Sunday, July 30, 2017

Promoting Yourself With Online Video and Engaging Your Targeted Internet Audience

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Monday, July 24, 2017

#FacebookMarketing: Can Facebook Commenting Boost SEO for #WebMarketers?

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#GoogleMaps Now Allows You to Save Addresses for #EasyDirections

<img src="" width="650" height="400" rel="nofollow" alt="#GoogleMaps lets anyone #savedirections without worrying about #writing anything down. All you need is a #WiFiphone or instant #WiFi connection anywhere and use #GMaps to #mapdirections to your #destination -"></a>

Do you have a account and use regularly to map directions to business and personal locations? Good news if you own a Gmail account. If you're one of many people who use Google maps for <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">business</a> and personal purposes and travel often with your Wi-Fi enabled phone or laptop, you can now use maps by to save directions. Google maps now makes it easier for amateur and novice users to input an address of their final destination along with the address of their originating destination and save it for future reference. The purpose of doing so is if you're not one to use pen and paper the old-school way and write down an address or probably one of those people who easily loses paper with the address and phone number on it, Google maps will now help you indirectly retain your memory. The good news about saving addresses in Google maps is that like, it gives you step-by-step easy to understand instructions along with satellite images of your final destination.

Wi-Fi Enabled Everywhere

The best way to use Google maps to your positive advantage is to have a Wi-Fi ready phone by,, or with instant Internet connection while on the road out and about. The reason for having a Wi-Fi ready phone is because not everyone drives around with a <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">laptop</a> in their car or SUV. With your Wi-Fi phone, all you have to do is simply click an icon that has a Google image on it and select Google maps. From there, once Google maps is accessed on your Wi-Fi enabled phone and your phone asks you to put in the address of your final destination, all you have to do is simply turn on your speech recognition program by taking your index finger and tapping the microphone icon.

Tapping the microphone icon located in the center flush right section of your phone on your screen will allow you to use the power of your voice to speak in the address in the field work Google maps asks you to input the address. After speaking the address and zip code, take your index finger again and press enter or "right arrow." Google maps should instantly return accurate directions to your destination even if you're on the highway driving. If your phone can't access the Internet while out and about, your best choice would be to pull over at your nearest gas station like,,, or fast food restaurant such as,,,, or hotels like,,,, or shopping mall to get free instant Wi-Fi access (publicly shared connection).

'Making Money with Google Maps & Side Hustles'

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There's a grand possibility <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">bloggers</a> and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">website owners</a> can potentially make money from Google maps by having the JavaScript enabled Google maps code enabled on their sites with ads next to it. Depending on the settings of the Google map enabled on a <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">blog or website</a>, publishers can potentially <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">make money</a> by not only having maps readily available on <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">blogs</a> next to an advertisement, but they can also potentially configure the settings where as people can directly search for directions to their destination on that particular <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">blog or website</a> without directly visiting the official Google maps website.

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The positive result of people using Google maps for directions on blogs and websites is that <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">bloggers</a> and website owners get to potentially benefit from increased <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">ad revenue</a>, site retention time ranked on, additionally to their published pages getting free advertising from their readers and customers through links to those pages with Google maps on it shared on <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">social networks</a> like,,,, and If all of this sounds confusing to you, bookmark this page in your web browser in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome or Firefox for future reference.

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Related links to affiliate marketing:

Also Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">How 17 year old Brennan Agranoff made his 1st $1m selling socks online</a> -

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Believe it or not, there’s <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">affiliate marketers</a> and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">bloggers</a> and various content creators who allegedly earn good money off of having Google maps and possibly other Google related products on their sites making it easily accessible to people. They also allegedly earn good money from and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">affiliate programs</a> promoted on those sites next to GMaps.

