Wednesday, May 31, 2017

#ColonCleansing: Clean Thy #Colon Often by Drinking #SalineSolution or #PsylliumHusk

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#FlattenYourTummy: Inspiring Tips on Getting a #FlatStomach

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

#AirJordanRetro: #JordanRetro5 Sold Out on #Nike

<img src="" width="600" alt="#AirJordanRetroFive #sneaker by #Nike -" rel="nofollow"></a> reports the Air Jordan Retro 5 and Jordan Retro 9 Kobe Bryant editions officially sold out.

via Drewry News Network

#RehobothBeach: Taking the Scenic Route in #Delaware


Monday, May 29, 2017

#LoseWeightNow: Enjoy #Cardio Walking on Your Favorite Old #Railtrail

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#BlogHer: Dedicated to Helping Women Become Full-Time #BloggingWomen

<img src="" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#Blogging as a #businessforwomen -"></a>

( - "BlogHer is a blog that was founded in 2005 by Elisa Camahort Page, Lisa Stone and Jory des Jardins. The founders created the blog to answer the question, “Where are the women bloggers?” Their question has been answered since BlogHer is now featuring over 60 women bloggers who are blogging on a variety of topics. It has grown to become a community and a media company."

These fine female blogging entrepreneurs had not a clue how big their company would be after they met in 2005. According to the video, co-founder Jory Des Jardins of started attending blogging conferences consisting mostly men. After attending blogging conferences mostly consisting of males, she creatively brainstormed about an alternative blogging approach for women. This is how Jory and her co-founders successfully expanded the female blogging site today known as Blog Her. Not only did they successfully expand the female-powered blogging platform, but expanded into sponsoring a "female blogging affiliate program." The <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Blog Her affiliate program</a> is a beautiful revenue-sharing opportunity whereas female bloggers can create an account on the site for free and start writing in hopes of making money through a blog her affiliate publishing network. Affiliate marketing is an online revenue-sharing partnership between an advertiser and publisher-blogger whereas bloggers sponsor advertisements on their blogs from advertisers they partner with in hopes of turning their blog readers into repeat buyers. When blog readers click ads on blogs and purchase a product or service from that blog, the blogger earns something what's called an "affiliate commission." Many people today are earning a quiet fortune doing affiliate marketing alone and quit their day jobs.

They worked creatively to cater to a target audience succeeding above expectation. "Where are all the female bloggers," the co-founders wondered. By seeking out female bloggers and showcasing their writing on, female bloggers felt compelled to write more on Blog Her publishing network and their personal blogs. They wrote about topics complaining about issues in their current relationships, motherhood, pregnancy, weight loss for women, getting married, cooking, challenges mother's face raising children, and the list goes on. Working women also had a unique voice on the female publishing blog network and discussed everything related to the workplace. Why females voicing their opinions and useful information they had to empower others in female powered blogs, they use the power of their voice and computer keyboard to make money in affiliate marketing and earn a share of the ad revenue from the Blog Her affiliate publishing network.

'Female Blogging Conference'

The co-founders of Blog Her reached out to female bloggers bringing them together at woman powered blog conferences. The purpose of bringing female bloggers together was to form a female blogging conference for sharing useful ideas and networking with mommy bloggers. This is a great idea because at the time, this was an "untapped female blogging market."

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Sponsoring a female blogging conference not only brought together blogging mothers from all walks of life, but also introduced A-list celebrities to female blogging speaker conferences.

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One famous celebrity invited to the Blog Her conference as a speaker in 2016 was <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Kim Kardashian</a>. And as you already know, when you bring people together for business networking purposes, opportunities arrive out of the wood works.

' Strong Since 2005'

Upon a quick analysis of the female powered blogging site, traffic rank reporting of Blog Her dot com ranking at the time of this post is at an all-time high of <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">16,705 in the United States opn Alexa</a>. This is an excellent traffic rank in the U.S. on Alexa because Blog Her continues to show strong growth and empower female blog readers. And with that being said, Blog Her will always continue to be a strong blogging site meaningfully bringing women together, because "content is King on the World Wide Web." When women get together and share ideas, there's no telling how many more opportunities will present itself to female bloggers.

Are you a female blogger not yet affiliated with the Blog Her publishing-affiliate network? Now's your time to jump on the bandwagon. Not only will other women find your blogs and ideas useful in their lives, but shall also have the grand opportunity to potentially put yourself in the drivers seat to earn "good money" from sharing your writing and ideas on the affiliate publishing network. And besides, wouldn't it be inspiring for not only other women found your blogs and writing useful, but a major celebrity or major celebrities possibly picking up your writing and using part or all of it in their blogger speaking conferences? Blog Her is definitely the place you want to be, if you long-term blogging desire is to be seen and heard and get more traffic to your mommy powered blog.

Overall, creates an abundance of joy and stirs up emotion in female content creators and female readers.

Female Bloggers Discussing Unemployment

A good thing about is the ability for women to discuss everything on their mind. Unemployment is one of those sensitive issues. With that said, female bloggers on the blogging platform can discuss either their current unemployment situation, how they overcame unemployment with blogging their way to a full-time income, additionally to empowering other women with creative ideas how to use unemployment as a stepping stone to uncovering hidden opportunity. Female bloggers discussing unemployment and everything related to it also opens the floor to inviting other female bloggers-female content creators to sharing their personal experiences on the job before separation from companies they work for. So if you look at the positive side of things, getting this sensitive issue out in the open brings people together for the good of anything. Are you listening?

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This is why Blog Her is an excellent content blogging network for women because of the valuable thoughts exercise into the Internet universe. Blog her allows women to exercise their creative strengths, absorb information from other female bloggers "as previously mentioned," and use advice to their business advantage of getting ahead in life. What female in her right mind would have knowledge of this women powered blogging network with the ability to make money online and ignore this wonderful opportunity? What woman in her right mind would ignore the opportunity of being a part of this wonderful female blogging network and ignore the potential of making new friends and perhaps building a business from scratch by way of word-of-mouth online and blogging her way to a full-time Internet income? If you're unemployed, this is the perfect time for you to get deep within as a woman and unleash your hidden potential. The Internet is here to stay and will always be a solid source of income for women who'll put the World Wide Web to good use for making money from blogging and business networking among women on the Blog Her female blogging network.

'Female Bloggers Against Gun Violence'

This is by far one of the most trending topics today on the World Wide Web. Gun violence. Criminals who buy guns illegally and legally. Most women are outraged at gun violence in their communities and have little to no voice in having their say in United States politics. This is where the beauty of blogging as a woman comes into play. Female bloggers who start Sirius full-time business blogs centered around the niche topic of gun violence and ways to tackle it will seek instead traffic to their blog posts. This is not a debatable statement and a guaranteed fact. Female bloggers will voice their concerns on their business blogs about how enraged they feel towards gun violence and speak their minds respectively will quietly have blog readers subscribed to their blogs "some blog readers of which will be potentially United States politicians and law enforcement officials." Women who blog about ways to tackle gun violence automatically put themselves in the drivers seat to earn good money from advertisements on their blocks and have the grand ability to have their blog posts picked up by the block her female blogging content network. They are, once female bloggers discussing gun violence have their posts shared on the woman powered content network, it will bring like minds together in discussing this negative issue and creative ways to combat gun violence as a woman.

