Monday, March 30, 2015

#PresidentObama Almost Slipped Down The Steps Coming Off of #AirForceOne

U.S. President almost busted his resr coming down the steps. He managed to balance himself successfully after coming out of his presidential aircraft.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

#Shopsense Allows You to Profit in #AffiliateMarketing

The Internet has proven itself to be an opportunity to make money in virtually unlimited ways. As most people don't know today, affiliate marketing continues to be a solid source of supplemental income for unemployed and people who hold day jobs. With all types of companies virtually transitioning to the Internet in making money from selling products and services to the masses, it provides a unique opportunity for every day people like yourself to join their online marketing programs as an "affiliate," putting yourself in a golden position to earn what's called "affiliate commissions" from being an affiliate of any online marketing "affiliate program." Just about everyone in America and across the world search the World Wide Web looking for all kinds of wonderful deals. People scour the web everyday searching and engines such as Bing and Google looking for "fashion clearance sales." There's a unique way now for you as an "affiliate marketer" to profit from people looking for [fashion

Secret #NYCSubway Vintage Stations

Did you know #NewYorkCity has a few secret subway stations? One of the secret station from back in the heyday is located in the heart of #Manhattan. The station was designed in the FDR presidency era to host former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt on a secret New York City subway train. The purpose was to secretly shuttle the former president and political cohorts to desired subway stations without interaction with everyday people. The video above is a quick documentary discussing the vintage secret New York subway station and mysterious train designed to transport F.D.R. between stations.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Is It Possible to #StartaBusiness and Multitask?

One thing many people don't know about starting a business online is that you can work on it in your spare time. You can keep a day job, work on your college degree, not worry about paying employees, and maintain a piece of mind building your business on the web from scratch. While it takes a significant amount of time before you experience surges of organic search engine and social networking traffic, building an online business teaches you people skills and patience. Ever thought about starting an online business and worry if you can achieve it? Take a listen to the video above from American Express OPENForum and gain creative ideas how to approach starting an online venture from scratch, while striving for excellence to manage time multitasking.

Friday, March 20, 2015

#SugeKnight Not as 'Hard' As #People Think

Why did Marion Hugh 'Suge' Knight collapse? This is one heckuva show Suge is putting on. And we thought he was gangsta.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Former New York Mayor #Bloomberg and #BillGates of #Microsoft Discuss 'Philanthrophy'

Philanthropy from the heart is classified as being of service to others without expectation. This is what former Mayor of NYC and Bill gates does freely from their hearts. They are admired and well-respected business leaders who achieved greatness through hard work, humility, and overcoming adversity. Bloomberg and Gates continue in their humble journey of helping others succeed through philanthropic acts of kindness by providing monies to help people achieve great things. They are honorable examples of leaders who continue to strive for excellence and help others along the way. Take a listen to what they have to say in this video excerpt from Bloomberg Business.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Frank Bruni Discusses #UniversityofDelaware on #CBS This Morning

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Post by University of Delaware Alumni Relations. Frank Bruni speaks on University of Delaware and who attended U of D who has an impact in today's United States politics. We know our Vice President Joe Biden of Delaware is a UD alumni. And so is current New Jersey governor Chris Christie. University of Delaware says the following on their Facebook fanpage: "Think you or your child needs an Ivy League education? Think again... The University of Delaware is the "Maker of political kings," said New York Times op-ed columnist Frank Bruni on CBS this week. He referenced Vice President Joe Biden, NJ Governor Chris Christie, 2008 campaign director for President Obama, David Plouffe, and Steve Schmidt, senior campaign strategi

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Is #CrefloDollar Allegedly Arrogant or What?

After being put on the spot virtually for hitting his daughter in 2013 and having the charges dismissed in Georgia, the mega-million dollar pastor is now allegedly asking for $60 million in donations from church members to fund him a private jet. If you ask DrewryNewsNetwork, that's not Holy of him to inquire of. What do you think? Is Creflo Dollar allegedly full of himself and using people as a business just to stay rich and avoid paying taxes?