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Are your creative <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">entrepreneurial</a> juices flowing right now about how you can make <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">money online as a side hustle</a> time business? If you have a few hours a day you can spare to invest in your future by starting an <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">online business</a> in a niche you're passionate about, get inspired now by reading a <a href=""target="new" rel="nofollow">Forbes</a> article and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">transforming a blogging side hustle</a> into a full time quiet cash machine. If you feel you have the <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">business muscle for the hustle</a> and lay the patience card for a few years by <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">investing in your early retirement</a> and sparing a few hours a day to work on your <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">side hustle</a> and provide value to people, you'll be surprised how you come out on the other side in just a few short years time <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">financially</a>.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Friday, July 21, 2017

#OJSimpsonParoled: Former #NFL Star #OJSimpson Finally Coming Home from #Prison

<center><iframe title="New York Times Video - Embed Player" width="650" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" id="nyt_video_player" src=""></iframe></center>

It looks and sounds as if former football celebrity and retiree O.J. Simpson will be home from prison this year. A parole board in Nevada shown in the video above from recently granted him parole, as O.J. occasionally smiles. It's ironic even <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">O.J.'s alleged Victims</a> are supporting his move to come home from jail. And we wonder of what terms will worked out behind the scenes for was granted parole. What's your thoughts on this? Will OJ be out of prison for a short period of time for someone tries to violate his probation? Or will he succeed in staying out of prison "this time around?"

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Thursday, July 20, 2017

#MoneyandEternity: Does It Mean Anything in the End to Have #Money and Not Help Others?

<center><div class="fb-video" data-href="" data-width="650" height="400" data-show-text="false" rel="nofollow"><blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" rel="nofollow"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Billionaires Index Daily Update, July 20, 2017</a><p>Evergrande Group&#039;s Hui Ka Yan is today&#039;s biggest mover on our Billionaires Index. He&#039;s $1.69 billion richer.</p>Posted by <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Bloomberg Television</a> on Thursday, July 20, 2017</blockquote></div></center>

This post is personal commentary from Drewry News and doesn't reflect the opinion nor thoughts of its advertisers...

Can you take money with you in the long run? Let that mentally marinate. Money is always good to have. In fact, humans need it. We get up in the morning, go to work or run our businesses in hopes of earning an honest day's pay. Money is a necessity in life to pay bills, satisfy legal obligations, grow business ventures, and so on. We need money to buy food, keep gas in our cars, and so on. But what does it mean to be wealthy and gain the world without helping others up along the way and giving of yourself generously? Can you take money with you when you're no more of this world? Let that mentally marinate as you ponder on thoughts of what you did with your wealth.

Are you a billionaire or millionaire and haven't yet done your part to help the poor and generously give to those in need? If you are a millionaire or billionaire reading this post and feel you don't have an unwritten obligation to help others, guess again. If you only thought of yourself financially for your own personal gain and shut people out from around you in not giving from the heart, shame on you. Stop being greedy and do your part of contributing to the less fortunate. Money is always good to have. But remember this...just because you're a millionaire or billionaire doesn't make you better than others. Humble yourself, because you too with all of your wealth secretly stacked could lose everything and find yourself financially back to square one. In fact, you can one day find yourself standing on the soup kitchen line with the poor and homeless. Or better yet, you might stand on the food pantry line weekly and have your name called out when they hand you your food bag.

If you're rich, stay humble. If you don't care to contribute financially direct to someone, give to a charity. This way, you know your money is honestly being put to good use. You can always donate to a food pantry or a local Don't be cheap because you're living in your mansion and loaded with money. Always remember that your millions and billions won't do you any good in the day when it's time for your special appointment. Do it while you can cheerfully and give to those in need in free will hospitality and humility with a smile on your face. That's true transformation of the heart. :-)

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

#HealthyEating: Is #EatingRight a #HealthInvestment in Self?

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

#NewsFromNewYork: 5 Borough News Roundup in #NewYorkCity

<img src="" width="650" height="400" alt="#News on everything #NewYork from #Brooklyn, #FarRockaway, #Harlem, #downtownbrooklyn, #EastFlatbush, and more -" rel="nofollow"></a>

Renting or buying property in New York City can sometimes be a headache. The New York Times has a thought-provoking article on apartment hunting in NYC. Back in the day in the late 1970's, a person could possibly rent an apartment in Brooklyn for as little as under $100 a month. This was the era when former <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">New York Governor</a> and now deceased Mario Cuomo. was mayor of the big apple. Times back then were simpler as the cost of living was significantly cheaper. Of course, rent in Manhattan was always sky high unless you lived in Harlem or the Bronx. The N.Y. Times article goes on to mention if July is a good time of the year to search and rent an apartment in New York City? That depends. To rent an apartment nowadays in Manhattan, look forward possibly to paying $1,500 and better on a month to month basis. WHile it's uncertain how much rent will be in a New York City housing project, you can still look forward to shelling out over $1,000 monthly. Rne twill allegedly continue to skyrocket not just in Manhattan, but throughout the rest of the boroughs of NYC years to come. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Moving around in New York City</a> -