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Ever lost someone dear to you and your heart to gun violence? A friend, coworker, childhood friend, family member, next-door neighbor, ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend? Blogging about it as a female blogger and sharing your blog posts on the woman powered content network is a great way to get your feelings and intellectual expression in the open. Not only is it a way to demonstrate your emotions, feelings, and creative writing strengths, it's also a way to meaningfully bring others to gather to your content while respectively building your e-mail blogging business from scratch discussing topics dear to your heart.

'Blogging Inspiration from Arianna Huffington' founder Arianna Huffington discusses blogging in an onstage interview in 2014. If you didn't know, Arianna had humble blogging beginnings. She didn't know much about being a full-time female blogger when she started the now famous online newspaper site that earns over $1 million in revenue monthly from adverts. Arianna started the site as a means of empowering others with useful information as a full-time female blogger blogging on the blogging platform powered by Movable Type.

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Arianna Huffington paves the way through direct inspiration for female bloggers from all walks of life. Her blogging journey from small potatoes to greatness quietly inspired women to start mommy blogs as a means of creating a full-time income from the Internet. If she can do it why can't you?

You Need in Your Blogging Life Year Round

You're going to need a blog as a woman for instant connection to your audience year-round. Things will take place in your life whether it be on a business or personal level that'll inspire you to create a blog post. It can be birth of your new child, a promotion on the job, perhaps a 50 pound to 100 pound weight loss transformation, a salary increase, something political, or whatever. Either way you look at it as a woman, you'll need to "blog year-round." When issues arise in today's world, you'll need to get your voice instantly synthesized to your target audience "with no delay." This is the time for you to blog and "strive for excellence to get organized" across the board, connecting with your audience on sensitive issues. Stay blogging year round most importantly. Having a blog as a single woman, female college student, or working mother is a must for every woman in today's world of information technology.

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Are you convinced as a woman to start a blog and take blogging seriously now that you know about If you're still not convinced about taking blogging seriously, you're seriously leaving serious money on the table. Blogging is not for men or women thinking about instant profits. The beauty of a woman blogging is getting her feelings out in the open and transforming those feelings into meaningful discussions and transforming feelings into money in the long run.

It's amazing how the power of blogging and using the awesome power of your voice as a woman to create content thru a useful tool for men and women known as a voice dictation - speech recognition program can make words appear on the screen and turn blogging into a full-time career all off of the strength of a person's mouth speaking into a microphone. This is why we need more female bloggers on the web blogging to their hearts content and talking about any and everything that's on their minds.

Drewry news network is in full support 100% of all women blogging as a full-time online career and transforming into "blogging mothers." It's beautiful to hear about amazing transformation blogging business success stories about females who knew nothing about the power of the Internet and blogging and how they turn in idea into a full-time blog and profit through a passion they have for something. This can be you if you believe in yourself and do the transformation business work at full strength. Be inspired and never give up.

Seeking additional blogging inspiration as a woman or aspiring blogging mother? Check out the related content links below for inspiring blog posts and articles for women seeking to transform from an everyday woman to a full time female blogger:
  • <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Beautiful Muslim women making a positive difference in blogging</a> -
  • <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Female bloggers making a difference</a> -
  • <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Female blogging inspiration</a> -
  • <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Female bloggers to follow</a> -

via Drewry News Network

#RehobothBeachDelaware: The Best Vacation Spot in the #StateofDelaware

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Rehoboth beach Delaware proves itself times over to be the best vacation getaway spot. Being in Rehoboth beach is like traveling to Santa Barbara, California. It helps you forget all of your problems. Read hobos beach will also leave you with a feeling of not wanting to go back home.

There, you'll find not only quality fishing spots, but it array of fine seafood restaurants.. There's restaurants specifically for crabs,, and possibly others for seafood buffet. Of course, you'll pay a pretty penny to dine at fine seafood restaurants in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, but worth every penny. One fine seafood restaurant you'll definitely spend a pretty penny at is Jake's seafood restaurant in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. A fried seafood platter consisting of fried shrimp, fried scallop, fried flounder,, and more will roughly run you around $31 a plates at Jake's seafood in Rehoboth..

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware also has the finest outlet stores. You'll find stores such as,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and more find outlet stores in Rehoboth.

Rehoboth beach is definitely number one vacation and real estate spot in the state of Delaware because it's so cozy. If you're retired or an entrepreneur looking for find property in lower Delaware near Lewes, Delaware and Bethany Beach, Delaware, Rehoboth beach, Delaware is definitely the place for you.

via Drewry News Network

#TangerOutlets: Driving to #RehobothBeach


Sunday, May 28, 2017

#SimpleMath: How to Create a #Pi Sign on a #PizzaPie


#PoloBear: Review Coming Soon on Fine #RalphLauren Wear by #Polo


#HolinessinGovernment: When Will Politicians Reintroduce #Prayer Back into #PublicSchools?

<img src="" rel="nofollow" width="650" height="400" alt="Can #government and #religion #coexistpeacefully? -"></a>

Open freewill disclaimer: The Lord Jesus Christ who is God and God alone is shamelessly and willingly acknowledged by this site. This site is NOT ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ!

This is an opinion and truth post by drewry news network and does not reflect the outlook or mindset of its advertisers.

They say they trust God printed on money. Many politicians allegedly reject religion across the board. It’s always “two different things” among them. The thought of implementing government and religion together in unity is like mixing oil and water in the back of most people’s minds.

Religion plays an enormous role naturally in structuring and maintaining an organization spiritually and otherwise. Many people and most politicians want to keep religion out of government due to their personal feelings. One of the main reasons is because of homosexuality. It prohibits two men and two women coming together and making a proclamation as one flesh. Homosexuals are against religion because of this reason and want to keep religious laws out of government. Homosexuality is wrong because a man was not created for another man to be intimate with. Nor was a woman made to lay with another woman as she would with a man.

Homosexuality is WRONG!

drewry news network speaks out openly AGAINST homosexuality and AGAINST homosexual marriage!

A man and woman were created to come together as one flesh; not two men and two women. Scriptural law discusses living a righteous life and staying away from abomination.

Religion “Holiness” should be enforced into government. Why? It meets the obligation of enforcing prayer in school. It’ll bring back the old values that were once instilled such as acknowledging the Lord Jesus Christ before the world, talking about the goodness of God without shame, and so on. Children need spiritual laws in their lives and understand the definition of prayer on a different level more than simply clasping two hands together, closing their eyes and just saying words without consciously knowing what they’re saying or who they’re praying to.

Scripture speaking against homosexual lust:
  • Leviticus 18:22
  • Leviticus 20:13
  • Mark 10:6-9
  • Romans 1:26-28

Our eternal father the Lord Jesus loves when people including children take time out in their day to pray. Having government bring prayer back into schools is surely a good thing. It encourages unity in the household, creates awareness in consideration of changing what they’re about, and serving our Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. Most importantly, listening and watching a child pray can be the beginning stages of watching that child spiritually grow into a position of leadership whether it be in possibly called to preach by God before a church congregation, or holding an honorable position of leadership in the world of business.

