Friday, April 27, 2018

#SideHustles: Three Reasons Why Your #AffiliateMarketing and #Blogging #SideHustle Might Make You…

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

#SideHustleMillionaire: It’s Never too Late to Achieve the Status of a Future #Millionaire

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

#MillionaireintheMaking: #Governing Yourself Accordingly When Your #Employer Harasses You and Sets…

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#SideHustleMillionaire: A Former #Narcissist #Employer Deserves ‘Some #Respect’

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#SideHustle: #Blogging is the Path to #Entrepreneurship and #JobSecurity

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Monday, April 23, 2018

#SideHustle: Having the Confidence for Consistent #Blogging

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

#SideHustleBlogger: Using Adversity to Stay Motivated Writing #Blogs in Your #SideHustle

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#SideHustleFreedom: Break Free Now from Your #Employer by Starting a #SideHustle #Blog

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Friday, April 20, 2018

#BloggingSideHustle: Using Negative Energy from Your #Employer to Build Your #OnlineBusiness

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

#Blogging and #WeightLoss: Getting Organized With a Morning #Health Regimen

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

#BloggingSideHustle: Take #Blogging Seriously to the Point of Making it a Full Time #OnlineBusiness

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

#AffiliateMarketing: Start #Blogging Now as a #SideHustle to Future #FinancialSecurity

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#Blogging Career: It’s a Good Idea to Start Your #Blogging Journey Now Using Your #Smartphone

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Monday, April 16, 2018

#SideHustle: Start #Blogging Now With the Intent of #WalkingAway from Your #Employer

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Is Marketing Research Necessary to Conduct as an #AffiliateMarketer? Maybe!

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Quality marketing research allows marketers to gather sensitive data to analyze and compare against quantitative and qualitative data to make informed marketing decisions before making attempts to promote any product or service to a target audience. Savvy marketers don't go into a marketing promotion blind and force feed and audience with services and products in hopes of possibly reaping a return on investment as a form of marketing instant gratification. They gather and analyze data as a means of knowing beforehand what they're getting themselves into. The following information below is a sample analysis how some marketers would gather qualitative and quantitative data in their quest to not only become better marketers, but specifically know what to promote at certain times in hopes of increasing ROI.

These fictional numbers are gathered from different people. Some names are automatically generated.

Joe likes buying Nike Jordans 4 times annually and wears a size 15. On average, he spends top retail price and falls in age range of 18-25 and prefers to shop online.

Lisa is a sneaker holic. She wears a size 7, waits until retail prices on brand name sneakers start to plunge, and has numerous credit cards. Lisa prefers shopping online where she doesn’t have to waste gas nor stand in lines or look at people. She falls under the age group of 18-25.

Ronald shops online. He’s 18-25 and wears a size 13 sneaker. His favorite are Adidas and. He has a PayPal account with a virtually unlimited line of credit. This is the type of customer you want to make life easier for. He has unlimited credit!

Anita is going on 55 years of age. She’s returning to the workforce and needs a pair of comfortable walking sneakers. She doesn’t have much credit, but loves shopping online with her debit card. Her favorite sneaker is Reebok.

Katherine will be 77 years of age this March. She used to be a traditional shopper and now shops 100% online mostly through Amazon. Wears a size 10 ½ wide. Like Anita, she too needs a pair of comfortable walking sneakers. No particular brand. Good credit and loves to spend.

Dennis is 54 years old and soon to be a retired software engineer. He allegedly wears a size 14 and just inherited over 1 million from his parents. He allegedly likes Timberland boots, Michael Jordan sneakers, and new balance running sneakers. Shopping online only is his total preference.

Related: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What Is Predictive Advertising & Why Do You Need It?</a> -

Timothy is 50 years of age and allegedly wears a size 11 ½ sneaker. His favorite is Nike Cortez and other Nike sneakers not including Jordans. He has between 6 to 8 children, most of which he still financially supporting. He has a good job working at an oil plant and loves to shop online.

Susan is a secret millionaire with a shoe size of seven. She’s nearly 60 years of age, unmarried, no children, and loves to shop until she drops. She’s always bragging about going to the gym and eating healthy food. That means she loves to spend money. Loves Nike sneakers.

Anisha is a 38-year-old working mother of three children whose steadily on her feet and on the go. She needs not only a comfortable walking shoe with extra padding, but also needs a wide sneaker. Her shoe size is 9 ½. She’s always tired from working & picking up the kids and prefers going online to make her purchases.

William is a 35 your old marathon runner from Denver, Colorado. He prides himself upon eating right, keeping his body healthy, running marathons often, and being an inspiring example of health and fitness to his peers. He wears a size 12 sneaker and notices one of his feet are starting to develop a small bunion. He doesn’t have a particular brand sneaker he likes, but prefers shopping online to save money and time and need a wider running shoe.