Some people are allegedly moving to New York City possibly just to get a free ride on college tuition. New York City Gov. Andrew Cuomo, son of now deceased former Gov. Mario Cuomo, announced early 2017 there would be free college available to residents of the big apple. Free college tuition in New York City has certain conditions. You're obligated after graduation to contribute at least a few years of service working in New York City. If you move out of New York or unable to meet your obligation of working in New York after graduating from college and <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">getting your free ride through any New York City college</a>, you're required to allegedly paid back all the tuition money. Some people might be moving to New York just to shack up with relatives and use their address as a means of getting a free ride through college from New York City government. New York is not the only state to offer residents tuition free college. Having a free scholarship on the government dime is a "blessing," and entitles anyone striving for excellence to get organized to earn "good money." Anyone who qualifies for free college tuition on Uncle Sam's dime should use it to their fullest potential and go non stop award achieving the goal of graduating with their bachelors or Masters degree in their field of expertise so they can showcase their skills that to where the employers and the world. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Free college tuition in NYC</a> -

Have you ever heard of anything like this? According to an article posted by the Brooklyn Eagle, a judge in Brooklyn allowed a gun toting suspect two more months of freedom to prove himself as he got caught drinking in public and failed to report what he did to the court. Brooklyn judge Pamela Chen, noted in the Brooklyn Eagle article, dealt with gun suspect Mr. Tyson Jeffries in court, as it's noted he struggled with drug addiction and getting caught with a handgun. He allegedly told the NYPD to "F------ shoot him." Really? Who in their right mind wants to willingly die? The Brooklyn Eagle article goes on to mention he was placed in special education in second grade and dropped out of high school in ninth grade while involving himself in the streets. Unfortunately, he had to serve 15 months in prison due to a conviction on certain charges. Brooklyn Eagle goes on to mention grew up in Red Hook projects in Brooklyn without a father and had his first job ever in life as a grown man while taking care of his grandmother for $11 an hour. The flip side to this is Tyson still has a chance to make something good of himself and shouldn’t be written off as an unproductive citizen. As long as a person is still living, she or he still has a chance to make something good of themselves by repenting for their past wrongdoings and striving for excellence by being a productive citizen of society. Perhaps there will be good reports in the future of Mr. Tyson Jeffries doing something good for his community and being an ideal transformational role model for change. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Tyson Jeffries given 2nd chance by Brooklyn judge?</a> -

Is it only during the hot months of summer that New York City subway commuters suffer in delayed service as subway riders boil in the heat on subway platforms and inside subway cars? It sounds as if the Penn station subway signal systems are possibly having temporary challenges. People are seen in an image on the Patch dot com website standing at Penn Station in Manhattan looking allegedly stressed out. The article goes on to mention that some New York City subway stations not only have signal problems, but also track fires, trains possibly broken down, and related subway issues causing frustration among New Yorkers who loyally rely on the subway. A rubbish fire unfortunately surfaced at the 145th street station in Harlem, causing nine injuries and service shut down possibly, according to the Patch article referenced via MTA. Others subway stations affected are the 59th St. and Lexington line that trains N, Q, R, and W trains run at slow down service to the borough of Queens. New York City MTA personnel will address these issues and hopefully and strive to get service back on track with no delay. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Issues in the NYC subway</a> -

