Dwayne the rock WWE Johnson finally made the decision to run against DonaldJTrump.com in 2020 with movie celebrity Tom Hanks riding shotgun as a V.P. candidate. Who can imagine Dwayne the rock Johnson in the oval office as a real president of the United States with Tom Hanks as vice president? Let's face it. These two gentlemen are nothing more then comical celebrities. They're entertainers. Not politicians. And Donald Trump is not a politician either. But for Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks to run for the highest office in America in 2020 against Donald Trump is like playing a game of Russian roulette with a loaded 38 caliber revolver. Donald Trump eight tried to hear about anyone messing him up in getting second term as US president. Besides, Tom Hanks is too much of a comedian and "the rock Dwayne Johnson is too much of a pretty boy!" Will BillGoldberg.com decide to run and jackhammer the rock's presidential ambitions?
5 reasons why Tom Hanks and Dwayne Johnson will never win <a href="http://www.WhiteHouse.gov" target="new" rel="nofollow">Oval office</a>:
1. The rock Dwayne Johnson formerly of WWE.com jokes around too much. The next United States president has to be hard and stern on issues.
2. Tom Hanks maybe one of the biggest names in show business today. But just like Dwayne Johnson, Hanks has no previous political experience. If he manages to achieve the office of the United States vice president, how will he tackle sensitive political issues and handle the office of the US presidency if by chance anything were to happen to Dwayne Johnson? Something to truly think about.
3. Donald Trump would clearly roast Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks the way he did HillaryClinton.com and Rosie.com. The Donald would roast , and Dwayne and make them more look like "Tom and Jerry!"
4. Donald Trump is fulfilling prophecy-scripture. It's meant for Trump to be in office and there's no stopping him. What's Dwayne and Tom going to do? Play Tom & Jerry and re-introduce peace and hope in America? Not!
5. Who would take Hanks and Johnson seriously as United States Pres. and United States vice president? They'll never be seen in the same light nor taken as seriously as Ronald Reagan, despite any party affiliation they take sides with.
Now that you know why Dwayne Johnson and Tom Hanks will never be US president, do you feel America and the world will take them seriously if they win the election by a potential landslide against Trump.com? Your thoughts?
from DrewryNewsNetwork.com https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1656-5-reasons-why-dwaynejohnson-from-wwe-will-never-be-uspresident
via Drewry News Network
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