The Truth About Former #WWE Champion #BillGoldberg

Bill Goldberg will never be forgotten. He delivered amazing energy with every wrestling performance. He was the most hated, because there was a special aura about him no other wrestler had. Goldberg is also "blessed," dating back to biblical times. And because he was born blessed, he automatically gained enemies. The truth about Goldberg is no one could beat him fair and square. Kevin Nash cheated back then using Scott Hall to taser Goldberg on his chest, as the taster pointed virtually right on his heart, which explains why Bill's body was frantically squirming as he laid down on the wrestling mat right before Kevin Nash pinned him. Scott Steiner was an arrogant freak. With all his strength, he still couldn't beat Bill Goldberg honestly. Goldberg had unmatched strength and a personality to match which put him above his competition. And that's the raw truth about All of them were scared of him. Even Brock Lesnar!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Flying Fish in #Illinois?

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Post by Mojo TV. That awesome moment when all you have to do is drive a boat through a small river without bait.

#NewCastleCounty Government Takes Hardline Stand Against #Heroin Use

Delaware is a state consistently moving forward doing positive things. Whether it's helping the unemployed get jobs, assisting people with disabilities get fair treatment, or educate Delawareans how to incorporate and start a business in this wonderful state, Delaware continues to be the leader in keeping people successfully moving forward. Every state has individual challenges. And so does Delaware. One issue is drug use. Herion use causes people to completely lose their mind. Everyone knows someone using drugs. As drug use in Delaware continues to be a great challenge, New Castle County government launches a strongarm campaign in the war against Herion use. NCC executive Tom Gordon says this on his Facebook fanpage: "Time for action - This week, New Castle County will launch one of the most aggressive and innovative anti-heroin campaigns in the United States. Aimed at prevention, "The Heroin Trap" campaign will target young people and be complete with gripping TV ads, a dedicated we

New Internet Sales Tax Law in Effect?, the world's most popular site ranking service owned by posted a new notice. Here's what Alexa has to say about internet sales tax after purchasing one of their services after April 1, 2015: "Starting April 1, 2015, state sales tax will be added to Alexa Pro subscription charges for customers located in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Texas, and Washington State." Does this mean some politicians in Washington and a loud mouth court judge who vocalized adding sales tax to online purchases succeeded in their agenda to tax the world wide web?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Accused #Murderer of #Philadelphia Police Offer Robert Wilson III 'Arraigned'

If a person kills another, they deserve to meet GOD instantly in judgment. One of the accused murders was arraigned last night in officer Wilson III's handcuffs. Philadelphia Police say they already have a confession from one of the men responsible for killing Philly cop Robert Wilson III. The defendants deserve a speedy trial so the taxpayer liability of paying to have them on trial is reduced. If you shoot and kill a police offer, you don't deserve to live. If you shoot and kill anyone, you don't deserve to live. You are less than nothing if you rob someone and kill them. Your life is nothing but a vapor, if you trespass against someone without remorse and take their life.

Having the Mental #Muscle for the Hustle to Succeed in #Entrepreneurship

Transitioning into entrepreneurship is never easy. If you want it, you'll be willing to go through the awesome changes. As many people think starting a business and making money is a virtual piece of cake, it's a harder journey to travel vs. working the traditional 9 to 5 workshift. You have to create your own healthcare fund, pension, and do everything else yourself. When you work for someone else, you work for a pension and benefits. Rapper 50 Cent and founder of Curtis Jackson discusses business and thinking like a Harvard businessman in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. You can do anything good you put your mind to, if you believe and do the transformation work at full strength.

Friday, March 6, 2015

#PhiladelphiaPolice Release Mugshots of #Murder Suspects

Image: Philadelphia Police - (NBC Philadelphia) - Brothers Carlton Hipps, 30, and Ramone Williams, 26, are charged with the murder of Philadelphia Police Officer Robert Wilson III. Police say the men killed Wilson during a shootout inside a North Philadelphia GameStop store on March 5, 2015. Ain't this a blip?! Philadelphia Police released the following image above of the two suspects charged in the murder of slain Philly cop Robert Wilson III. Ofc. Wilson died in the line of duty while going into the game stop store in North Philadelphia to purchase a video game, because his son got good grades in school. He came across two suspects announcing a robbery in the store, ganging up on him shortly after entering the store, putting a bullet in his head. Officer Wilson died last night shooting back at the suspects. Actor Dan Aykroyd from the famous 1980's movie Ghostbusters donated today to slain officer Wilson's trust fund. The suspects are brothers. Isn't that somethin