Government will be doing good to the nation by allowing all schools to have prayer. It’s things like prayer whether in the school or anywhere that helps to reduce the crime rate in America and across the world. Whether people want to believe it or not, prayer works and changes negative situations into positive outcomes.

The thought and fact of bringing religion back into government can startle and stir up the American legal system to revise some of their current laws such as the death penalty, harsh sentences for people who commit small criminal offenses, and so on. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Florida legal system</a> needs a complete revision of everything they’re about. Bringing religion back in government may perhaps inspire the <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Florida legal system-Supreme court</a> to re-examine old cases and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">exonerate-overturn ALL wrongful Florida convictions</a>. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Florida's track record of wrongful convictions</a> is cited by many newspapers. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Florida by far has the worst track record in America of wrongfully convicting people</a> who never committed the crime.

When you falsely accuse someone of a crime they never committed and think you got away with it, just remember while you think you got away with it and swept under the rug...
knows all about it and will hold you accountable for!

Religion brings about mercy, compassion, and organized leadership through making oneself subject to scriptural law brings about humility and looking at things in a certain light vs. looking at life through a carnal point of view.

Lastly, bringing religion back into government is an open demonstration of a nation striving as one mind to come under the subjection of our Lord Jesus Christ. People are required to adhere to the laws of government. If government raised awareness about religion and the laws of our Lord Jesus and plant a seed in people’s minds and do away with subliminal promotion of homosexuality, raising awareness of our Lord Jesus and Holiness in government will do good further than temporarily reducing the crime rate and encouraging gays to turn their lives around and serve God. Acknowledging Christ in government will bring people together from all walks of life in unity and show humility in government law practices. Though most people will refuse to accept religion-Holiness as a way of life and fail to acknowledge Christ as God Almighty and our Lord and Savior, having government invite religion into their laws and practices increases the probability of enriching the lives of Americans. This is a good thing!

Disclaimer: drewry news network occasionally shares “opinion posts” and welcomes any and all feedback.

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via Drewry News Network

#ListentoYourCustomers: It's Good to #GetFeedback

<img src="" width="600" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#Listen to #yourcustomers -"></a>

You want your product or service to work. You don't want people rejecting you from jump street. Listening to your customers and their needs is essential and the key to your business success. Another words, don't put the cart before the horse. Pay attention to people as they will give off key words and phrases during the course of the conversation letting you know what they desire.

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Don't be so quick try to sell them something either because believe it or not, customers silently observe your actions. Focus on building and sustaining a quality-meaningful business to customer relationship and focusing on their needs through valuable customer feedback. Putting people first before your needs will keep you in the drivers seat for success and continued business growth.

Stay humble and hungry in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

via Drewry News Network

#HealthCrusader: How to Earn Honorable Status as a Transformation Fitness Champion

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Saturday, May 27, 2017

#NikeSneakerReview: #AirUnlimited 1994 #DavidRobinson Classics

<img src="" width="600" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#DavidRobinsonsneaker #classics by #NikeAirUnlimited -"></a>

This is the 1994 classic version of the David Robinson NIke Air Unlimited vintage sneakers. It's predicted the suede version of this Nike Air Unlimited sneaker by David Robinson was unavailable back in the mid-1990s and allegedly only the multi-colored White, Black with Green trim sneaker. Nevertheless, Nike made a nice comeback by bringing this beautiful vintage sneaker into existence once again.


The cost? Roughly around $160 when it first debuted the sneaker market allegedly in late 2016. The price of this Air Unlimited David Robinson sneaker slowly but surely dropped as sneaker retailers moved on with bringing in new inventory to stores and eBaY seller pages such as the new Lebron James sneaker by, sneakers, Diadora sneakers,, and other famous brand sneakers like

Today, you can find these fine sneakers on eBaY potentially for as low as $79.95 with free or paid shipping. Sizes vary. You'll probably find a size 10 or 10/2 on eBay around that price if they're still available as the sneakers sold like pancakes off the shelf.


The Black suede Nike Air Unlimited fairs well with any casual outfit. It blends congruently with straight legs, boot cut, and especially wide leg jeans for men. If you're from Flatbush Brooklyn and was in Brooklyn during the height of the 1990s era, Brooklyn heads flamed Nike David Robinson's with jeans, wide leg Mens Guess jeans, or Men's carpenter jeans and an oversized Ralph Lauren rugby shirt. The Air Unlimited David Robinson sneaker by Nike was also the cousin of the Nike air carnivore, Nike air Huarache, Nike Air Raid, Nike Bo Jackson, and almost leveled up to the Nike Air Jordan Retro sneaker.

<img src="" width="600" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#NikeAirUnlimited in #BlackSuede -"></a>

These Black Nike Air Unlimited vintage Robinson sneakers also fare well with or slacks. Whatever you do, you don't want to wear these with completely White jeans, as it'll allegedly make you look awkward in public. You want to be sure that your pants are a solid color or denim even if you wear denim slacks with the sneakers. As long as you don't wear loud color jeans or dress pants such as Purple, Pink, Yellow, or Lime Green jeans, you should be okay. Even baby Blue pants or jeans will fare well with these Black suede Air Robinsons. The beauty of having these sneakers is it helps you color coordinate your outfits with in ease of mind because they're all Black.

Bag a Pair 'With No Delay'

<img src="" width="600" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#UnlimitedNikeAir #DavidRobinsonSneakers -"></a>

Sizes are limited if you decide to search on eBaY for the Nike Air Unlimited David Robinsons. You'll hopefully be able to catch a pair at a nice discount price with free shipping included. If you're a size 10 and above, look forward to potentially paying close to $100 or over for these fine kicks. If you can't find your size on eBay perhaps you can try,,, or, or perhaps even or

via Drewry News Network

Friday, May 26, 2017

#HealthBill: Will Delaware Benefit Health Wise from Legalizing #RecreationalMarijuana?

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Is this a move on Delaware Governor John Carney's part allegedly out of inspiration or desperation? Delaware already has marijuana legalized for medical marijuana card holders. But will recreational marijuana benefit Delawareans overall? You be the judge.

via Drewry News Network

#TurbochargeSEO: Boost #NaturalSearchEngineRankings With #ArticleMarketing and #YouTube

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#BenefitsofTransformation: Benefits of Transforming While Increasing Your #HealthandVitality

<img src="" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#HealthandWellness is more than a #lifestyle -"></a>

Transforming into healthier living holds unique benefits. The human spirit is lifted into a higher positive state. Mental clarity settles in, allowing the mind to engage into deeper intellectual activities, such as pursuing higher educational studies, and public speaking. Achieving a transformed physique is a fringe benefit in living happy and healthy.

There's a difference in outlook of life in an average person that performs no exercise, versus someone who invests time into cardiovascular or weightlifting activity on a regular basis. The person that does not exercise most likely tends to be a little more edgy in attitude. What this means is that they get angry easily, and leans toward being anti-social with folk who exercise or engage in a positive lifestyle. This is because when we don''t exercise, most people tend to have a negative outlook on things, and have a lack of endorphins flowing in their body, thus, not feeling the intense happiness of someone that does exercise frequently. And, as they have an obtuse outlook and attitude which may reflect their way of thinking, it possibly affects their spirit, and other areas of life, such as relationships with co-workers, family, and their companion, in having less tolerance in overall.

