Wednesday, December 16, 2015

#JebBush 'Dumbs Down' to Support #DonaldTrump for #USPresident

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Have you noticed something? Jeb Bush hasn't been seen much in political news lately. Where is Jeb Bush? Is he still uploading videos to his YouTube channel with Google AdSense on it? Exactly what is Jeb Bush former governor of Florida up to nowadays? Donald Trump might know.

It seems "for the moment" that Jeb Bush is quietly supporting Donald Trump for election to the United States presidency. How did that assumption come about?

And you click on that URL address above, it takes you to Why is Jeb Bush all of a sudden allowing his domain name to be redirected Donald Trump? It seems as if Bush is quietly supporting Trump for president.

Some people in America wouldn't be surprised if the Donald actually did become POTUS.

via Drewry News

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