Actor #DanAykroyd Donates to Fallen #Philadelphia Officer's Fund

Wow! @dan_aykroyd and @crystal_head will be making a donation to Officer Rob Wilson s Family! Amazing!! #FlowerShow— Phila Flower Show (@PhilaFlowerShow) March 6, 2015 updates Delaware, New Jersey, and Philadelphia on the murder of fallen Philly Cop Robert Wilson III. Do you remember the name Dan Aykroyd? He's one of the former actors who starred in the 1980's hit movie "Ghostbusters." CBS Philly says while Aykroyd was in Philadelphia today promoting his alcohol brand at the "Philly flower show," he made a surprise announcement. The spontaneous announcement made by the famous actor was to donate money to the fund of fallen "Philadelphia police officer Robert Wilson III." This is a wonderful gesture of kindness and sympathy on his behalf, as well as a blessing to the family of Robert Wilson III.

#DELDOT Acknowledges #Potholes in #Delaware

On today, the Delaware Department of Transportation acknowledged a growing problems throughout the #StateofDelaware. Potholes? Yes,potholes. They're not only in #Wilmington, but throughout #NorthernDelaware and #SouthernDelaware. DelDOT says on a Facebook fanpage post: "Potholes! We know they're out there, but we don't always know where. Report potholes to DelDOT, using the link below, and we'll fill them as quickly as possible." So far, they patched up a few on Route 141 and possibly on Route 273 heading into Newark. DelDOT is striving to patch up the potholes and better serve Delawareans. If you have a pothole to report anywhere in the State of Delaware, click here to add a comment on the DELDOT Facebook fanpage.

#DoverPublications Paying #Affiliates a Starting 10% Commission on

#CommissionJunction (CJ affiliate by Conversant) continues to be the leading #affiliatenetwork. Since 1998, they've paved the way in the #onlinemarketing industry, partnering with quality #advertisers to present #affiliatemarketers with golden opportunities to earn steady income by promoting affiliate programs on their blogs, discussion forums, and websites. is an affiliate network known to pay affiliate publishers good money, giving affiliate marketers via grand opportunity to work on their online businesses from anywhere in the world with the laptop or work from home. A new affiliated merchant has entered the network. Dover Publications Dover publications his company based out of New York that's been around since 1941. Since inception, the company offers a wide variety of quality books to people of all ages. Their purpose is to educate you with useful information. This is a great affiliate program for bloggers and website owners who run education-information based niche sites

Update on #Philly Cop Murder

Not only did they fail to achieve their goals of robbing the Game Stop store in North Philadelphia, but both of them will be held accountable on judgment day by OUR Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. nbc Philadelphia tells us both men had a criminal record and one was out on parole. One of the guns used in a robbery had an extended clip for more rounds to be fired than usual. The church across the street from game stop allegedly has some footage on tape of the suspects. nbc Philadelphia also tells us one of the suspects who wasn't shot by officer Wilson tried to quickly leave the store tried to blend in with the crowd, only to be instantly apprehended by Philadelphia police officers and taken into custody. Officer Wilson was murdered execution style shot in the back of his head. Anyone who gangs up on a police officer and kills them is a coward. Anyone who gangs up on another person and kills them whether they're a police officer or an everyday person is also a coward, and get what they

#PoliceOfficer Ambushed and Murdered in #Georgia

Another police officer dies. A 22 year veteran of the force, Fulton County officer Terence Green was killed after being ambushed by the gunman weilding an assault rifle. says this: "Fulton County police Chief Cassandra Jones said the suspect, Amanuel Menghesha, used an assault style rifle in the shooting." 2 police officers back to back die in the line of duty 2 days straight? This is sad.

#WorkRelease #Fugitive Caught in #SouthDakota and Back in the #StateofDelaware

What made this fool think he could fully from the Delaware work release program and make way over yonder to South Dakota and get away Scott free? Is this man out of his mind or what? He could've finished his work release duties and went home to start his life over from scratch. Instead, he chose to virtually play "Romper Room," leading authorities in South Dakota on a high-speed car chase only to find out he's a wanted man in the state of Delaware. According to, John Landoll, Jr., a 34-year-old male of Newark, Delaware, will be facing a slew of charges after getting bagged by state detectives from the Delaware Atty. Gen.'s office. These charges range anywhere from terroristic threatening, violation of probation, harassment, and escape after conviction. What else is he facing? Delaware offender returns from South Dakota

Thursday, March 5, 2015

#Philadelphia #PoliceOfficer Shot and Killed in #NorthPhilly Inside #GameStop

NBC Philadelphia reports a cop was shot and killed while a robbery was in progress. He was 30 years old and an 8 year vet of the Philly police force, NBC Philly reports.

