Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Keys to #Achieving Long-Term #WeightLoss

#LosingWeight is more than a #stateofmind and looking good on the #outside. #Fitness of the #mind and #spirit helps keep #unhealthy #weight off for #life. When you commit yourself to making #healthy #changes and be a #leading example of #transformation, the #process of keeping #unhealthyweight off becomes simpler, #helping you to become #leaner and #lighter #spiritually and #physically.

Make #Money on #LinkShare with #Starbucks #AffiliateProgram

Image: If you love drinking Coffee, you can now make money online from your favorite drink. There's very few folk in America who opt again drinking the popular beverage. And now, if you own a blog and use affiliate marketing as a means of supplementing your income or making money online full-time, you can join a well-known affiliate program. has an online marketing program available on LinkShare. For bloggers and website owners, Starbucks affiliate program allows approved publishers to add a snippet of HTML code to their blog templates, and display Starbucks ads alongside blog posts or webpages. When a site visitor clicks the ad and makes a purchase from Starbucks through your unique affiliate link, you earn what's called an "affiliate commission." This is the beauty of marketing affiliate programs on blogs and websites, in addition to increasing the probability of making money online 24 hours a day while sleeping. Howard Schultz , straight out of the Breu

Faith and Making #Healthy Changes as a #NewYears Resolution

Transformation is so much more than regaining your health on the outside. It's always good to eat right, exercise, and do cardio. What about getting in good solid spiritual nutrition? The word of GOD first in your life will help you become healthier than hoped for. It'll keep you inspired to go the extra mile, even if you're striving for excellence to make healthy changes in your life out of desperation. Believe in yourself and never give up. That's true transformation. No matter how far off track you fell in your past goals striving to be better, the new year gives you a new opportunity to get back on track. Faith takes anyone further than desired in their personal transformation. A spiritual, creative, and positive approach to making healthy changes benefits anyone for life. Mind, body, and soul. No matter how much we try to accomplish all we hope for in any year, chances are we will never accomplish everything hoped for. What matters most is how much we strive daily to accomplish a

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Achieve Long-Term #WeightLoss by #JuicingVegetables

#Changing your #lifestyle by #eating #healthyfood, #exercising, doing #cardio, and juicing vegetables is never easy to #achieve in the #beginning. When you're used to eating #anytime of the day, eating #anything you want, not #caring about your #physique, and #eatingfood just to be #munching, you're pretty much #robbing yourself of #energy, #libido, and the #zest for #life. #Exercise, #diet, #vegetablejuicing, #cardiovascular #activity, and #positivethinking are #keys to #losingweight. -

Monday, December 29, 2014

Obama, Obama, Obama...

They had to relocate to another location to get married, because U.S. President Barack Obama was in Hawaii to play "golf." Nevertheless, President Obama congratulated them on their wedding and wished them the best. Can play golf better than To be or not to be.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Good #Food at #Applebees -

Good #Food at #Applebees - Delivers A+ Satisfaction with Award-Winning Shrimp N Parmesan Sirlion

Applebees does it again delivering consumer satisfaction beyond expectation. Have you visited your local Applebees restaurant lately and tried out the finger-licking good Shrimp n' Parmesan Sirloin? If you haven't yet delved into this wonderful entree, you're overdue for a good plate of food. With the entree price tipping close to $19, it's worth every penny, dime, and dollar. When you order the Shrimp N' Parmesan Sirloin, you're presented with the option of ordering 2 sides of your choice. In this scenario, it was mashed potatoes and steamed veggies. When ordering, it's a wise choice to order your steak "well done," in addition to ordering 2 cups of "sour cream" for the steak. Yes, putting sour cream on the steak and shrimp is absolutely delicious. Shrimp N' Steak Parmesan Sirloin up close and personal (Robin Leach style) Applebees delicious Chicken Quesadilla Final draw Applebees Shrimp N' Sirloin Steak grade: A Hint: If you're on a date and you're on a budget looking

5 Solid Affiliate Programs to Join on

Commission Junction, now known as CJ Affiliate by Conversant proves itself times over to be a dedicated and successful affiliate marketing network leader. Since 1998, the company, based out of Santa Barbara, California, helps connect bloggers and website owners to quality online merchants. Their mission is to help advertisers and affiliate maintain positive online working relationships and increase web profit potential through creative online marketing ploys. CJ Affiliate by Conversant is a financially stable affiliate network who pays hard-working affiliates who drive traffic and convert into sales healthy profits by promoting affiliate links on their blogs and websites. This method of making money on the World Wide Web for affiliate marketers and bloggers have in fact made many "Internet millionaires." This line of work is not for everyone. Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way for people to supplement their income if unemployed or working a day job. Promoting affiliate programs by

Saturday, December 27, 2014

How to #Mentally #Profit and Avoid #Trouble After #Breakups

Did you know there's a unique way to #achieve a 360° #transformation and become a #better #person from a #failed #relationship? #Relationships, whether they #fail or #succeed, have #specific #subliminal #messages for everyone to #learn from. If your #ex tries to #contact you, #ignore and #moveon in #life without ever #seeing or #speaking to them again.

North Korea and Sony Playstation Owners

North Korea and Sony PlayStation owners have something in common. They're both complaining about the hack.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Yup - He Did Something!

Screech from Saved by the Bell is in t'wobl.

How Does #NorthKorea Feel About #TheInterview?

The Interview is now available in movie theaters. And, North Korea is still allegedly offline. If the North is still knocked offline, how are they possibly feeling right now?