Accused thief Martin Shkreli is reported to show his true character to offline. A courtroom in Brooklyn on Monday is reported to have experienced his real character up close and personal Robin Leach style. Martin is quoted to be "threatening to sue financial firm SEC solutions group for taking too long to untangle his company's long overdue expenses," according to the New York Post article. He's accused of jacking up prices for AIDS related drugs in a move of potential greed without a care in his heart about his drug pill clientele. If he's convicted at trial, how many years in prison do you feel Martin Shkreli will serve? Did you also know Martin has been kicked/suspended from for acting out online numerous times? This is absolute nonsense for a former CEO to allegedly act like a child on any a social network and have his profile disabled. If and when Martin Shkreli is convicted, he can face up to 20 years in prison for his conviction in an alleged financial Ponzi scheme worth possibly $11 million. Remember the "people pleaser" <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Bernard Madoff</a>, former ceo of If you don't remember, Madoff was also convicted and “made off” with billions in stolen investment money after orchestrating a Ponzi scheme. Madoff is now serving over 100 years in surrendering the rest of his life to the law in New York City. If and when Martin Shkreli is convicted and only serves 20 years behind bars, what will post prison life be like for him? Will Shkreli start another business whereas he allegedly offers AIDS suppressing drugs at reasonable prices? Will the general public hear about him starting over in life by flipping burgers at or rolling burritos at What will Martin's life be like after getting out of the slammer? <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Martin Shkreli and the internet</a> -

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Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Governor Cuomo offering free tuition to New York residents?</a>

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Business Insider</a> reports in an article written by Leanna Garfield and Sarah Jacobs billionaire Elon musk is not the only one in his family doing big things in the business world. Garfield and Jacobs reports Elon's brother, whose name by the way is Kimbal Musk, has a shipping container business in New York City. Guess where Kimbal’s shipping container farm is? None other than Brooklyn, New York. The mantra of the shipping container farm is helping aspiring young entrepreneurs develop vertical-farming startups, according to the business insider article. Business insider also goes on to mention that "Graduates are uniquely positioned to embark on a lifetime of real food entrepreneurship — with the know-how to build a thriving, responsible business." Any food based business immediately earns profits because people seek to satisfy their instant gratification, eating anything as they please in the moment. Don't you agree? The Square roots Farm is located not far from Marcy projects, where famed rapper Shawn Jay-Z Carter spent his childhood in downtown Brooklyn. -

Is gentrification happening in Crown Heights Brooklyn in the new era? An article by reports a new bar called Summerhill located on Nostrand Avenue having allegedly sent out a public relations mass blast with alleged "fake bullet holes." Is this true? <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Gentrification in Crown Heights Brooklyn</a> -

Is Crown Heights Brooklyn the place to be for the best <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Crab cuisine in Brooklyn</a>? Who takes the cake in Crown Heights between Jewish Kosher food, West Indian food, or American food? You be the judge. -

A Bloomberg News article published by Oshrat Carmiel reports on finding bargains on properties in Brooklyn. Renters looking to rent homes anywhere in the borough of Brooklyn may find it easy as rent and mortgages continue to skyrocket. The image depicted in the Bloomberg article showcases a row of Brooklyn brownstone homes. The Bloomberg news article goes on to mention due to the fact that since newly built rentals blanketed the borough, it resulted in leasing costs going down in the month of June 2017, putting landlords on a competitive edge to virtually fight for who can offer the best rental rates to Brooklyn renters. Rental Brooklyn homes are noted to possibly start anywhere allegedly from $2000 monthly and better with a median of close to $3000. What does this mean to Brooklyn home renters? Does this mean paying more in rent and having less food on the table for feeding the family? Is it possible to rent an apartment or home in Brooklyn, New York in today's era of information technology at a minimum rent of $1000 monthly and still have change in your pocket for discretionary-leisure spending? Brooklyn apartment and home rentals are predicted to allegedly rise another $500-$1000 monthly possibly within the next 5 to 10 years. How much of a financial strain will this put on the middle class looking to rent a decent apartment or home with the option to buy? <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Brooklyn Renters Get Bargains Even as Buyers Are Priced Out</a> -

Parts of Far Rockaway, New York are about to get a very nice facelift. The New York City Department of economic development is yet to approve revitalizing of Far Rockaway rezoning, noted in an article by New York City Mayor BIll deBlasio hopes to achieve putting up a housing complex deemed affordable by the low income and middle class working New Yorkers. The plan still needs further approval before coming into fruition. It'll allegedly cost octane it over $90 million. The project is reported to create affordable housing and opportunities for community groups to forge positive sustainable relationships. The plan also has opportunities for assisting storefront businesses to improve their image, thus proving their business revenue potential in Far Rockaway along Central and Mott avenues by way of Beach 20th St. The Far Rockaway rezoning initiative is reported to have been met less negative feedback vs. rezoning initiative efforts in East New York, East Harlem, and Inwood, New York. What will Far Rockaway look like and feel after the revitalization project is complete?<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Far Rockaway revitalization initiative</a> -