Is #Blogging Really a Source of #GoodMoney?

Image: Some people talk about earning good money from starting their own business, while others go out striving for excellence by taking a leap of faith after starting a business, and continually strive to earn good money. Can good money be earned from affiliate marketing + blogging? Absolutely. Good money can be earned by anyone on the Internet who starts a business by blogging and partnering with advertisers to sponsor adverts on their blog, or directly sell their personal products and services on their business blog. Either way you look at it, blogging is serious business and can turn into "good money," if you stay faithful after launching your blog and continue doing the transformation entrepreneurial work, by creating "lots and lots of content." What does it take to start a blog? You can get the process started by purchasing your own domain name. After purchasing your customized domain name from your web hosting provider, you can then select the web hosting package of

#SheIsMedia Allows #FemaleBloggers to Earn Good Money from #Blogging

This may be your golden opportunity if you're a female and take blogging seriously. A company in Denver, Colorado known as She is Media is a great blogger-publisher network for female bloggers. The purpose of this affiliate blogging network is to allow women who own serious business blogs with high targeted search and social traffic to earn money by placing advertisements on their blogs. It's a great way to earn good money from affiliate marketing and blogging. If you're not yet taking blogging seriously and think this is just a nickel and dime operation, now is the time for you to rethink, restrategize, formulate a creative swot blogging strategy, and get organized. Blogging is "good money" for everyone. is dedicated to transformation business excellence. They keep female bloggers inspired to earn lots and lots of revenue from ads on their blogs. Female bloggers who use blogging as a business understand how important it is to build their audience respectively with ever

Neighbor Shoots and Drives #DeadMan to Office of #DefenseLawyer

And we thought we heard it all. Have you ever heard of anything this wild? A man in Florida shoots his neighbor dead over a "property dispute," puts the dead body in the back of his pickup truck, and then hauled it all to his defense lawyers office. Is that buck wild or what? Most people who act in self-defense issued a person day would most likely "in most cases" leave the body lay in where it is until police arrive. What got into this man's mind and heart to put a dead body of his former next-door neighbor in his pickup truck and drive it to his defense lawyers office? Whoa.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hints for #Transformation Success

Transformation is an inside job starting with the curation of soul, mind, and lastly, the body. Are you striving for excellence to accomplish transformation excellence, but falling down in your journey? Don't stress it. No one can achieve a perfect transformation. What matters most is you're trying. So stay encouraged. Drew Canole and mastermind of FitLifeTV offers encouragement for your transformation journey. Watch it, encourage yourself, never give up, and keep going even on days you don't feel like it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is It Suge Knight's Time to Pay the Piper?

You can't do everything you want to do in life freely without paying some kind of price. When you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing in life, you have to [pay the piper] sooner or later. Victory is temporary. As many are fooled by bling-bling and large amounts of cash being seen before the very naked eye, those things vanish like dust in the wind, as those material things are nothing more than a "vapor." Is Suge Knights time to pay the piper? After being charged with murder, it looks as if things are spiraling downward for him. Former Death Row records CEO is allegedly rumored to be going "blind." Additionally, Suge was allegedly threatened in jail, possibly in fear for his life. In the video above, Curtis Jackson known as rapper $50 Cent and founder of discusses Suge. He says Suge allegedly wanted to kill Dr Dre. Is this true? What do you think will be the outcome of Suge Knight's murder trial? Do you think he will get life in prison? Or perhaps walk scott-fre

Monday, March 2, 2015

Medical #Marijuana in #Delaware? Oh Really?

The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) made quite an eye-catching post this morning on On their Facebook fanpage, DHSS says: "To clarify, Delaware's Medical Marijuana Program allows for one compassion center, which has been issued a state permit for Germay Drive near Wilmington. Adults with medical conditions that qualify under the law must apply for a medical marijuana registry card through DHSS' Division of Public Health. The First State Compassion Center is expected to open on Germay Drive this spring. To learn more about the Medical Marijuana Program in Delaware:"

Sunday, March 1, 2015

This Woman is Cursing Up a Storm

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));. This crazy woman is cursing like a hot mess while frying food in a pan. What point is she trying to get across cussing all crazy? She's full of "nonsense," if you ask DrewryNewsNetwork.