#Eating Good #Food at #Hibachi #Restaurant -

#Eating Good #Food at #Hibachi #Restaurant -

Positive Thinking Turns Adversity into Blessings and Opportunity

Image credit: Zig Ziglar - Facebook When something negative happens in your life, you may possibly feel in the moment it's the virtualy end of the world. It's not. Adversity happens in everyone's life. There's nothing you can do to prevent it. However, the way you react to it can make you a better person. That is, if you continue thinking positive despite dealing with the adverse challenge. This quote gives anyone hope for a bright future Image: When something negative happens, don't focus on the impact it has in the moment. See the good in adversity subliminally. Strive always to be better. Whether it's going back to church, starting a business, meeting a special someone, making more money, having better business and personal relationships, give it your all. Be determined to turn something adverse into complete goodness. And, share that goodness with others. Lift them up too in your journey. That's what being a leader is about. If you're going through something, don't let

How to Improve After a #Relationship #Breakup

It's never easy disconnecting from a person who you were in a relationship #emotionally, but you'll have to start #wrestling with those #feelings now and #overcome them. That is, if you #truly desire to #grow #spiritually, #physically, and gain more #control over your #emotions.

Guess Who Unfriended You on Facebook?

You certainly would love to know that information, wouldn't you? If you have a Facebook friend list with thousands of friends, whether it be on a business or personal level, you can now easily find out who removed you. When you find out the sad truth about who removed you as a friend from their Facebook friends list, just maintain a positive attitude and don't go messaging them asking why you removed me, because nine times out of 10, you're not supposed to really know in the first place. And, no speaking through other people's Facebook profiles to the person that deleted you trying to get information out of them too. Leave them alone and move on. It's not that serious. Who deleted me on Facebook is a site currently working to keep Facebook profile owners informed who removes them as a friend. To use the site and connect it to your profile is as easy as 1-2-3. All you have to do is visit the site. You should already be logged into your Facebook account at the time of connecting Who del

Hackers Gone Wild in China?

North Korea is accused of hacking into Then, South Korea gets hacked. And now, Japanses back accounts are allegedly hacked and looted out of millions. What's going on with all this hacking? Is this a case of hackers gone wild, or "hackers on steriods?" Chinese hackers are now reported to be pressing their way into Japanese banks. And, they're allegedly doing it on the web. When will the hacking nonsense cease and desist?

DuPont Allegedly 'Moving Out of Wilmington'

Rumor has it that is allegedly moving headquarters out of Wilmington, Delaware. The headquarters is potentially moving to the 'burbs.' And, did you know DuPont headquarters in Wilmington at Rodney Square is down the block from Bloomberg Wilmington? If you didn't know, now you do.

WWE Pretty Boy Dwayne The Rock Johnson Does Song and Dance

The jabroni does his little tooting on the microphone for the holiday season live on Kelly and Michael. It looks as if Dwayne the Rock Johnson from wrestling has on a male adult version of the vintage A Christmas Story outfit "without the feet." If you look closely at the video, it does seem as if he's wearing American holiday jammes.

Delicious #Hibachi #Lunch #Buffet -

Delicious #Hibachi #Lunch #Buffet -

Put a Smile on Your Face if You Have to Work Today

​If you have to work today, be happy. Many people in America today who are unemployed wish they had your job. If you have a family at home waiting for you to come home from work, be thankful someone cares about you. Many Americans today are either unmarried, unable to produce children, or have no one to come home to. Be thankful for each day because there's someone out there less fortunate than you. wishes you a blessed and prosperous 2015.

Klepto Neighbor Caught on Camera Thiefing Away

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Post by ABC 20/20. She got caught on camera peeping the scenes to see if it was all good to do some quick boosting. She peeps through the window, boosts the wreath, touches doorknob "fool left her fingerprints," lifted a box, and off her merry way she trots. When the 63 year old woman who has a fine house and virtually brand new what looks like a Jeep Cherokee parked in her driveway was asked by a news reporter why she did it, no reaction. What happened to her? Did neighbors press charges and take her to court for doing that?

Why It's Not a Good Idea To Get Your Ex Back

When a relationship is terminated, you should cease from all communication with that person. Does not matter how deep your feelings are for the individual. Cease from any and all communication, whether it be on social media, telephone, or otherwise. No speaking through other people is allowed. Forget the person even exists. Here is why it's not a good idea to get your ex back:They had more than enough time to improvise in their mind how they're going to finish you off She or he can possibly think of something conniving to ruin your career Possibly has a scheme up their sleeve to make you look like a fool in front of others Entice you to attend an event to have you falsely arrested ​​The list goes on. The ex is an ex for a reason. If the relationship didn't work in the first place what makes you think it'll work the second time around? Your ex is not to be trusted after the first break up. The acts is just a learning experience to have a more meaningful relationship with the next p

DPRK Troublemaking North Korea Website is Temporarily Offline

At the time of this post, DrewryNewsNetwork specifically searched in Google to locate the official DPRK North Korea website. It was no surprise after going to the website that it didn't cache properly, nor did the site load at all. Kim Jong-Un is allegedly one angry grown toddler. If the North is knocked offline again at the time of this post, that means the DPRK government heads can't:Watch YouTube videos Look at hot girls on singles dating sites such as and Watch online Can't watch "The Interview" Watch the Celebrity Apprentice starring Watch additional American programming such as rap videos by Drake, Nikki Minaj, Dipset, Snoop Lion, and more Can't buy anything on and have it shipped to North Korea No affiliate publisher checks from Google AdSense ​The DPRK and Jong-Un as it's primary host are feeling some kind of way right about now. Nowadays, anyone who goes for periods of time without internet virtually starts spazzing out. How's Kim

How to #Earn #Income Using the #Internet

The #worldwideweb is an #everyday #growing #portal of #endless #information. Whether it's a #news #site updating people with #currentevents, a #technology #blog putting out recent changes in the #evolving #tech #world, or a new #website that helps #affiliatemarketers and #bloggers put their #creative #ideas to #work #online, silent #opportunity awaits for those who start their own #blogs and #websites and #create #content to #build their #audience, #webtraffic, and increase web promo #potential.

