: Special Thanks to Ryan Biddulph for Mentioning DNN on HuffingtonPost.com
<center><iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XCJsXzXbZ5s" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
<a href="http://bit.ly/2E3ClqS" target="new" rel="nofollow">Ryan Biddulph</a>. Who is he? A blogger out of New Jersey. He made the successful transformation from day jobber to blogger. It wasn't an easy transition. Someway, somehow, Biddulph not only managed to succeed as a full-time blogger today, but also mentioned on sites such as <a href="https://www.virgin.com/entrepreneur/10-lessons-failure-10-digital-nomads" target="new" rel="nofollow">Sir Richard Branson's Virgin blog</a>, <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/kaviguppta/2015/12/20/six-digital-nomads-share-tips-for-tackling-loneliness-on-the-road/#1e3942c05d16" target="new" rel="nofollow">Forbes</a>, and <a href="https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/281889" target="new" rel="nofollow">Entrepreneur</a>.
In December 2017, he wrote an inspiring article on HuffingtonPost. The article is for aspiring bloggers looking to use creative ways to increase blog traffic.
Related: <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/2-free-blog-traffic-builders_us_5a38632ee4b0cebf48e9f6b7" target="new" rel="nofollow">2 Free Blog Traffic Builders</a> - HuffingtonPost.com
Drewry News Network extends special thanks to super blogger Ryan Biddulph of Bloggingfromparadise.com for mentioning this site on HuffPo. If you haven't visited his blog yet, DNN recommends you to check Ryan out. He's worth your time. Ryan continues to be a fine example of a passionate business blogger that started from the bottom. He used adversity to drive himself entrepreneurially to new heights in total faith. Today, he unselfishly inspires others to take blogging seriously and go from a side hustle blogger to a global online voice. If he can do it, so can you.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1934-bloggingfromparadise-special-thanks-to-ryan-biddulph-for-mentioning-dnn-on-huffingtonpost-com
via Drewry News Network
<a href="http://bit.ly/2E3ClqS" target="new" rel="nofollow">Ryan Biddulph</a>. Who is he? A blogger out of New Jersey. He made the successful transformation from day jobber to blogger. It wasn't an easy transition. Someway, somehow, Biddulph not only managed to succeed as a full-time blogger today, but also mentioned on sites such as <a href="https://www.virgin.com/entrepreneur/10-lessons-failure-10-digital-nomads" target="new" rel="nofollow">Sir Richard Branson's Virgin blog</a>, <a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/kaviguppta/2015/12/20/six-digital-nomads-share-tips-for-tackling-loneliness-on-the-road/#1e3942c05d16" target="new" rel="nofollow">Forbes</a>, and <a href="https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/281889" target="new" rel="nofollow">Entrepreneur</a>.
In December 2017, he wrote an inspiring article on HuffingtonPost. The article is for aspiring bloggers looking to use creative ways to increase blog traffic.
Related: <a href="https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/2-free-blog-traffic-builders_us_5a38632ee4b0cebf48e9f6b7" target="new" rel="nofollow">2 Free Blog Traffic Builders</a> - HuffingtonPost.com
Drewry News Network extends special thanks to super blogger Ryan Biddulph of Bloggingfromparadise.com for mentioning this site on HuffPo. If you haven't visited his blog yet, DNN recommends you to check Ryan out. He's worth your time. Ryan continues to be a fine example of a passionate business blogger that started from the bottom. He used adversity to drive himself entrepreneurially to new heights in total faith. Today, he unselfishly inspires others to take blogging seriously and go from a side hustle blogger to a global online voice. If he can do it, so can you.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1934-bloggingfromparadise-special-thanks-to-ryan-biddulph-for-mentioning-dnn-on-huffingtonpost-com
via Drewry News Network
#PersonalHealth: Time to Invest in a Juice Machine for #BetterHealth
<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bjcDqyI_QmQ" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Fruit and vegetable juicing machines continued to prove themselves worthy to have in households today. As healthcare costs continue to rise without prior notice on most occasions, some people seek alternative ways to stay in good health without consistently visiting a doctor. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables in a juicing machine is a great way to ingest unprocessed nutrients in earthly foods and supply your body with key nutrients. The juice from fresh fruits and vegetables will do your body good in the long run.
The key to success in staying consistent with fruit and vegetable juicing is to develop this habit as a labor of love, and not viewed as a daily task-job to perform. In other words, if you do something you love doing on a daily basis, it won't be viewed as work, and your body will greatly benefit from ingesting fresh fruits and vegetable juice.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/health/vegetable-and-fruit-juicing/1932-personalhealth-time-to-invest-in-a-juice-machine-for-betterhealth
via Drewry News Network
Fruit and vegetable juicing machines continued to prove themselves worthy to have in households today. As healthcare costs continue to rise without prior notice on most occasions, some people seek alternative ways to stay in good health without consistently visiting a doctor. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables in a juicing machine is a great way to ingest unprocessed nutrients in earthly foods and supply your body with key nutrients. The juice from fresh fruits and vegetables will do your body good in the long run.
The key to success in staying consistent with fruit and vegetable juicing is to develop this habit as a labor of love, and not viewed as a daily task-job to perform. In other words, if you do something you love doing on a daily basis, it won't be viewed as work, and your body will greatly benefit from ingesting fresh fruits and vegetable juice.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/health/vegetable-and-fruit-juicing/1932-personalhealth-time-to-invest-in-a-juice-machine-for-betterhealth
via Drewry News Network
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Blogging and SEO: 5 Things Newbie Bloggers Should Know
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