A promising college student from Flatbush Brooklyn was at home in Brooklyn for the summer from Delaware State University when he was killed in East Flatbush. Justin Hackley from Brooklyn, New York, a senior at <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Delaware State University</a> located in Dover, Delaware, is reported by New York Daily News shot dead in a street fight near midnight nearby Church Avenue in the Flatbush section. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Delaware State University student form Brooklyn killed in Flatbush</a> -

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Sunday, July 16, 2017

#MarketingonPinterest: Are #AffiliateMarketers and #Bloggers Using #Pinterest to Its Fullest #Marketing Potential?

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Dear bloggers and online marketers,

Are you consistent with your Pinterest marketing? Did you know Pinterest is free of charge to join and no longer requires an invite? If you run a blog or full-time online business and not using the free social image pinning site to leverage free traffic and increase your online revenue potential, chances are you're leaving long $ gUaP $ on the table. I

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Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Pinterest and running with big name advertisers</a> -

In a December tweet posted on, studies show:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en" rel="nofollow"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Study shows Pinterest shoppers spend 77% more than Facebook shoppers <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="new"></a></p>&mdash; Bloomberg TV (@BloombergTV) <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="new">December 3, 2013</a></blockquote>
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What does this mean for bloggers and internet marketers? Pinterest and daily pinning to Pinterest pinboards is not to be ignored. Too much money to be made. All that's required is consistency, creativity, effort, and "lots and lots of content." Especially if you are into affiliate marketing.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Pinterest achieves hiring a former employee of Google</a> -

Effective Pinterest marketing helps bloggers and online marketers not only successfully syndicate blog posts and products to be sold online, but most importantly enable you to increase web visibility. This can be achieved by networking with fellow pinners and good relationships with other bloggers who use Pinterest and for marketing. When using Pinterest for business as a marketer, it's always good to keep your "mental <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">SWOT</a> marketing game" at bay knowing who your competition and target market is, while achieving long term strategic SWOT marketing goals of effectively conveying your message s to the masses online.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Saturday, July 15, 2017

#YouTubeVlogging: Publishers and Bloggers Should Have a #DigitalCamera Everywhere They Go for on…

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#YoastSEO: This #WordPress Plugin Should Be Installed in Your #WPPlugins

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<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Yoast SEO</a> is a priceless WordPress plugin every blogger should have. It works beautifully right out of the bos after downloading it and installing it on your dedicated server's Wp-plugins section. Once installed, the Yoast WordPress plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress blog title and content to get a better crawl by,, and It does way more than that.

Stay tuned as this post will be updated momentarily.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Friday, July 14, 2017

#JobsinDelaware: 3 #DelawareEmployers Looking to Hire #QualifiedJobCandidates in #NewCastleCounty

<img src="" width="600" height="400" alt="#Delawarejobs - check back #weekly for #jobsinDelaware -" rel="nofollow"></a>

Who said getting a job in Delaware has to be an uphill battle? Not if you have a willing mind to leverage every job opportunity presented to you. Of course, you're not going to get hired by any and every employer in Delaware right away even if you have the right job qualification credentials, simply because every Delaware employer operates differently. Have you taken a moment to examine your resume to see where you can include highly sought after skills and hot keywords that'll make your Delaware resume interceptable by automated Delaware employer resume filters? In other words, employers in Delaware use automated resume filtering systems to filter out resumes they consider "fluff resumes," which are simply resumes either with not enough content and relevant keywords, or [fluff resumes] with too many keywords that may be deemed as "Delaware resume spam." If you haven't yet optimized your Delaware employment resume and looking for a job now, this is the grand moment for you to get organized with no delay and have a resume professional resume writer critique you, so your Delaware skill set and "Delaware employment career objective" will be deemed "worthy for hire" in the eyes and minds of prospective employers throughout New Castle County, Delaware.

Related: Search for more jobs in New Castle County Delaware @

Still doing things old school style and looking in the newspaper and magazines and Delaware for part-time or full-time employment? If so, this is the time for you to create a free online job seeker account and upload your resume to job networks so you can make your self marketable for a job in New Castle County. It's not too late to get started now and create a free job seeker account.