AvantLink Helps Affiliates Easily Monetize Sites for Web Profit Potential

Founded in 2005 by Scott Kalbach, Gary Marcoccia, and Paul Kalbach, they took a unique approach to affiliate marketing. They sincerely value building and sustaining positive online working relationships. The founders were wise starting AvantLink in 2005, as this was also the same year came into existence and was formerly a small business operation a floor up from a pizza shop. AvantLink is a performance affiliate marketing network who works with quality advertisers to help them connect with affiliate marketers, bloggers, and website owners to earn healthy online income together. AvantLink US traffic rank on Alexa If you're looking to become an AvantLink affiliate publisher and own a blog or website, you can take the first action step towards affiliate-publisher approval by filling out the AvantLink publisher application here. Once your publisher-affiliate online application is approved and you're able to login to your AvantLink-affiliate-publisher dashboard, you can start

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The #Beauty of #TrueTransformation

#Succeeding in #losingweight and #achieving a #physical #transformation is only the icing on the #cake. The real transformation starts in your #heart, #mind, and #soul.

#Health, #News, #SocialMedia, #Reviews, #NewYork, and More -

Tune in #daily to the #official #Scoop page and stay in the know.

Monday, December 22, 2014

North and South Korea Hacked Simultaneously?

There's world floating around internets South Korea has allegedly been hacked. Did North Korea allegedly hack the South? What's going on? All of a sudden, it's hack after hack, and hack for hack. Who's behind it?

Troublemaker North Korea is Back Online

The world possibly wonders if Kim Jong-Un allegedly made a virtual deal with someone behind closed doors to get his internet turned back on. Such a comical deal would be something like: "I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger and my internet reactivated today." Some people, including DrewryNewsNetwork, assume Jong-Un is dancing around North Korea, now that he can surf the web and allegedly look at young women again on and other personal dating sites. What exactly does Kim Jong-Un look for online when he's searching in search engines such as,, and Who knows!? North Korea is online again

Transformation Starts in the Heart and Soul

When you do the transformation work in your heart and strive to be a Christ like example for change, regardless how many times you fall, get back up and never quit. Transformation will help anyone get it together and convey healthy messages for The Lord Jesus for the purpose of helping others be better and live for GOD. Transformation is a lifetime journey starting with the curation of the soul, heart, mind, and body. Getting on an 18 week weight loss and physique alteration plan to improve overall health is definitely a good thing. But transformation so much more than that. Transformation starts with the healthy intention to spiritually change your mindset, better your spirit, as everything else will follow. A good thing about the weight loss part of transformation is feeling like a brand-new person in the process. You appreciate the journey of transforming from someone possibly bent out of shape physically, mentally and spiritually, transitioning into an individual you couldn't fath

North Korean Leader Allegedly Feels Like 'Angry Little Boy'

Image Credit: The world wonders how North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un feels right about now. Nowadays, almost anyone would allegedly go haywire mentally without having instant internet access. If Jong-UN allegedly uses the internet to surf singles sites looking at young women, his anger may possibly boil over, due to not having access to see fine women he could never meet and date. It's a shame North Korea doesn't allow the people to have readily available access to the world wide web. Instead, the North just wants to keep people's minds in virtual captivity. They can threaten others, but when things are done to the communist regime, they want to pout and have an alleged pity party. North Korea needs to learn how to get along with the rest of the world, humble themselves, and give their people freedom.

North Korea Experiences 'No Internet'

The hardline dictatorship DPRK communist country known as North Korea are feeling like 'salty dogs' right about now. After being accused of allegedly behind the hack, the communist regime is now feeling backlash. For those in North Korea who have freedom to surf the web as they please, the temporary internet outage means they can't do the following: Make money from blogging and Google AdSense No revenue generated from affiliate marketing No sneaking and allegedly going on to look at singles No social mingling on,, or And no access for the moment to watch additional programming online, whatever it may be. Too bad for the DPRK. Suck it up and deal with it!

Pop-Up Shops Acknowledged by State of Delaware

Remember the spot in Wilmington where the old Commerce bank was? It's now a pop-up shop. There, vendors can showcase their goods to the general public and make money on the spot. Pop-up shops are now being discussed on the web as being one of the fastest ways for businesses to easily connect with potential customers and earna buck or two right on the spot. OPENForum discussed it. And now, the

Use Rejection to Succeed as a Freelance Entrepreneur

#Dedicated #freelancing requires #creativity, #patience, and a #willingness to go the #extramile. It'll show you what you're truly made of. If you feel you can #succeed in this line of work as an #entrepreneur, go for the #gusto and take the #first #action #step in #faith. Past experiences have a unique way on #inspiring anyone with the #right #mindset to #thinkpositive and use those events propelling them to new #heights in #life. A bad experience can be a #blessing in #disguise.

#Manta Provides an #Avenue to Help You Improve #SEO

Getting an #onlinebusiness off of the #ground is #challenging. You need #visibility. Your site #referenced on other #networks. Manta has a #free and #premium #service #designed to help you get your #internetbusiness not only in front of many #people on the #worldwideweb, but also, increase #traffic from #searchengines.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blogging is Joy To The Soul and Good for Business

Blogging allows anyone to creatively express their feelings. Blogging can help anyone earn a decent living. Blogging is more than making money from ads on the world wide web. Blogging is information marketing on steriods, inspiring aspiring bloggers to succeed in their blogging endeavors. Blogging helps to keep a positive mindset. If you desire to start an internet career in blogging for business, anyone can start our for free with by Google. Blogging for free is the easiest way in producing unique and quality compelling content while meaningfully connecting with others on the world wide web, and increasing your search engine rankings. Need inspiration to start blogging ? Take a look at the useful reading resource links below. Get started today working faithfully to build your online presence.Blogging for business - Bloomberg BusinessWeek Forbes - Business Blogging Are you convinced now to start your online blogging venture? You should. There's a silent goldmine online, ju

How to Build #OnlineAuthority with #GuestBlogging

Guest posting on websites and blogs will do more than good for your blog or website if you take the leap of faith and do the transformation business work. When search engines quietly grade websites and blogs, they look at a number of things. The first thing major search engines look at is the frequency of unique content being produced on the domain. The more unique and informative content a site produces, the more search engine crawlers will be enticed to come back to the site, thus, moving that site up in search engine results pages potentially faster than it's competitors. Guest posting on websites and blogs benefits your search engine optimization for years to come. Why? Simply because as the SEO of a website or blog you made a guest post on improves in search engine results pages, your site will automatically improve in major search engines automatically, simply off of the strength of leaving a link in your guest post pointing back to your URL address-site. Another great benefit o

