Friday, August 14, 2015

The Downside to Longterm #Marijuana Consumption

Smoking Marijuana is by far more dangerous for young men than so for women. How so? As young men experiment in their puberty and teenage years and progress with consuming marijuana throughout their 20's, little do they know smoking pot takes a serious toll on hormones and internal organs. The impact marijuana has in the male starts to manifest in the late 30s. Some of the adverse effects marijuana has on men range from:Aggression Cortisol increase Estrogen increase Hunger increase Inability to focus Increase in sex drive in the moment and erectile dysfunction years later Lower testosterone levels The list goes on. Males smoking marijuana in teenage years and in their early 20s don't think about these things because they have no life experience. Their most likely enjoying the moment of getting high and feeling a temporary sensation for intimate arousal. Though marijuana has adverse effects on men from long-term consumption of smoking pot, reversing the negative past of pot smoking is p

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