Also Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Del Tech</a> is offering free automation technology training. You may be eligible to earn a spot for a free automation technology program offered by Delaware Tech and funded by the United States Department of Labor and the America's promise Grant (Delaware Department of Labor). The Del tech automation training program will arm those willing to learn with relevant education to prosper in full-time or part-time employment in the field of manufacturing. All you need is a high school diploma or GED, full-time work experience preferably 2 years, have some type of math skills, a valid driver's license and Social Security card.

Address of DelTech college information sessions:

97 Parkway Cir.
New Castle, DE 19720
Phone: 302-266-3300

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They have a fall program from August through December, so you may want to look into this so you can get free job skill training and have something good to add to your Delaware employment resume. Jump on this now and don't be lazy!

Looking for a job right now with the potential to blossom into a full-time career between Wilmington, Delaware and near Symrna, Delaware? Good news. There's three employers currently hiring in New Castle County looking for good people like you. Just make sure you have good grammar and spelling on your resume and your skill set highlighted, so you can potentially get favored by prospective Delaware employers.

Three employers in New Castle County Delaware looking to hire qualified job candidates:

1. in Claymont and Elsmere currently hiring cashiers, cooks, crewmembers, and looking for people to place in management positions. They're also hiring up on N. Market St. and 4th Street on the west side of Wilmington, Delaware. This is a great job for high school graduates to take advantage of and those working through college or people working part-time while having a legitimate side hustle transitioning into entrepreneurship. McDonald crew shifts pay up to $9.50 hourly starting out. While that's not a lot of money, you ought to appreciate the fact that having some money in your pocket is better than having no money.

If you're wondering how you would look before people with a fast food uniform on flipping burgers, just know that you're working an honest job for honest pay, so don't worry about what people think or have to say to you or about you working at Mickey D's burger flipping joint. If you happen to land a management position at McDonald's in Delaware, it pays between $10 and $30 hourly. Morning, evening, and night shift availability varies. They sponsor on the spot job fairs at the Wilmington Department of labor, where as job applicants can walk in directly off of the street with or without a resume and converse directly with McDonald's management about potential employment. In order to be considered through the Delaware Department of labor to work at McDonald's, potential job candidates must be actively registered in Delaware job link. This opportunity is limited and ends August 4, 2017.

2. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Neptune Pool Management</a> is looking to hire pool maintenance workers, motor cleaners, pool liners, pool plumbers, cleaning personnel, and additional pool maintenance employees. This position is paying between $10 and $15 hourly. This is a great position for people looking to stay busy during the summer weather was working part-time or full-time while attending summer school or summer college classes. If you're a teenager and looking to gain valuable work experience, this may potentially be your calling to work and have a few dollars in your pocket to spend. If you have a lifeguard certification, you can also get a job as a pool lifeguard with Neptune pool management. This position pays between $8.25 to $10 hourly. If you don't have a lifeguard certification, no need to worry. Neptune pool management will gladly school lifeguards in-house for your certification. Once again, this is a valuable Delaware employment opportunity you don't want to let slip out of your hands.

Everybody needs a job doing something productive and honest and definitely needs a few dollars in their pocket. If this job is not for you, pass this page on to someone else looking for an immediate job in New Castle County. Lastly, Neptune pool management is looking to fill an office manager position paying between $10 and $15 an hour. This position requires you to have previous administrative experience in the workplace. If you're experienced using Microsoft Office and articulate with creative customer service skills that delivers positive business results and a mind for business, this might be your opportunity in being a good fit for this position and possibly working as soon as next week. The office manager position also requires you to schedule appointments for specific services, have knowledge of invoicing, how to organize payroll, accurate filing, and some QuickBooks experience. If you feel your acquired skill set meets the qualifications for the office manager position at Neptune pool management, feel free to e-mail the employer direct with a cover letter with salary requirements and your updated Delaware resume to

3. <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Quality 3 Fire Protection</a> is looking to hire full-time service technicians. It looks as if qualified job candidates need to possibly have previous experience to meet the qualifications for this position. Of course, you must have a valid Delaware drivers license. If you currently don't have a drivers license or suspended, you need to head down to the <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Delaware Department of motor vehicles</a> to get your license straightened out. Now mind you, this position is not for people who have points on their Delaware drivers license. It roughly takes about 3 years for points to come off. If you have a license that says Delaware on it with either D class or better and have 0 points or next to zero points, you're encouraged to apply for this position. Quality 3 fire protection is looking for the ideal employee to successfully put in fire suppression systems. This is not a kiddie job nor for inexperienced job applicants. You can seriously get yourself hurt if you don't know what you're doing in this position and have 0% experience. This is why the employer is looking for someone to hire "with experience."