How to Increase #Traffic and #Views Using #YouTube

If you own a YouTube video channel, you probably noticed how they allow for you to enter multiple URLs in the homepage of your YouTube channel. For professional bloggers, affiliate marketers and online corporations, this can potentially mean increased exposure to your additional social networking profile pages. Additionally, it can also result in a possible increase in your search engine optimization efforts. Including links to your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, MySpace, StumbleUpon, Technorati and other social networking profiles can potentially help increase trust in online buying confidence from people who view your YouTube videos and visit your social networking profiles. 'Taking Babysteps' Let's say for example if you're trying to specifically increase traffic to your LinkedIn Company page or LinkedIn profile. If you want to achieve that goal using YouTube, simply enter the URL first in the URL section of your YouTube video channel homepage. After you have done that, all you

Sheriff Killed in Florida?

A Florida law enforcement officer is reported to be shot and killed, just hours after a gunman traveled from Baltimore, Maryland to Brooklyn, New York to shoot two NYPD officers. NBC News

Does Brock Lesnar Have a Personal YouTube Channel? is more than a wrestler. In his spare time, he possibly uploads videos to his YouTube channel he or his management company allegedly created. The channel may be fan created. There's a few interesting videos ranging from interviews with old-school WWF wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper, to Frank Shamrock, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and more. The alleged Brock Lesnar YouTube channel is powered by Google AdSense. Whoever owns it is making money potentially when new videos are uploaded and ads appear alongside. Almost everyone is silently making the transition into affiliate marketing. The internet continues to be a solid medium for creating a supplementary income alongside daytime employment. It'll be interesting to see who else transitions into online marketing in the near future.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

'Heads Up' on a #Buffet Spot in #Newark

There's nothing like enjoying a hearty lunch or dinner buffet at any oriental restaurant. There's many wonderful Hibachi restaurants in Delaware to dine without breaking the bank. There are days when you just want to eat and enjoy paying the regular lunch or dinner price and nothing more. Recently, the founder of DrewryNewsNetwork dined at a buffet spot in Newark known as King Buffet. It's located in the same lot of BJ's. King Buffet serves delicious and satisfying food to the general public. Lunch is just $7.49. And for $7.49, you are definitely getting your money's worth and walking out a happy customer. Last week, the founder of experienced something deemed 'slick.' The waitress serving the table already knew from jump street that the founder only wanted "Water," and only that. The founder left the table to get a second plate of delicious lunch buffet to come back and see a second cup with a straw in it. And, there were bubbles popping, which was a giveaway th

#NYPD Officers in #SouthBrooklyn Killed by Gunman

The New York Post reports two NYPD officers were shot dead "execution style" in Brooklyn. It's unclear why the gunman walked up to the police car. As the New York Post says, NYPD officers were parked and working overtime as part of an "anti-terrorism drill." The Post also goes on to say the gunman fled to a nearby subway station. The gunman is now dead. Why did the gunmen opened fire unprovoked on two New York City police officers?

#NYPD Officers in #South Brooklyn Killed by Gunman

The New York Post reports two NYPD officers were shot dead "execution style" in Brooklyn. It's unclear why the gunman walked up to the police car. As the New York Post says, NYPD officers were parked and working overtime as part of an "anti-terrorism drill." The Post also goes on to say the gunman fled to a nearby subway station. The gunman is now dead. Why did the gunmen opened fire unprovoked on two New York City police officers?

4 #Reasons to #Start an #OnlineBusiness

If you #mustered up the #courage to start an #internetbusiness, pat yourself on the back. You're way #ahead of #procrastinators. By taking the #first #action #step towards putting your #business #idea into #fruition, you also put yourself on the #fasttrack for #success.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Are They Trying to Make Bill Cosby Broke?

Former Rocafella CEO Damon Dash speaks on Bill Cosby Most people in America and across the world pretty much assumed and knew prosecutors would decline to file charges against one of America's most loved entertainers. Bill Cosby has been under virtural fire for a very good while now. He's accused of allegedly drugging and raping women going as far back as the late 1960's. If he allegedly committed those crimes back then, why would a woman wait 30, 40, or even close to 50 years later to report the crime? DrewryNewsNetwork assumes this is all about bringing Cosby down and striving to cripple his billionaire status. Truth is, someone seriously has it out for him and is working through many people and companies to ruin his reputation. Cosby will not face any charges. But, he may face a possibly serious dent in his finances after all of this came out against him. True or untrue, it's possibly hurting his finances. This too shall pass.

Who is This #ComedyCentral Looking Man Claiming to be a 'Preacher?'

Who exactly is "preacher"? Is he an Internet marketer? Is he a blogger? Is he an affiliate marketer? We know he reads the Scriptures. We know he likes making YouTube videos. We know he likes creating "reviews of blogs and websites on YouTube videos." But, who exactly is [preacher]? Most people know him as a "virtually fast talking person," who moves his tongue over 100 miles an hour. He wears glasses. Is preacher married? Does preacher have kids? How old is preacher? Who knows this "gentleman who calls himself preacher on YouTube videos." And, how does this gentleman benefit from talking about companies and people he doesn't know personally? He owns no website or blog with ads? Or does he?

YouTube Temporarily Unavailable?