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Folk who exercise one to two times weekly tend to see a positive spike in overall attitude, and how they relate to others. Why? Exercise and transforming the human spirit promotes a positive sense of well-being. In addition, working out just 20 minutes a day tends to make a person not only feel happier on the inside, but, it also helps to improve relations with others. Exercise stimulates endorphins to flow more freely with the human body. As most know, endorphins are responsible for proper hormone regulation, which is a major contributor to feeling happier, and having a lower body fat percentage. Working out on cardiovascular machines such as an elliptical, or treadmill helps to keep the body in a positive state of thinking, aligning the human spirit with the universe in feeling more connected. Exercise promotes feeling of hope, love, forgiveness, and positive relations, even with those who may oppose you indirectly, or directly. With exercising your body as often as possible, it helps to build a positive tolerance to life adversity, helping to remain hopeful and cheerful, in overcoming all adverse situations.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Mental and spiritual transformation</a> -

Transformation of the spirit and body promotes mental clarity. How so? In most times, our bodies may possibly signal s not to go to the gym and exercise, by way of how we feel in the moment. We'll feel tired, "semi-slacky" and may not feel the positive pressure at the time to get up and g workout at the gym, in doing cardio or weight-lifting, When some force themselves to the gym and overcome this feeling of not desiring to exercise, or "slackness", mental clarity kicks in, after doing a few sets of weightlifting exercises, or rev up our metabolism on the treadmill, elliptical, or, stationary bike. Mental clarity reduces cortical levels, and suppresses lactic acid in the body, increasing feelings of constantly moving around, and going the extra mile in daily activity. As this healthy pattern is followed consistently, it becomes a positive and Transformative habit, shifting the way of thinking for long-term goal accomplishing, as well as reshaping the body. As we all know, when we strive to change ourselves through transforming in spirit, mental and physically, it promotes feelings of ambition, in unleashing your full potential.

The bible speaks of transformation of the spirit, mind and body, as we work on changing our inner and outer being. With the accomplishment of the aforementioned, most folk feel ambitious to the avenue of pursuing leadership avenues in life. This is one of many "positive-side-effects" of transformation. Another positive side effect of transforming of the increased desire to nourish the brain with [educational protein]. As we all know, food protein serves the nutritional purpose of satisfying the hunger and supporting growth of human muscle tissue.

"Educational protein" is referenced to nourishing the mind with more than food. It directly refers to a thirst for more life education. A person who strives daily to stay transformed in a positive state of mind, body and spirit will always feel this burning and positive need to learn as much as they can. If it is not in the college classroom, it could be anything learned, that serves a spiritual and meaningful purpose. Soaking up as much knowledge as one can also increases the likelihood that the individual will be more of a productive servant, thus, have a giving heart in serving the needs of others, as their tend to share how good they feel on the inside with others.

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When a community of people come together for the good of mankind in transforming into greatness, the sky’s the limit on how many good things can come about for everyone. Transformation is an "inside job" and can be a beautiful labor of love, in doing the work necessary to change for the better as a person. And, although a person will never perfectly get it right in working on transformation of the human spirit, transforming also helps to look past the character flaws of others, because we are a team, and transforming is also about being a caring servant, to the good of lifting others up, when they are down an d out.

via Drewry News Network

Thursday, May 25, 2017

#Businessand Faith: Faith and Works in Starting and Running a Profitable #OnlineBusiness

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In all you do as an entrepreneur who is starting out online, just know that success will not happen for you overnight. It's a very patient process. Until you start to see viable results from your online business, continue pressing forward.

A majority of the world's most successful entrepreneurs online and offline were once the biggest losers during their humble beginnings. Each and every entrepreneur had to overcome some kind of adversity and act on a leap of faith before becoming a huge success. From not finishing college, to living at home with your mother past a certain age, not having money to buy nice things and to take someone out on a date, and so forth. Entrepreneurs who achieved their dreams endured hardship faithfully. And with the free world of the world wide web called the internet, the world can be your oyster in starting and building a successful online business. Taking that leap of faith on your behalf is "long overdue."

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<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Starting your online business</a> is not as hard as you think. Believe it or not, you can start a website or blog, advertise your business online, work faithfully in building your business online. And in as little as two to three years, you can be a successful online entrepreneur and a potential internet millionaire. Having faith in yourself as an entrepreneur starting online is quite challenging at first. However, learning along the way, trying new things online for your business, and not being afraid to take risks can be and will be very rewarding for those who risk being an online entrepreneur. And, it is very possible that anyone can become an internet millionaire, starting out from or with nothing.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Former chef starts his own business off of faith</a> -

Online entrepreneurship is also an ideal solution for those who desire to get away from the day job scene. In traditional society, they teach you to go to college immediately after high school, go for your Master''s degree or potentially a Ph.D afterwards, and then get a job working for someone else. They also teach you to not only get a job, but to work your way to the top of a company. But, truth is, your salary is controlled and success of moving up within the company, by someone else, no matter the level of higher education you have. If they feel that you're not worthy of moving up in the company, nor a raise, chances most likely are that you are going to be stuck in that job, unless you quit, get fired, or settle and stay. Sucks, doesn't it? That's life!

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When you have a successful business online, the beauty of it is that your salary is not controlled by someone else. In addition, you can also take your business with you everywhere you go and stay up to date on how well your online business is performing. How so? Easy! Take your laptop along with you, and be sure to have a cell phone, or connection device, that instantly connects to the internet. You can be in an airport, train station, at a shopping mall, or anywhere with your laptop connected to the internet, running you business online, and making money, as an internet entrepreneur.

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Entrepreneurship on the internet is the way to go nowadays. Many people are frustrated with their day jobs, not knowing how to get out of it. There are many ways to make money online, and make more money than your boss. Ironically, you can make more than enough money on the internet to quit your day job, potentially become an internet millionaire "depends on how much effort you put into your online business," and live the life you've always dreamed of. Starting a business online requires very little to potentially no money to startup. The beauty of reading this post is that there is nothing to be sold, and not asking you to buy anything. This post is just inspiration for you as someone who may desire to walk away from your job, and start your own business online. Wishing you the best in all you do.

via Drewry News Network

HowTo: Promoting Articles Automagically on #SocialNetworks

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#BrooklynHalfMarathon: Did #CaseyNeistat Win if He #Ran in The #HalfMarathon?

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Casey Neistat on YouTube posted a video today about a Brooklyn half marathon. Marathons are interesting and uplifting to run. Why? When your body loses the unhealthy fat and in a state of consistent fat burning and heightened cardiovascular mode, believe it or not, your body will benefit from a natural form of Euphoria. It's not the type of Euphoria associated with drugs or Marijuana. It's also known as "runners high." All you want to do is keep running and participating in marathons. This is why it's good for anyone to be an active participant in 1/2 and full marathons.

And if Casey did run a Brooklyn half-marathon, did he <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">finish strong</a>?

via Drewry News Network

#YouTubeVideoMarketing: Believe and #YouToo Can Prosper

<img src="" width="600" alt="#YouTubereviewer earns #goodmoney from #YouTubevideomarketing (Image: -" rel="nofollow"></a>

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube reviewer above</a> earns a virtual fortune through one simple video marketing tactic?