Hypothesis Made from Collected Data

Savvy marketers can develop niche based footwear websites with a mixture of sneaker, who, and shoes specifically catering to multiple age groups. For example, marketers can specifically target users aged 18-25 to a section of the website where famous brand-name sneakers are available for purchase. And if people within that age group purchase sneakers within a certain timeframe, they’re eligible to receive an extra 10% off their purchase plus free shipping which is not advertised in regular stores. This is a way marketers can get one step ahead of regular retail stores in winning more sales and making life easier for their target demographic audience.

Other information gathered from the results above was targeting another part of the website to market walking shoes, boots, and sneakers to seasoned individuals. Seasoned individuals meaning the older people.

Smart marketers can not only gain leverage over their competition by offering free shipping on every purchase made on the website, but also make wider size shoes available for all age groups and offer “at random times” 10 to 20% off all purchases. This is a great way to not only encourage repeat business, but increase organic web traffic and get free advertising from site viewers and customers by promoting shoes, boots, and sneakers on their favorite social networks.

The end result is the savvy website shoe marketer becoming an online millionaire in a shorter time span by selling online to the masses and spending less money on paid advertising while delivering satisfaction to their target clientele base.

This sample data analysis hopefully gave amateur marketers some valuable insight how to gather data and analyze information to make an educated hypothesis toward successfully executing their promotion of products and services to any target audience. Holidays such as Black Friday, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Etc all require marketers to gather different types of data to understand the audience they're trying to target at the time.

Doing so keeps marketers one step ahead of their niche competition and helps them add value to the target audience they strive to serve.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Goodness of Blogging as a #SideHustle

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#Pinterest: An All-in-One Solution for Your Business

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Striving to improve your content marketing, increase sales potential, and build a loyal audience? If so, would you rather take the time to pin manually to Or use an automated service like

to outsourse your Pinterest marketing and content scheduling?

Pinning manually and using automation both are good and here's why. Not everyone has time to manually sit at the computer, write organic Pinterest descriptions, and pin content to their profile. They might have day jobs. Some people might not have that mindset to do so. It's all up to the person if they want to sit and write content manually to their Pinterest profile or prefer paying.

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Automated pinning services are great because they provide a piece of mind to content marketers and those selling online to diversity their energies into others internet marketing related things. Pinterest for business helps people from all walks of life improve content marketing potential, directly promote affiliate links with or without a blog or website, and test different things to see what works and what doesn't.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="noopener no referrer">Don’t Overlook Pinterest in Your Social Media Marketing Plan</a> -

Whether you use an automated service like Tailwind or manually pin to your Pinterest profile, your business will dearly benefit from using Pinterest for business. All that's required to prosper is a visionary mindset to endure the test of time as an online entrepreneur, creativity, effort, and writing "lots and lots of content." If you haven't yet started your <a href="" target="new" rel="noopener no referrer">side hustle</a>, it's never too late to get started.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Monday, April 9, 2018

#RobertMueller Fired by #DonaldTrump?

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Can fire former FBI director Robert Mueller? reports on Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's office raided by FBI agents. What does this mean for Mueller? Can and will Donald terminate his employment with the U.S. government?

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#SideHustles: The Truth About Getting Started in Your #SideHustle

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Is Bishop #TDJakes too scared to speak against #homosexuality?

Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and divorce and remarriage is a sin. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's wrong!

​​​​​​ Thomas Dexter Jakes is listed as possibly the highest paid preacher in America. His alleged net worth is possibly over 100 million dollars and possibly close to or more than quarter of a billion dollars today. TD Jakes is highly suspected of being too afraid to speak against homosexuality for fear of his net worth possibly being severely depleted.

How does Thomas Dexter Jakes view homosexuality? Joel Osteen doesn't speak against it. Bishop TD Jakes has no updated videos at this time on or anywhere across the internet speaking against homosexuality and gay marriage. Why? Many believe TD Jakes is supporting homosexuality and gay marriage indirectly.

Does TD Jakes have the courage to appear on popular talk shows such as and openly denounce gay marriage and homosexuality to the world? TD Jakes is highly suspected of being a false prophet. Your thoughts on this?

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Thursday, April 5, 2018

#CrefloDollar: Are His #Finances 'Questionable?'

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How does one get arrested for assaulting their child, then turns around and gets financial assistance from a loyal congregation without questioning hos motives for acquiring a jet worth $65 million? Creflo Dollar of Atlanta, Georgia is seen by many as a false prophet and an allegedly "male money Jezebel." He allegedly makes people believe and feel if they contribute more money to the church he preaches out of, the congregation members will receive an abundant financial blessing based on how much "more" they tithe.