DrewryNewsNetwork just tried to enter in the web browser at the time of this post - 12/17/ 2014 @ 8:19 p.m. The following was seen after trying to access the world's famous video sharing site: 500 Internal Server Error Sorry, something went wrong. A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation. If you see them, show them this information: AB38WEMEmlR9UF3L83zWXvMrXMz3snwkvu_AMN6xX8ajDAOBy9 dEQ9AKSJbC Uzbc2851uzttw8YUvl6pIBsj7Ok8b2-cBZ7zXb7JQzoU7CSM2zwe1JXykFW3 Xk3KncVnNWuTRWIB1HNI4GlQKfEfYP-SPmtUPkMlUHXGPiFR5lRdWxMW7PV4 KC3qGwBhQ_Z2jmsu3V0fHXbVdT_CybmkZG-xUPa9FCouDKx-cXALT53Oqazu pMCTw-pfepdLS0uSfJqgijWANENtyxYtwRvIp2gVXSDjeBmOa8hk7ot7 5gEd 8-uWXS7evEGlzbNDi3A5AvxtprbyIbpR9AQhzehPvqiS-r68KICbUalAshYC VW0zxyTloL0LTfy1J2VlN7Jc974PCRDh8yj7I4aDHGMxtERNpy hmKrIsy8qv IcR9WORAXUsYXlnMHdgQ4oMA9YrotbkXxjqT9FUM2mTgrf5QFv QFBE0fxQVk faDa9IpEF_qahMqzJglEHUMTQZZqKylC6a00bPv3I14ev0twCK _vIUyn78qK ZUiSv5Ca_NNoCQSuAPcm8JLjr_Vq74PgZDQmbiAsNSiZ54kb7N q2LDID4

Open Registration for Affiliate Summit West 2015 Meetup in Las Vegas

Image: If you haven't yet registered to attend Affiliate Summit West 2015, it's open season now for registering. Affiliate Summit East 2014 in New York City was an absolute blast. There, newbie affiliate marketers experienced the grand opportunity of meeting internet marketers and bloggers from all walks of life and see how everyday people are putting the awesome power of the internet to create a supplementary income. Affiliate Summit, founded by Missy Ward and Shawn Collins in 2003, continues to successfully bring together online advertisers and bloggers-affiliate marketers for the purpose of building and sustaining positive online working relationships. Affiliate Summit events are educational, fun, and worth spending money to attend. At Affiliate Summit West 2014 in January 2014, former WWE heavyweight champion Terry Boella - showed up. He appeared at Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas, Nevada to promote his web hosting company (funct

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How to Better #SEO and Increase #Revenue Potential

#SearchEngineOptimization continues to be a #topic #discussed #online throughout the #world among #affiliatemarketers, #bloggers, #contentmarketers, #webmasters, and #websiteowners. Is there any #perfect way to do #SEO? No. #Content is and always will be #king on the #internet. When you create "lots and lots of content" for your #blog or #website that serves the #people, your #searchenginerankings automatically improve. It's a #patient process to better your #searchengine #rankings, but keep doing the #transformation #work anyway.

Things You Can #Write About to #MakeMoney

#Writing #online can sometimes be #challenging. #Blogging is a great way to #share #ideas, create discussion, and make money from #advertisements from #affiliateprograms on your #site.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Phase 2 Honest Review - Hibachi Supreme Buffet and Grill - Newark, Delaware

In case you didn't know, Hibachi Supreme Buffet and Grill in People's Plaza off of Route 40 in Newark, Delaware is 'back in bidnis.' If you haven't yet ventured over there to enjoy dinner, you may want to consider making a stop over yonder and have a quick sit down with a few plates of good food. In comparison to three other hibachi restaurants located in New Castle County, the hibachi buffet spot in Newark is champion of all. A few delicious recommendations-selections to put on your dinner plate:Crab rangoons Beef and broccoli Chicken and Broccoli Sautéed shrimp Mild breaded large Shrimp Chicken salad Steak Teryaki (cooked as special order at the sushi bar) Chicken teriyaki Sautéed Tofu Mei Fun noodles Lo Mein The list goes on and to many more delicious selections to mention. Pricing: Hibachi Supreme Buffet and Grill - Newark, Delaware (dinner $10.49) Hibachi Supreme Buffet and Grill - Newark, Delaware (dinner allegedly MORE than $12.99 priced today close to $14.00) Grand East Buff

Build Relationships and Succeed Using Facebook

If you’re still doubting the awesome power of affiliate marketing, blogging, creating lots and lots of content for your blog or website, and using social media to drive traffic to your site in efforts of creating a future potential full-time income, eliminate doubt now. You’re delaying your own online marketing success by not striving to get organized and your failure to launch a business on the net. When it comes to blogging, social networking on Facebook, and revenue potential, you should get excited about making that dream a reality and slowly work toward achieving entrepreneurial greatness. Bloomberg discusses using Facebook 15 minutes a day to drive traffic to blogs and websites. Benefits of syndicating content to Facebook:Not paying for advertising of your site unless you utilize Facebook CPC ads Having people virally share your content and benefit from energy of others Putting a part-time idea into fruition by working in your spare time Increasing the probability of getting

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Drama on New York Subway Train

After the man in the video seen wearing the 8-ball jacket was slapped by the young lady in his head with the heel of her shoe on a New York City Subway train, he slapped the sugar-hill out of her and sent her flying across the train. It was a virtual WWE wrestling match in the moment following. As a result, his Felony and misdemeanor charge were dropped after a prosecutor determined he acted in self-defense.

Opportunity Flows Abundantly for Mobile Advertising Affiliates

Here's something for bloggers and website owners to think about. When optimizing your site for search engines, you should also bear in mind about optimizing for the mobile market. The mobile advertising market will continue to grow in the next 10 years and continue to earn billions of dollars beyond financial forecasts. This means a plethora of opportunity for mobile advertisers and mobile affiliate marketers to work together diligently to build and sustain solid online working relationships and maximize revenue. If you haven't yet optimized your blog or website for people to see on their cell phones, now is the time to start tweaking your site.

Affiliate Summit West Sponsoring Local Blogger Get Together in January founders Missy Ward and Shawn Collins are hosting a blogger meet up for Affiliate Summit West 2015. if you plan on attending affiliate Summit West or already located on the West Coast in Las Vegas or California, you may want to consider making time to attend this priceless event. The cost is free, what you're always welcome to pitch a $10 donation. Blogger meetup location in Vegas: Paris Las Vegas 3655 S Las Vegas Blvd "Burgundy Conference Room" Las Vegas, NV 89109 Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM (PST) Directions: Catch 22 about attending this event: Your January 2015 Affiliate Summit West regular registration to attend the main Internet marketing networking event has to be confirmed first before attending this free blogger meet up get together. Learn more about registering for affiliate Summit West 2015 and visit In case you're confused, the main #ASW15 networking event and blogger meetup and "2 separate functions."