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When it comes to the power of YouTube, never underestimate how sharing online video can drastically improve your web visibility, video profit potential and long-tail search engine traffic. There's folk today quietly committed to building residual income alone from video content and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">earning a full time living from</a>.

A <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">New York Times</a> article from the past better explains how you can effectively use "YouTube video marketing" to earn online income from advertisers. It also discusses someone who's no longer has a day jobber and "earning healthy YouTube video money." The story is truly inspiring to those desiring to take the leap of faith to full-time internet marketing and video marketing as an avenue of potentially earning a full-time living.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Creative YouTube strategies</a> -

Check back often for updates on " video marketing strategies."

via Drewry News Network

#SuzanneSomers: Former #ThreesCompany Actress Now in #AffiliateMarketing

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If you were one of millions who watched former hit TV sitcom Three''s Company starring Suzanne Somers, you know who she is. Since the former hit TV sitcom went off air in the mid-1980s, Somers has been keeping herself busy with numerous business projects, maintaining an active status simultaneously in the world of show business. And today, she''s now in the world of affiliate marketing introducing her own affiliate program to affiliate marketers. introduces organic anti-aging skin care solutions. Additionally, she's also promoting a weight loss fitness program. Lose weight, get fit, a healthier you is her new health and fitness mantra. With her weight loss and skin care affiliate program combined, the Suzanne Somers affiliate program allows affiliate marketers to join her Internet marketing network. Once approved as an affiliate, you can then promote the Suzanne Somers affiliate program on your blog and website if your content is relevant to health and fitness, or organic skincare. As an affiliate, driving traffic to your site with the Suzanne Somers affiliate program advertisements on it enables you to greater your potential of potentially generating sales to your Suzanne Somers affiliate adverts and earning affiliate commissions.

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The Suzanne Somers affiliate program looks like a lucrative opportunity for affiliates to make money online and diversify their Internet revenue potential. She''s a well respected name in the world of show business and continues to succeed in what she does best: helping others and being an honorable leader.

Learn more about the Suzanne Somers affiliate program on or visit
YouTube -

via Drewry News Network

#PlayCool: Acting and Dressing the Part Traveling to #ForeignSoil

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Planning on traveling to another country on behalf of your job or as part of your own business venture? You may want to think things through and do a tid bit of homework before getting on that plane to outer lands.

If you accepted an assignment to work in another country with an organization, what are some of the perceptual errors you would strive to avoid?

A few suggestions on being smooth in foreign lands:

1. Overtalking - saying the wrong thing and accidentally offending someone or a group of people.
2. Maintain a calm positive attitude because you're on foreign soil and unfamiliar with the people.
3. Watch the type of <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">clothing</a> you wear. In some countries and neighborhoods, certain colors can be offensive to people as they have their own culture. Perform internal research to determine how you'll hopefully blend in.
4. Never making any kind of offensive facial expressions when eating their food.
Play it safe in foreign territory because you never know.

via Drewry News Network

#CommissionJunctionUniversity: Meetup September 2017 in #SantaBarbara

<img src="" width="600" alt="#affiliatemeetup #sponsored by #CJUniversity in #SantaBarbaraCalifornia @ #FessParkerDoubleTreeResort -" rel="nofollow"></a>

A beautiful thing to know about the Internet is affiliate marketing is here to stay. If you have no clue what affiliate marketing is, it's a process of promoting online retailers' products and services in exchange for earning an [affiliate commission]. "Affiliate commission" is commissions earned as an affiliate marketer partnered with an online retailer in agreement of promoting their products or services. People from all walks of life including those who are unemployed and employed are quietly engaging in what's called "affiliate marketing," placing themselves financially in a grand position to earn a hefty fortune in affiliate commissions.

'CJ Affiliate by Conversant'

Commission junction, now known as CJ affiliate by Conversant is a beautiful affiliate network based out of Santa Barbara, California. The company has been in existence since 1998. Their mantra is to meaningfully bring advertisers and publishers to gather for the sole purpose of working together online to increase profit potential in and out advertiser-affiliate partnership.

Corporate office of CJ Affiliate by Conversant in Santa Barbara on Montecito St.

<iframe src="!1m14!1m12!1m3!1d162.5797991370024!2d-119.68612650179543!3d34.420746645490716!2m3!1f0!2f 0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!5e1!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v 1495501451710" width="600" height="800" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Affiliated publishers promote advertisers either own blogs and websites, discussion forums, affiliate landing pages, or use something called an affiliate product API to promote products and services to social networking followers on social networks such as,,,,, and CJ continues to be a leader in the affiliate marketing industry as dedicated affiliate publishers earnestly promote products and services from their publisher dashboard, with some affiliates already earning the established position of "affiliate marketing millionaires." - The company sponsors an open to anyone yearly affiliate marketing get together. It's held not far from the official commission junction-CJ affiliate by conversant corporate office located on Montecito Street. is hosting another successful event in Santa Barbara this year at Fess Parker's Doubletree resort hotel.

Fess Parker's DoubleTree Resort in Santa Barbara, California

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633 E Cabrillo Blvd
Santa Barbara, CA 93103

It's another successful affiliate marketing get together whereas advertisers from across the United States are flying into Santa Barbara to meet ambitious affiliate marketers and bloggers with the intent of forging new advertiser-affiliate relationships and working closely with affiliates to increase their profit potential by promoting their affiliate programs on affiliated blogs and websites and affiliate landing pages. If you're someone ambitious and work tirelessly in the field of sales and marketing currently on your part-time or full-time day job or a recent college graduate looking to gain valuable experience in the field of online marketing, this may be your golden opportunity to capitalize on something really special. - This dedicated section of CJ affiliate by conversant gives amateur and experienced affiliate marketers much to think about. This side of commission junction discusses everything related to affiliate marketing; product interface APIs for affiliates, how to identify and work with content publishers, affiliate cross channel interfaces, social media marketing, affiliate case studies, and more. It's a company blog designed to give affiliates something to think about in their approach to affiliate marketing.

Never been to a CJ affiliate by conversant affiliate marketing event in Santa Barbara, California? It's worth spending the money to go. That is, if you're serious about making serious money in the stable field of affiliate marketing. This line of work is not for people who procrastinate. This line of work is for people who was serious about "good money," and making affiliate marketing their full-time living. Once you learn and master the art-beauty of affiliate marketing, you'll no longer need your day job. If you need some information and inspiration about affiliate marketing, contact super affiliate "Jeremy Palmer."

Affiliates can learn more about the awesome power of affiliate marketing via CJ Affiliate by Conversant sister site Conversant Media by visiting

via Drewry News Network

#SupplementYourIncome: Earn Easy Money by #TakingOnlineSurveys

<img src="" width="600" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#makemoneyonline and stay #employed by #takingonlinesurveys and #earninggoodmoney -"></a>

Donald Trump doesn't plan on making life simple for the poor and middle working class. Are you unemployed, j.o.b. (just over broke), working hand to mouth in struggling paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet? Do you have an internet connection and worrying how you're going to land a 2nd job to make ends meet? Fret no more. Did you know the internet is open season for anyone anywhere with an internet connection to make money online either by blogging, promoting affiliate programs on blogs and websites, video marketing on, or by taking surveys for money? Yep, that's right.