Enter Now to Win All-Expense Paid Trip to #AffiliateSummit Event in #NYC

Looking to learn more about affiliate marketing? Curious how to earn good money from blogging and content marketing? Earning a full-time income on the web is possible for anyone who believes and makes the first action step by taking a leap in faith and does the transformation entrepreneurial work. Missy Ward and Shawn Collins, founders of, America's largest internet marketing get together, is giving away an all-expense paid trip to New York City to be at the #ASE15 affiliate marketing meetup to be held at the Marriott in Times Square Manhattan. Entering the contest to potentially win the free giveaway is beyond simple. Click this link to enter the Affiliate Summit East 2015 VIP giveaway. Missy Ward says: Shawn Collins and I are giving away a VIP travel experience to Affiliate Summit East 2015 (a $10,000 value) to one very lucky winner. Will it be you? Are you all about earning good money legitimately? Are you really, really about good money? Or are you a procrastin

#Feedio Lets #Bloggers Naturally Grow #EMail and #RSS Subscribers

There's always something cool on the web either free or low cost serious online marketers can use to effectively grow their following. Where there's a will, there's a way. Having a permission-based e-mail allows bloggers to keep their audience updated with changes to their site as well as new product offerings. Winning RSS subscribers allows bloggers to do the same thing and more. E-mail, RSS, and video marketing are critical to the success of any online business. If you don't yet have an e-mail list or striving grow your e-mail list of dedicated and loyal e-mail recipients, now is the time to do the transformation business work, and make those healthy entrepreneurial changes. is a pretty cool service that allows bloggers to do a number of things. Using Feedio allows bloggers to: 1. Promote your personal brand 2. Learn insights on your subscribers 3. Learn about advanced controls When using Feedio for your blog to increase visibility of your online business and grow your e-m

Using #Pinterest as an Alternative Source of #Traffic

Google recently made a sophisticated algorithmic change. It's not the type of algorithmic change that generally affects search engine rankings. It affects search engine rankings for longtail keywords and your overall rankings. The recent algorithmic change by Google affected millions of blogs, forums, and websites that are not friendly. If you only account and use "Google Webmaster tools" and "Google analytics" to keep a close eye on sensitive things about your blog, discussion forum, or website, you may have noticed a recent message in your administrative dashboard. If you own a blog or website powered by Drupal, PHP BB, IP board, or vBulletin and haven't yet made your site friendly, you may have possibly seen a message in your "Google Webmaster dashboard." If your site is powered by WordPress or Joomla!, it's most likely pre-optimized to be mobile friendly, which means you don't have to do anything to make your site mobile friendly, as Google will notice this automatically

#MrPregnant of #NYC is Trying to Clean Up His Act

This guy is known for wearing underwear and women's bras walking the street of Manhattan in broad daylight in bird's eye view of NYPD. Yeah, that's right. In the eyes of Po-9 in New York City, that's absolutely legal. He's known to do a lot in public with his either digital camera or portable camera in New York. He has a YouTube channel and a website branded "Mr. pregnant." When he's not walking around in Manhattan in a bra and panties in bird's eye view of New Yorkers, he's making YouTube videos out of his apartment either playing the guitar, he'll walk around either with a cooking pot on the top of his head in a park in Manhattan, make prank phone calls wearing fake teeth, or make YouTube videos talking about absolute nonsense. Believe it or not, he's earning good money from the YouTube partner-Google AdSense advertising program. He's possibly earning enough money to avoid working a day job. His name is Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st, known as, shnacker shnaw, a goofb

#Levis Offers #AffiliateProgram for #Bloggers to Make Money

For affiliate marketers seeking to diversify the online income strategy by promoting multiple affiliate programs, Levi's jeans may possibly be a good fit for bloggers and website owners. Yes, Levi's jeans now has an affiliate program enabling people own blogs and websites to make money by generating sales to their Levi's affiliated advertisements. Who doesn't wear Levi's jeans? You may have possibly worn them in elementary school, junior high school, high school, or even college. You may have possibly bought a few pairs of them just to wear around the house. Or, bought a pair or two just to have something casual to wear to work on Fridays when they allow you to wear jeans to your job. If you didn't own a pair Levi's jeans back in the day, you probably owned Lee''s Wrangler jeans, Gitano or Jordache jeans. Nowadays, anybody who owns a blog and is engaged in the affiliate marketing industry can virtually make money from any affiliate program the promoter air blog website. If you're look