Saturday, December 13, 2014

HubSpot Helps Marketers Attract Customers on Facebook is the leading online marketing software company helping businesses of all sizes achieve Internet marketing objectives. From getting better positions in search engine results pages, measuring effectiveness of published content, and using creative social media tactics to drive new business to your blog or website, HubSpot is that company. If you haven't yet considered creating a Facebook fan page and using the world's popular social network to attract customers to your blog or website, now is the time for you to get organized with no delay and take that leap of faith into the abyss. Attracting customers on Facebook is not as hard as it sounds. The first thing you'll need is a Facebook personal profile so people can get familiar with who you are "business owner." Create a Facebook fan page at the words and be sure to fill out the about section and and intimate details about your business. If hashtags help your Facebook business page get discovered frequently in Facebook sear

Taking #Action with Using #Paid #Automated #Content #Sharing

#Automated #content #distribution is the #transformationsolution for any #onlinebusiness to implement in their #affiliatemarketing and #blogging #SWOT #marketing #strategies -

How to Improve #Business and #Health with #Cardio and #Exercise

Did you know when you do the #transformation #work and strive daily to #loseweight, improve the #quality of your #life, and keep #working to #achieve #greatness that others will quietly notice? #Believe it or not, they will. When #people #acknowledge it, you're actually becoming an #honorable #leader for #great #change in the #world.

Battle of The Click Fraud Bots

This sensitive topic is one of the most discussed in the industry. Bloggers and digital marketers work hard to bulletproof their sites from thing like this happening to them. What exactly is being discussed in the video? Automated bot clicking on PPC ads for the purpose of artificially inflating impressions and forcing money out of advertisers’ pockets. People and companies who engage in automated bot clicking on PPC for the purpose of inflating their online income potential are fraudsters. It’s also known as “click fraud.” An automated bot clicker is a program running on a macro command. The fraudulent software is illegally tuned for the purpose of artificial click inflation. Many Google AdSense publishers have been quietly targeted by their competition who allegedly use such macro driven software to have their AdSense accounts wrongfully deactivated, leaving the AdSense publisher scratching their head wondering what they did wrong. And when they appeal to Google, the search

Share Content Exponentially and Free of Charge Using Packrati

Image: The reason why most blogs and websites don't succeed in today's age of overnight evolving technology is due to a number of factors. Creating quality content daily for a blogger website is one of the most important factors of staying relevant in search engines and on social networks. Using quality automation services is another important factor staying relevant and having your content showcased on multiple social platforms without manually logging in to individual social networks. For new affiliate marketers, bloggers and existing online marketers who resort to content production as a means of staying connected with their audience, using automation to share content virally is crucial to an online business. Some people don't wish to pay to use a content sharing service to have their blog posts and webpages automatically shared on social networks. Others don't mind. Free content sharing automation services are widely available on the Internet, but social networks yo

Early Bird Special for Advertisers - Affiliate Summit East 2015

Image: Shawn Collins and Missy Ward are founders of Affiliate Summit will once again be hosting world's most famous Internet marketing conference in New York City. Scheduled for August 2-4 2015, will successfully bring together advertisers and affiliate marketers "as they always do" to build and sustain successful online working relationships. For newbie affiliate marketers just getting their feet wet in this game, they will walk away with valuable information to inspire them to take affiliate marketing seriously and work diligently towards turning a small business into a full-time online income. The early bird special is now available to advertisers looking to reserve booths for the upcoming 2015 Internet marketing meet up. Advertisers are possibly able to get a heavily discounted price from Collins and Ward if they reserve their meet market booth-table now. Learn more here about Affiliate Summit East 2015 and reserving your advertiser booth

Friday, December 12, 2014

Damon Dash Striving for Redemption as 'Innovative Marketer'

It's no secret virtually every marketer slips off of their A-game. It's bound to happen. Slipping is the best way for any marketer to gain valuable life experience through adversity. Falling off temporarily is not always a bad thing. It can in most cases create the best of the best. Damon Dash has been striving to gain relevancy as innovative entrepreneur-marketer. He's showing signs of positive progress in his journey for change. After experiencing awesome challenges as former CEO of Rocafella records and personal life challenges, he's still around today.

Facebook Zuck Will Possibly 'Do it'

Mark Zuckerberg is always up to something when it comes to staying innovative with the world's leading social network. If Facebook were to stand still in an age of overnight evolving technology, it would be a stock flop. The Facebook style of staying one step ahead of competition is a virtual 24 Hour way of thinking. Some people on Facebook are indirectly rallying for a "Facebook dislike button." When most Facebook profile users are actively engaged in Facebook groups, commenting on profiles after watching Facebook videos and reading Facebook wall posts, little do they know the Facebook staff are allegedly watching and quietly taking notes. They potentially measure the frequency of something being discussed, and possibly talking behind the scenes about implementing such features people on Facebook want to see and use. Zuck talks dislike button, Pizza, and negativity associated with installing a Facebook dislike button, as Mark likes to keep the social network a "positive place" to be.