The easiest money made online is not just promoting an affiliate program on a blog or social networks, but taking surveys and reviewing some of the most famous department stores and brands.

What is "Global Test Market?" makes it 100% simple for anyone anywhere to join free of charge. At the time of this post, Global Test Market ranks 3,657 in the United States on <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Alexa</a>.

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Global test market is gladly in the business of helping people supplement their existing income. You basically get paid for taking all kinds of surveys. All that's required on your part is time and effort. How cool is that? If you look at the bigger picture, a few extra dollars in your pocket is better than nothing as it could be applied to paying a small bill, getting your car fixed, adding to your rent or mortgage note, a down payment towards a new car, a few extra bucks to go shopping at outlets with, and so on.

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Global Test Market is worth taking seriously. According to their website, they've been in business since 1999 continuing the journey of going strong 18 years later. For any company to be on the web and positively endure the test of time and rank well in the United States on Alexa as well as being noted for paying out over $30 million to affiliates in the year 2016, they're worth taking a second look at serious consideration in partnering with. One thing you don't want to do as an affiliate of any network is hop from one affiliate network to the next due to the inability of an unstable affiliate network to remain relevant. Global test market continues to prove they're not only reliable in paying their affiliates, but consistently proving themselves to be a respectable company and a leader in the online survey industry. They've also proved themselves worthy of a network dedicated to helping put more money in the pockets of everyday people who affiliate with them.

You really hate the idea of going out and working a second job. You don't want to trudge to a second job working for an unthankful employer either standing on your feet for the duration of the shift, or work with people that feel some kind of way toward you negatively. You want to work from home with a piece of mind knowing you can potentially earn just as much money as your day job or your second job without having to be around anyone. You also want to work from home with the potential of earning enough money to supplement your existing income and work either in your pajamas or underwear. Taking online surveys with Global test market in hopes of earning good money is possible if you put your mind to it. There's more than enough money for everyone to be earned across the web. If you believe you will succeed.

Global test market is directly affiliated with companies around the world, according to verbiage on their website. Once again, this is good money for you to potentially earn. Companies Gtm are affiliated with are some of the world's most famous retailers. How would feel if you sat at home half dressed earning so much money in taking surveys that you literally laughed all the way to the bank while people quietly looked at you in awe wondering where you got all that money from? This is possible for you to achieve if you get serious about making money online. This is also possible for you to achieve in regards to earning more than enough money to get off of the unemployment line or quit your day job. Your cushy job is probably a job you don't want to work anyway and probably can't stand your current employer. And that's okay because most people who go to work every day can't stand their boss. So why not work on yourself now and put yourself in a position to earn seriously good money in the future by taking online surveys and making good money online? No one has to know what you're doing. The bottom line is you're getting that money deposited either into your PayPal account or bank account on a monthly basis, potentially setting yourself up to be in a position to pay all your bills and still have money left in your pocket. How nice of a feeling would that be if you were to achieve that?

'Easy Online Money With Global Test Market'

Gtm provides a hyperlink at the footer of the website entitled "make money online." When you tap the link with your computer mouse to learn more about making money online with them, they provide comprehensive detail how easy it is to increase your web income potential. In fact, they make it crystal clear in the introductory paragraph of "Global Test Market make money online" that a blog or website is not required to earn money with them. It's is a good idea somewhere in your online business journey to have a blog or niche based website. If you don't already have a blog or website, it'll be a good idea to consider doing that as a mandatory unwritten rule in the online business world. Your income from the Internet will continue to grow after you launch your blog or website. That's a different topic to be discussed later. Making money from online surveys is "a lot easier than you think," Global Test Market says.

The beauty of taking online surveys with global test market is it only takes a few moments to complete short surveys. All you have to do is spare a few moments of your precious time and answer questions and share valuable insight-thoughts. According to the website, all it possibly takes is 15 min. of your time to complete one survey with the potential of earning five dollars per survey. This is the easiest money earned online. You can complete the survey virtually anywhere such as on your Internet ready android phone, in your car from your laptop computer, completing online surveys on a library or university computer, and at a friends house on their computer. If you look at the bigger picture, it's literally free money for you. Why would you leave free money on the table for someone else to put in their pocket, when you can spend just a few moments of your time to complete some surveys and earn extra cash in your spare time online?

'Speak Your Mind to Companies in Online Surveys'

They want to know the truth. That means voicing a negative opinion during your online survey when you feel necessary. Global test market says you have nothing to worry about even if you're survey thoughts are adverse. Companies are willing to respect the truth and still pay you no matter what. Corporations plan on using your honest survey thoughts even if the survey is negative to conduct in depth market research on their products and services rendered to the general public. They want to know what works and what doesn't. Why not be honest and earn an honest buck along the way?

No Financial Risk Involved

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's free to join and nothing to pay as a member. No hitting costs or gimmicks. How could a company like Global test market be around for almost 20 years and a sham? They're absolutely legitimate and worth "joining as an affiliate to earn money from online surveys in your spare time." <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Global test market</a> also says they'll never ask you for credit card information whatsoever. They go on to say you may possibly receive a free product to test or try out. What if a major computer corporation like,,, or wanted an honest survey from you and willing to give you a free desktop computer or laptop to keep in exchange for your honest thoughts? That simply means you don't have to shell out $250-$700 to purchase a new computer because you just got one for free. Believe it or not, computer companies actually give away free computers and laptops to people in exchange for honest surveys. And with that said, you can be one of these recipients if you act now and join global test market as an "online survey affiliate."

'Too Much Money Online'

Donald Trump is not playing! If you're striving to get by in life and either looking to supplement your existing income or looking to earn some kind of money while you're in between jobs, now's the time to get down and join as an online survey affiliate so you can make money quietly online. According to an article published today on <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Bloomberg</a>, the Donald is proposing a massive cut Medicaid and food stamps. If you're on any kind of government supplemental program, now's the time to change your train of thought and consider using the Internet as a means of making money on the side.

Making money online is good business and pan out well for you if you do this faithfully. Donald Trump allegedly means no good for the poor and middle working class people. With that said, it should wake your mind up to getting out of your current comfort zone and stay determined in overcoming times of uncertainty. Donald Trump's actions should stir up your mind and excite you in getting inspired about online entrepreneurship beyond the fact of "earning money by taking online surveys." Things will allegedly get worse in America in the years to come. The sooner you start your journey to online entrepreneurship, the sooner you can have a piece of mind financially knowing your financial future is solid.

via Drewry News Network

#BloggingforBusiness: Are You Going to Finally #GetStarted or What?