Related: Search transit oriented Delaware jobs in New Castle County now @ <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">DART First State</a>

This position also requires that you work independently, which simply means you have to be a self driven motivated individual with an entrepreneurial mindset, simply because you have to have a keen eye to see things others don't. You have to thoroughly inspect every site your presence is required at and troubleshoot or repair anything when necessary. You preferably need experience up to five years knowing how to install fire suppression systems. You'll also need previous experience for this job in electrical engineering and plumbing. It's a good thing too if you have skills in the field of carpentry or welding and or HVAC. Once again, this is a full-time position and the salary is ranging between $27,000 and $40,000 annually. You can send a cover letter with your Delaware resume to for potential employment consideration and scheduling an interview.

Be sure to check back regularly as more Delaware job postings will appear on Drewry news network. Feel free to share this page with coworkers, family, and friends on,,, and

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#DelBlogger #AntoinetteBlake Streams Inspiring #FacebookVideo from #Alibaba in #NewarkDelaware

<div class="fb-video" data-href="" data-width="600" data-show-text="false" rel="nofollow"><blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore" rel="nofollow"><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Ali Baba the best Middle Eastern Food in Newark, Delaware #DelawareBlogger #bloggerslife #MiddleEasternCuisine #netde #SocialDE</p>Posted by <a href="#" role="button" rel="nofollow">Antionette Blake</a> on Friday, July 14, 2017</blockquote></div>

Delaware blogger Antoinette Blake, known as the inspiring blogger from, continues to inspire the masses on Her award winning blogs and videos on Facebook and continue to inspire and engage people in the state of Delaware. In fact, Mrs. Blake loves to create and stream live web video on location while enjoying lunch and dinner at carious restaurants.

Stay tuned for more in the near future discussing Antoinette Blake, the highly successful "blogger from Delaware," destined to earn a 6 figure income from affiliate marketing and blogging in less than 5 years.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#DelBlogger #AntoinetteBlake Makes Inspiring #FacebookVideo from #Alibaba in #NewarkDelaware

<iframe src=" tionette.blake%2Fvideos%2F10208574832719239%2F&sho w_text=0&width=225" width="600" height="400" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true" rel="nofollow"></iframe>

Delaware blogger Antoinette Blake, known as the inspiring blogger from, continues to inspire the masses on Her award winning blogs and videos on Facebook and continue to inspire and engage people in the state of Delaware. In fact, Mrs. Blake loves to create and stream live web video on location while enjoying lunch and dinner at carious restaurants.

Exclusive content from a DNN advertiser:

<object classid='clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'
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Stay tuned for more in the near future discussing Antoinette Blake, the highly successful "blogger from Delaware," destined to earn a 6 figure income from affiliate marketing and blogging in less than 5 years.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#Covfefe: Why Does #Russia Continue to #HackAmerica?

<img src="" width="650" rel="nofollow" alt="#Russia is #hackingAmerica at #fullstrength. Is this a #politicialstunt to show who has #politicial and #technology #power in the #world and who has #politicialcontrol over #America? What kind of game are #Russians #playing exactly in #politics? -"></a>

DrewryNewsNetwork recently experienced a bit of Russian intervention. As mentioned in previous forum posts and possibly a blog post, DNN News reported that Russians successfully managed to hack one of Drewry's passwords on a social bookmarking site. The Russian hacker who hacked DNN's social bookmarkng password posted what looked to be "Russian affiliate links," trying to make money online by posting "Affiliate links to Russian shopping websites to earn Russian affiliate commissions." Slightly before the <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Russian hacked</a> DNN's social bookmarking account password, the DNN website was slowly being bombarded with "generic and spammy Russian site registrants," with strange e-mail addresses.