Content is King Online and Remains Champion

Many skpetics today still doubt the awesome power of creating content and making it a potential full-time online business. Their noses have not yet been opened to the virtual infinite possibility of getting a dedicated server, installing a self-hosted WordPress CMS on their server, creating content daily for their WP blog, and watching that content potentially pull in traffic and sales from the corners of the web. If you're one of those folk who are skeptical or plain flat out procrastinated like a stock flop not getting started with an online business blog, it's time to quit fronting and show everyone who has the entrepreneurial business blogging muscle for the hustle. Did you know posting content through a blog or website daily is the virtual life and blood of search engines? Content posted to your blog is more powerful than you think. Bing, Google, and YaHoO! all make money based on people updating their blogs and websites. When people update their sites fresh content, the search e

Young Male Bimbos in Chicago Soon to Potentially be Jailbirds

Common sense would tell anyone in their right mind attacking a person is absolutely nuts. Especially when a person or group attacks a person who is alone and unarmed. It makes no sense at all and does not build up the person or group of people for the good of anything attacking another individual for no reason or whatever reason. A group of young male bimbos in Chicago took it upon themselves to attack an elderly man on an EL train for no reason. Not only did they nitpick and assault the elderly man by himself, they chose to videotape as part of the trill they sought in the moment. However, one of the suspects slipped up in the video and stared directly into the camera. He gave himself away. The result of that is police perfectly identifying the man and now seeking out the young male bimbos for questioning and possible arrest. Young black men that do stupid things like this shed negative spotlight on black people in general. Chicago police are now looking for the young male bimbo susp

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Food for thought in starting a business online

Food for thought in starting a business online

Something to #Think About Before and After Launching an #OnlineBusiness

Anyone who does the #transformation #business #work can and will #succeed. Doesn't matter your level of #education, #strength of #finance, nor how #overweight you may be. making #healthy changes in your life as an #entrepreneur will put you in a #priviledged #position to #earn #goodmoney from #blogging, #affiliatemarketing, and #entrepreneurship #onlinein due #time. -

Why Mark Wahlberg Will be Pardoned

It's a given most people makes all kinds of mistakes in the follicies in their youth. Mark Wahlberg is one of those people. Not only did he make a mistake as a teenager way back in the day, but, sir a small stint in prison and was tried as an adult. Both he was not an adult at the time the charge still remains on his record. Mark Wahlberg will be pardoned for a number of reasons. That's a given. Wahlberg will be pardoned based on:How he rehabilitated himself His celebrity earning power Length of time passed between past conviction and today People love his movies Do you agree Mark Wahlberg will allegedly be pardoned based on this?

Believing in Yourself is The Real Transformation

Have you ever had someone throw you away without explanation? Just up and go with a stone cold heart? If you've answered yes, chances are, it possibly happened to almost everyone else. Whether it's a business or personal relationship that went sour for whatever reason, it doesn't mean the end of the world for you. It takes a vision for your life to prevail over adverse events. Adversity is guaranteed to enter your life. No one is immune. It takes something life touching for a person to finally "get it." And, when you get it, grow from it, and discover new creative ways of mentally progressing, all one can do is use their gifts discovering new potential within. Forbes has a very interesting article on the humble beginnings of Waste Management CEO Wayne Huizenga. From a high school job as a gas station attendant, college dropout, transitioning to a billionaire. Achieving billionaire status doesn't happen without experiencing adversity and discovering creative ways to transform your mind

Build Online Authority by Guest Posting on Blogs and Websites

There's various avenues entrepreneurally anyone can travel to raise their positive Internet reputation. Guest posting is a wonderful way to increase online exposure. Guest posting on websites and blogs will do more good for your URL address in the long run and you can imagine in a moment. When search engines quietly grade websites and blogs, they look at a number of things. The first thing major search engines look at is the frequency of unique content being produced on the site. The more unique and informative content a site produces, the more search engine crawlers will be enticed to come back, positioning that site up in search engine results pages potentially higher than competitors. Guest posting on websites and blogs benefits your search engine optimization for years to come. Why? Simply because as the SEO of a website or blog you made a guest post on improves in search engine results pages, your site will automatically improve in major search engines automatically. The link you

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Try Your Hand Now at Entrepreneurship With YEC

If you believe you have the entrepreneurial

Starting a Business Online is The Way to Go

Still skeptical about taking a leap of faith and acquiring your own dedicated server and starting a business blog or website? If the answer is yes, you're procrastinating on your own future success. Nowadays, starting a business on the internet is the move. Yup, the new business steelo is getting up and running online. Even if you have no prior business experience, no college degree, know nothing about doing business online, or what have you, you can still get a good web host and install CMS "comtent management system" software such as Drupal, Joomla, Pligg, or WordPress "all are free" on your dedicated server and quit delaying on getting organized with starting your online business. Webpreneurs Who Succeeded In 2004, Gina Binachini and Marc Anderssen started, later acquired by in 2011. Back in the day, Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe started and later sold it to Rupert Murdoch for a whopping half a billion + dollars. PayPal started in 1998 and didn't

Did #50Cent Really Slap #FredroStarr from #RapMusic Group #Onyx?

Did #50Cent Really Slap #FredroStarr from #RapMusic Group #Onyx?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Offender Fails to Return to Plummer Center in Wilmington

State of Delaware posts a blog-report about a convicted burglar who never reported back to the work-release offender program. Under negotiated terms, the convicted felon, David L. Daniels (photo available upon viewing was allowed to leave for the weekend, obligated to return afterwards to complete the remainder of his in-house work release obligation. Daniels was serving his in-house work release stint at the Plummer center located in Wilmington, Delaware. As noted on, Daniels has already completed a six month prison term. If and when he's apprehended by law enforcement, he's most likely to return to prison and possibly serve more time for "jumping ship." Learn more about the escaped convict David Daniels and visit the official State of Delaware news blog. Do you know him? Share your thoughts on Facebook in the comments section.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tips to Boost Content Marketing Effectiveness by American Express always inspires and motivates online and traditional entrepreneurs to be better in their business practices. And, suggest helpful tips and tools to ensure a smoother workflow. The beauty of tuning into OPENForum is gaining a plethora of knowledge that doesn't cost you a dime. Whether you're looking to increase sales, improve existing business relationships, or gain more expsoure to new audiences on the web without forking out dough to paid advertising services, OPENForum is always the site to check for tips and tools to help expand your business. Did you know there's a virtual assortment of free tools online to help you grow and succeed in times of business uncertainty? Seeing is believing, but experiencing it is proof in the pudding. If you're a blogger or website content creator looking to expend reach to new eyeballs online using free Google products, you can learn more here about the awesome power of using free Google tools to boost content market

Revolution at Berkley in the Name of Eric Garner?