<img src="" width="600" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#Blogging for #business and #quittingyourdayjob / now's the #time to #doaway with your #cushyjob! -"></a>

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Blogging</a> is a very lucrative venture. Most people that started a blog either started it as a hobby or started blogging without having a clue what they're doing. And that's okay. Why? Blogging allows anyone to not only create a visible presence on the Internet and unleash rambling thoughts in the back of their mind, but transform it into a profitable business that yields fruitful income years to come. The beauty of blogging is it doesn't require you to have a college degree, previous employment experience, doesn't require you to traditionally be dressed as if you where heading into the workplace, and no sales quotas. That's right. Blogging is a freelance opportunity out worries of meeting sales quotas. Maybe you're one of those people in a current sales job whereas your pressure or maybe not even pressured to meet a sales goal monthly or weekly. You can use the same energy from your sales job to create a blog and turn it into a business that yields fruitful income for you years to come instead of continually making your employer rich. All that's required on your part is a dedicated and humble mindset that's teachable to learning about beautiful benefits of blogging and turning it into a serious business for you. Most importantly, staying consistent with blogging by creating valuable and engaging content deemed empowering to your target audience will keep them coming back years to come.

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Are you one of many folk today currently unhappy with your job? Unemployed, or need to fit your frustration in a blog and get all other things in the back of your mind? Unsure which direction your life is heading in financially? You can have a piece of mind with blogging, knowing thoughts rambling in the back of your mind are slowly but surely building a business for you on the Internet. allows anyone with a account start a free blog. This is a great way for people to get started writing and publishing online at zero dollars. The only thing you might need to spend money on is a headset with microphone, alongside spending money on a domain name and renting a dedicated Web server to host your blog on. And possibly shell out a few more dollars for a quality speech recognition program to install on your desktop computer or laptop.

The purpose of having a speech recognition program with a headset and microphone is so you can use the power of your voice to watch words appear in a Microsoft Word document or write content before publishing your blog in A speech recognition program will allow you to stay motivated toward creating valuable content for your blog as you can use your mouth to put yourself in a grand position to earn healthy residual online income in the near future from blogging, while holding down a sales job or unemployed. Most people currently working in sales jobs are part-time bloggers and use the motivation from their current sales positions to build their own side businesses on the Internet in the field of affiliate marketing and blogging. If you're one of those salespeople whose especially sick of their boss talking and treating them some kind of way while you continually make your boss rich off of your hard work, it's time for you to get serious about the Internet and start a blog so you can put yourself in the drivers seat for earning a healthy commissions from sales you generate your blog by having advertisements alongside your blog content. Are you listening?

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If you're one of many people in a sales job whereas you're not being paid commission and feel some type of way about your employer and some of your coworkers treating you some kind of way, this is your opportunity to change your train of thought and get serious about online entrepreneurship and blogging as a full-time business. There's more than enough money to go around for everyone. All it takes is to turn passion into profit while having a humble and determined mindset. Creativity also plays a key role in transforming your blog posts into repeat traffic from search engines and converting that traffic into repeat sales and commissions for you. Now is the time for you to put your business talent to good use. Blogging as a serious full-time business should be taken seriously on your behalf because your boss will allegedly withhold raises from you, secretly laugh at you behind your back because putting too much money in their pocket from your efforts, and look at you as someone that's naïve. Why would you want to keep working for someone who denies you raises, talks to you and treats you some kind of way, and denies you commissions and raises? Whether you work part-time or full-time in a sales position or what ever job where as feel you're mistreated, this is your time to shine by starting a serious business blog from the ground floor up. This is the time for you to have a made up mind and set a realistic goals and reinforce to to yourself in so-and-so amount of time, I'm determined to walk away from my employer with my head held high and be in control financially of my own destiny. Say to yourself also "I refuse to allow others to control me financially." Blogging is the Golden gate to financial freedom. You can do anything good you put your mind to. Don't let your employer or some of your coworkers make you feel like you're nothing without them. If it wasn't for you, the company would it be that much richer. Use your own talent to build your own respectable blogging business.

'Leap of Faith: Taking the 1st Action Step'

How do you get started building your blog from the ground floor up on the side while holding down a sales job or unemployed? It's quite simple. All you have to do is make up in your mind a time when going to write a blog whether it be first thing in the morning before going to the gym or work. Or possibly writing a blog in the evening before going to bed. Make up in your mind that you will write one lengthy post per day 1000 words or better. When you create content 1000 words or better, this is called "long form Evergreen content," or "Evergreen content." Darren Rowse of has wonderful blog posts discussing long form <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Evergreen content</a>. The reason for writing "long form Evergreen blog posts" is to not only provide value for your blog readers and inspire them to do something, but also to provide value to the search engines.,, and search engine spiders quietly give more preference to blogs that have longer pages published and allegedly position them higher in search engine results pages, because they have comprehensive information on the published blog posts. Another words, you’re not going to continue visiting a blog that’s only writing a paragraph or two with very little information because it’s not helping you.

Search engines that notice blogs that have long form Evergreen content on them that provide value to readers are given special preference in the search engine listings ranked higher in <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">SERPs</a>. This is why it’s important for you as an amateur or intermediate blogger to write long form content when building up your blog on the side from scratch. It places you in the position to benefit in longevity with free traffic from search engine results pages years to come, and the position to make money from your blog while unattended from the computer while out and out doing other things.

Are you seeing the bigger picture now how building up a blog on the side from scratch can do good for you financially?

via Drewry News Network

5 Reasons Why #DwayneJohnson From #WWE Will Never be #USPresident

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Dwayne the rock WWE Johnson finally made the decision to run against in 2020 with movie celebrity Tom Hanks riding shotgun as a V.P. candidate. Who can imagine Dwayne the rock Johnson in the oval office as a real president of the United States with Tom Hanks as vice president? Let's face it. These two gentlemen are nothing more then comical celebrities. They're entertainers. Not politicians. And Donald Trump is not a politician either. But for Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks to run for the highest office in America in 2020 against Donald Trump is like playing a game of Russian roulette with a loaded 38 caliber revolver. Donald Trump eight tried to hear about anyone messing him up in getting second term as US president. Besides, Tom Hanks is too much of a comedian and "the rock Dwayne Johnson is too much of a pretty boy!" Will decide to run and jackhammer the rock's presidential ambitions?

5 reasons why Tom Hanks and Dwayne Johnson will never win <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Oval office</a>:

1. The rock Dwayne Johnson formerly of jokes around too much. The next United States president has to be hard and stern on issues.
2. Tom Hanks maybe one of the biggest names in show business today. But just like Dwayne Johnson, Hanks has no previous political experience. If he manages to achieve the office of the United States vice president, how will he tackle sensitive political issues and handle the office of the US presidency if by chance anything were to happen to Dwayne Johnson? Something to truly think about.
3. Donald Trump would clearly roast Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks the way he did and The Donald would roast , and Dwayne and make them more look like "Tom and Jerry!"
4. Donald Trump is fulfilling prophecy-scripture. It's meant for Trump to be in office and there's no stopping him. What's Dwayne and Tom going to do? Play Tom & Jerry and re-introduce peace and hope in America? Not!
5. Who would take Hanks and Johnson seriously as United States Pres. and United States vice president? They'll never be seen in the same light nor taken as seriously as Ronald Reagan, despite any party affiliation they take sides with.

Now that you know why Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks will never be US president, do you feel America and the world will take them seriously if they win the election by a potential landslide against Your thoughts?

via Drewry News Network

#JohnLegend: Now In the Business of Helping People #FalselyAccused Get #Exonerated

The LORD Jesus Christ is
GOD and GOD alone

and acknowledged by drewry news. This open proclamation to the world online is of freewill made shamelessly and voluntarily.