Creflo Dollar's moves are highly questionable and seen as a suspected "scam artist." Has the name "Crafty Creflo scam artist" rightfully been branded as his new name?

from Drewry News
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#Marriage is a Sacred Vow: No Such Thing as Divorcing and Remarrying

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Getting married is a sacred ritual and a vow you take before The LORD Jesus Christ.

Many people from the world today believe that it's okay to divorce and remarry from your first husband or first wife. This concept of thinking is absolutely false. Did you know as long as your first husband or wife is still in the landed on a little living that you're married to them no matter what? Yes, it's absolutely true. A man was made for a woman and a woman made for a man. A man was not made to lay with another man nor marry another man. A woman was not made to lay with a woman nor marry another woman.

Many people fail to acknowledge or have no knowledge that marriage is supposed to be between two individuals who are equally yoked spiritually. Divorcing and remarrying someone else is against Biblical law. Additionally, it's not a good idea to search online for singles to potentially marry because the way of Holiness strictly states that man and woman should be spiritually yoked equally, as previously mentioned as well as knowing what they're getting themselves into. When you get married, you are in marriage prison with that person until you or them are no longer in the land of the living. This is a lifetime binding contract between man and woman who has never been previously married.

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If you've never been previously married and you marry someone who divorced, you're not married to that person. In fact, the person you thought you married who divorced their first husband or wife is still married to them legally. In other words, scriptural law does not allow people to divorce and remarry. So the person who divorced and remarried you as their spouse is breaking scriptural law. It also means for you that you're not legally and spiritually contracted to that person because they were previously married and their first spouse is still in the land of the living.

Related: Visit to learn the truth about divorce, marriage, the law against remarriage, and how to live a clean life.

Truth: When you marry, you're "not allowed" to divorce your spouse and marry someone else. That's called adultery. Another truth is when your eyes glance upon another person in lust while you're married, though you haven't performed the physical act, because your eyes lusted upon that individual. That's still classified as adultery. Want to know the third truth? The third truth is you can separate from your wife or husband, but you're still married to them even if you're not having physical relations. You’re still married to them while separated and can’t divorce and remarry another. That’s scriptural violation if you divorce and remarry whether you separate or not.

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Fourth truth is while you're separated from your husband or wife, scriptural law prohibits you from being with another individual in any sort of way. Whether it's through casual conversation on the telephone, internet messaging, texting on the telephone cell phone, video chat, or physical relations. In other words, while you're married to the person and separated, you may not go out and have sex with someone else just because your urges overwhelm you. Being married is a lot of work. And there's nothing wrong getting up in age and still being single if you're unsure about marriage or how to go about planning and having a successful marriage. If you're unsure about getting married or who to marry, stay single. You may be lonely, but it's worth it.

Take a listen to the videos above on by Pastor Gino Jennings of Philadelphia delivering a clear and concise sermon discussing divorce and remarriage; what's allowed and what's not. The video is to help you have a deeper biblical understanding about the obligations of marriage and what your duties are as a wife or husband. It’s important to check your feelings and emotions before you say “I do.” After saying I do and kissing, you’re in “marriage prison,” and can’t get out until you or your spouse is no more of this world. No exceptions!

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

#JordanRetro: Still a Few Sizes Left for #Jordan12Bordeaux

<img src="" rel="noopener noreferrer" width="600" height="400" alt="#MichaelJordqan and #Nike continue to prove the #airJordan #sneaker is #priceless and holds #value. The #Jordan #sneakers have #successfully #withstood the #test of #time & #impact #people from #all #walks of #life long after the #NBAJordan #retirement. #Collecting #Jordans is #good for #business and #vintage #collectors of the #Jordan #classicsneakers. -"></a> is currently showing at the time of this post on their website a few good sizes left in the "Nike air Jordan Retro 12 Bordeaux." The "Bordeaux Nike Jordan" is a reinstroduced version of the original "Nike Jordan Retro 12," but with a new flavor "Bordeaux."

FootAction is currently showing the air Jordan Men's Bordeaux in the following sizes:


All size Bordeaux Jordans were previously sold out due to the popularity of this new flavor Retro Jordan 12 sneaker.

While cross checking related websites for the "Jordan Retro Bordeaux 12," still has them available for grade school boys and girls. Pre-school boy's sizes are in stock at Champs. The Jordan Retro 12 girls pre-school sizes are available and more colors available as well.

In the Jordan Retro 12 Men's sizes on Champs, the following sizes are available:

8.5 - 17 (minus size 13.5, 14.5 15.0, 15.5, 16.5).

The Jordan Retro 12 is a classic sneaker. It'll surely be worth more money in years to come. Smart shoppers double up when purchasing Jordans: one for themselves, and the other to sell later on eBaY, Craigslist,,,,,,,,, and related buying and selling websites for twice or triple the original cost.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network