As you can clearly see in this video uploaded to Facebook from the fanpage of Revolution News, it airs a video of what looks like college students in a protest against police. It seems as if the alleged college students are protesting against police brutality. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Post by Revolution News. In the Facebook description, you see the hashtag #ICantBreathe. It's assumed the alleged college students possibly protested against police in the name of Eric Garner; the man who was murdured by NYPD after being placed in a chokehold after telling officers "I can't breathe." The officers involve failed to be indicted by a New York gran jury, which means no criminal charges will be file against them nor will face trial. Will the officer

How to Use Rejection to Succeed Across the Board

It's time to get organized, not go back to the past. Everyone experiences rejection of some sort. Whether it’s a dating relationship that goes sour because someone decides to revisit the past and get with their ex again, to getting fired from jobs, not fitting into a clique, or whatever the case may be, it could be a blessing in disguise. While rejection has an adverse effect in the moment of dampening emotions and hope for the future, there’s still a way to make a successful transformation across the board and be a real leader for change. Rejection has the ability to:Discourage you from opening your heart to trusting people Keep you from completing college Lead you to believe you can’t complete a 26.2 mile marathon on an empty stomach Lose weight and keep the unhealthy fat off Keep you broke if you allow it to Have you look at people in a certain light The list virtually goes on and on. On the upside of looking at rejection, it can inspire you to go above and beyond in your lif

Friday, December 5, 2014

How #BustaRhymes Can #LoseWeight and Accomplish #Transformation Excellence

Some people to this day think Transformation is just an 18-week fitness program to help you get healthy on the outside. While that's fine and dandy to some people, the definition of transformation goes above and beyond eighteen weeks of losing weight and getting in shape. If you're familiar with the entertainer Busta Rhymes, you know he started out back in the early 1990's-late 1980's as a member of the former rap group Leaders of the New School, you noticed how lean he was back in the day. Now, we all know as we gae, we gain weight naturally. That's a given. No one is exempt. That said, Busta Rhymes has indeed gained weight. Much weight. In fact, he was seen at the Affiliate Ball in Philadelphia in 2013 rocking a "pot belly," and hammy facial cheeks, along with an alleged very small spot of grey hair in the back of his head. Busta Rhymes when he was skinny A few things that allegedly contributed to Busta Rhymes' weight gain:Making too much money Allegedly drinking too much (empty alc

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What the True Definition of Transformation Is

It's more than an 18-week weight loss fitness program and winning $10,000 dollars. It's more than marketing fitness related products and advertising fitness camps for alleged inflated prices well over $1,000 dollars. Stay tuned for a post coming momentarily discussing true transformation beyond physical fitness.

Is Full of Crapola?

Is Full of Crapola?

CNN Shows Video of Eric Garner on Ground

It was the Ferguson decision not to indict Ofc. Darren Wilson that sparked protests. That is, after betrayed by Martin protests. Shortly after officer Darren Wilson the Ferguson Police Department failed to be indicted by a grand jury, the New York City police officer-officers involved in the death of Eric Garner have also failed to get indicted. If you think deeper about why these adverse events have suddenly taken place, have you come to the conclusion in your mind it's possibly because scripture in the Bible has to be fulfilled?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Man Allegedly High on Drugs Absorb Effects of Taser Gun

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Post by He's possibly high on drugs and not feeling any pain from the police tasering him. He resists arrest and continues to put up a fight outside, long after many taser shots have been fired successfully at his flesh. Does he have the devil in him?

Attend This Event That'll Change Your Life

If you're ready to get your praise on and be in a positive environment, be sure to attend this lovely event designed to help you be better in all you do. Ezion Fair is located in the heart of Wilmington, Delaware. For directions, see Google maps satellite image above to learn more.

How to Successfully Transition Into Marriage

Relationship expert TonyaTKO, founder of discusses relationships and marriage. In her video, she talks up the topic of wedding rings. If you're looking to gain a deeper understanding about love and marriage, this might be worth watching.

Stepdad of Mike Brown Will Possibly be Charged by Ferguson Police

Listen closely and discover why. They say he's allegedly the cause of it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Do Female Millionaires Do Things Differently? has an interesting article-blog discussing female millionaires. Do females who are millionaires do things different? Most strive to get organized and stay on track entrepreneurirally with no delay. But, how do female millionaires really think? Forbes Offers Affiliate Program for Bloggers

Image Credit: CBS Local - Branded Post Seek and you will find. That is, money making opportunities on the world wide web. Affiliate marketing continues to grow overnight. And yes, marketing affiliate programs and making money in the affiliate marketing industry is way better than paying a membership fee to join and promote someone's MLM downline program. While MLM is old-school, affiliate marketing is not only new school, but, it's here to stay. What does that mean for you? As long as you do the transformation work as a blogger and webpreneur promoting your blog and marketing affiliate programs, you'll always increase the probability of earning a few dollars online. How to Get Started Putting yourself in a position to earn money on the web is not as hard as you think. To get started, you'll need a blog. If you don't have the funds right now to purchase dedicated web hosting and a domain name for your blog, no worries. You can do that at a later time. That is, when you gain more experi Lets You Promote Gifts in Your Store

Are you having a baby? Perhaps getting married? Or, looking to get started in affiliate marketing by promoting your affiliate links on a free network and share it with your family and friends on your favorite social networks? There is a way to share priceless events with family and friends on social networks and effectively promote your affiliate links to possibly make money online. is a free service that allows you to create an account. After your account is created, you have the option to select multiple merchants to promote on your amazing registry profile such as Amazon, Walmart, Babies R Us, and more. Once your store is created and your affiliate links-stores have been added, there's a number of ways to promote it. A few effective ways of promoting your Amazing Registry affiliate store:Uploading YouTube videos with a link in every video description to your store Create content on your self hosted WordPress blog or free site and add links to your Am