<img src="" width="600" alt="#JohnLegend for #criminaljusticereform joins #Wharton - his #almamater -" rel="nofollow"></a>

Fact: The American legal system is not perfect. Especially in Florida. What wrong conviction and infliction is placed upon a person is
GOD's job to fix and use whomever HE pleases to fulfill HIS perfect will. When you falsely accuse someone of a crime they never committed and think you've gotten away scott free and/or filed a false police report against someone and think it's swept under the rug and no one knows, all you need to know is GOD knows. And until you get it straight with GOD and exonerate the person you falsely accused, you must stand accountable for your false accusations on the day of Pentecost.

Ever been falsely accused of something? Been to prison? Forced to accept a plea deal to avoid going to prison for a crime you never committed and had to plead out - deferred adjudication because you didn't have the funds for a paid legal defense team? Forced to accept adjudication withheld due to faulty evidence or a rigged trial to spend years in prison and feel like you're rotting? Your moment of exoneration may be right around the corner.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">John Legend for criminal justice reform</a> -

<div class="fb-video" data-href="" data-width="600" data-show-text="false" rel="nofollow"><blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="" rel="nofollow">John Legend is trying to close a jail</a><p>John Legend is joining the fight to close this jail.</p>Posted by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Mic</a> on Tuesday, May 9, 2017</blockquote></div>

Shortlist of exoneration projects for the wrongfully accused - convicted:

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Brooklyn Law School</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow"></a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Cooley Innocence Project</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Exoneration Initiative</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Exoneration Project</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">George Washington University</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">National Registry of Exonerations</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Northwestern Pritzker School of Law</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Proving Innocence</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Texas Law Innocence Clinic</a>
<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">University of Chicago</a>

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Globally respected musician John Legend</a> went back to his alma mater and humble beginnings in revisiting and joining the criminal justice refom board at University of Pennsylvania. He's committing himself along with others to helping those falsely accused and wrongfully convicted get exonerated. Legend is placing himself in the grand position to be blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ, because the Lord Jesus Christ is GOD and GOD alone.HE can use anyone HE desires for HIS perfect will and purpose!

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If you're a person today walking around wrongfully convicted of anything and forced to bear a blemish on your public character profile, keep reaching out to GOD. The Lord Jesus who is GOD and GOD alone can and will right all wrongs in HIS perfect time. He can right any wrongs anywhere: Florida, New York City, Kentucky, Philly, Virginia, Minnesota, Utah, Kansas, California, and so on. Everyone has to endure suffering as a good and faithful soldier if you strive today to live for GOD. There are no shortcuts to salvation in the LORD. You will endure false witnesses, false charges, death threats from family members and former friends or co-workers, slandering by family, fired from your job for no reason, and the list goes on. Check out the article above on for more information on John Legend as an advocate for criminal justice reform.

via Drewry News Network

#AffiliateNetworks: Recommended #AdNetworks for #Bloggers

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<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Bloggers</a> and Internet marketers sometimes find it an uphill battle to find quality ad networks to partner with. You may be one of millions of bloggers who have a niche based blog site centered around the topic of computers and technology, fashion, science, or travel. You create content daily and has a loyal target audience that willingly comments on every post you publish to your blog. It's not that difficult finding quality advertisers to partner with because there's tons of money to be made online.

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"Good money" affiliate networks recommended for bloggers:

Let's say for example you have a technology or computer based blog that gives reviews on different brand laptops such as,,,,,, or laptops by The aforementioned companies sponsors an affiliate program for bloggers and content creators to join free of charge. Once accepted as an affiliated partner, you'll place a small snippet of HTML or JavaScript based code anywhere on your block for readers to click and purchase from. This code has your unique affiliate ID number in it. When a person makes a purchase online you earn what's called an affiliate commission. And it easier making money as an affiliate from these companies because their brand name based. All you have to do is simply punch in a search term in your preferred search engine for more information how to join their affiliate programs and discover what affiliate networks their affiliate program is hosted on.

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">These ad networks might be a good fit for your blog</a> -

Blogging can be good money for you in the long run believe it or not. Some people are still sleeping on the potential of turning a blog into a full-time business. Affiliate marketing and blogging is no joke because believe it or not, you can potentially become a blogging millionaire based on your effort and time invested into your blogging ambitions. Success is all in your mind. If you believe you can achieve in this line of work of blogging and potentially develop enough patience to stick out the test of time and create meaningful engaging blog posts to keep your loyal target audience interested in what you have to say, there's much potential for you as a blogger whether your part-time or full-time to earn "good money." If a part-time employee working in retail in a line of work they've never worked in before go from zero dollars to earning close to $100,000 in less than seven months for a company they virtually hate working for, then that means you can go from broke to millionaire. You are just as equal as the elite rich regardless of your current financial status. Now's the time to change your train of thought and get serious about blogging because there's "too much good money to be made online in blogging."

via Drewry News Network

#StartBloggingNow: Why Are You Leaving #Money on the Table?

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If you didn't already know, there's a quiet army of freelance bloggers in various age groups blogging their way to earning millions of dollars in affiliate sales commissions from high-end retailers. Most of them don't have day jobs or a real world job. They only blog. They're the people who get paid to blog all day long about anything they want and have a loyal targeted audience they cater blog posts to. These bloggers partnered with high end online retailers for the purpose of earning affiliate sales commissions, by including ads either alongside in the flush right sidebar of their blogs, in the header of their blogs, or perhaps within the body or footer of their blog posts to entice readers to click the links and make a purchase. This is a practice known as affiliate marketing.

The Wall Street Journal discusses in the video above about a young female blogger earning good money from blogging. She styles and profiles in her blog with brand-name clothing. She makes money from high-end online retailers by having an ad or clickable affiliate links somewhere on her blog. When readers click the links or ads on her blog and makes a purchase, she earns an affiliate commission. This is one of many ways bloggers can blog their way earning millions from online retailers who encourage affiliates to join their affiliate program.

Why are you not blogging yet? Is it because you have no experience? Is it because you don't know how to get started? The easiest way to get started in blogging free of charge is to have a free account and create a free blog on the blog publishing platform known as Blogger is the best way anyone from anywhere can get started in blogging and improve their hand at creative writing. Creative writing on the World Wide Web has the unique potential of turning a no one into someone and going from broke to potentially an online blogging millionaire. It's all about determination, humility, and persistence in the world of Internet blogging. If you feel you have the business muscle for the hustle getting started in blogging and quit ignoring the fact that you're leaving money on the table by not blogging and want to truly try your hand to see what you're made of as an amateur blogger, now's the time to get your feet wet by looking more into "benefits of business blogging and affiliate marketing."

via Drewry News Network

Real Life #Cyclops Goat Born in #India

<center><iframe width="650" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center> uploaded the following video to less than 20 hours ago from the time of this post. What you see in the YouTube video is an actual, real-life cyclops Goat. It was born with a rare deficiency and only has what looks to be "1 eye." How long will the cyclops Goat live?

via Drewry News Network