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Below are direct e-mail spam addresses some Russians use to register on websites:






The Russians are out of control. What's the deal with Russian hackers going virtually ballistic like some of them have no self control trying to hack their way through the United States of America? Not everyone thinks like Donald Trump nor agrees with him. Why should good Americans get hacked by Russians who might have something against the Trump administration and take it out on innocent people online by hacking social bookmarking accounts and social networking passwords? This makes no sense on Russia's behalf. We want no quarrel with Russians. We're all supposed to live and work together peacefully, not hack one another for the purpose of politicial or financial gain. Do you agree?

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

#FailingBlogs: Performing 'Miserably' in #SearchEngineRankings

<img src="" rel="nofollow" width="650" height="400" alt="#Blogging can be a #success or #failure. #Startablog and #stayconsistent with #producing #naturalcontent for #Bing, #Google, and #YahoO to #fallinlove with and send you #freetraffic #yearstocome. Don't #startblogging and fall off the bandwagon. Keep #creating #freshcontent and #buildrelationships with your #blogreaders -"></a>

Business and lifestyle blogger Necole, formerly know as Necole****** dot com, is now known as Necole started out as a struggling blogger who earned her way to blogging fame and possibly earning millions of dollars from advertisements and partnerships through her blog. Necole, who is highly intelligent and ambitious, blogs on trending topics such as relationships, business, entrepreneurship and starting from the bottom, employment, and more. But now it seems as if her blog XONecole is terribly failing. What's happening here?

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Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Necole's humble beginnings discussed by Baltimore Sun</a> -

Necole has some explaining to do on her blog about why her million dollar venture is now failing. According to, her site now plummeted to an all time low " at the time of this post" in the United States to <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">110,519 (as of July 12, 2017)</a> for XONecole dot com. She has amazing content and well written. Are people leaving her blogging staff for whatever reason and refuse to write more content for her formerly successful business blog? Necole ... what's causing you to look like a "blogging stock flop?" You need to get on and do some explaining!

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

#NYCBusiness: The Best Came from #NewYorkCity and #Brooklyn

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#YouTubePartner: Earn #YouTubeAdMoney from a #YouTubePartnership

<img src="" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#MakingMoneyOnline with the #AdSenseYouTube #partnerprogram -" height="400"></a>

Earning #YouTubeAdMoney from a video partnership is not as hard as it seems. Creating meaningful and engaging online video content will help to build your subscriber base. Writing a keyword rich video description after you've uploaded your video will attract video search traffic to your YouTube video channel. Uploading videos and creating unique video description content will not only build your video subscriber base and build channel views, but staying persistent will help you to accomplish potential YouTube partner status in due time.

The first step towards becoming a potential <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner</a> is to get into the consistency of uploading videos to your YouTube channel every single day. When uploading videos to your YouTube channel, be sure to write a meaningful description of what your YouTube video is about. Writing two or three sentences will not cut the mustard toward building your YouTube video search traffic. To be effective at YouTube video marketing and building your subscriber base, it's always a positive and common practice to write at least a 1 to 2 paragraph description of what your YouTube video is about. Go for the gusto if you have the time and creativity to publish a 500 to 1,000 word video description. The beauty of doing so is getting a better SEO rank if you include links to your blog or website in the YouTube video description field.

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The keywords and content embedded in your YouTube video description will be indexed by major search engines and available to search on YouTube and Google organic search results pages. It's also a good practice to include relevant tags in the tag description of your newly uploaded YouTube videos. If you've uploaded a video about relationship and online dating, you shouldn't include keywords in the tag description about technology, television, making money, investing in stocks and bonds, Forex markets, offshore banking, and music. If you upload a video to your YouTube channel about relationship and online dating, the relevant tags that should be included with that video art love, dating, marriage, relationship, relationships, relationship building, lifetime partner, love and marriage, together for ever, so on and so forth.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Lily Singh making millions on YouTube</a> -

If you're persistent enough to upload one to five or more videos to your YouTube channel every day and include keyword rich description about your videos uploaded, you can potentially set yourself up for success to achieve membership in the YouTube partner program in a matter of months. It can't be emphasized enough you must be persistent as getting accepted into the YouTube partner program if it is a goals you desire to achieve long-term. No one's going to just give you or offer you a partnership into YouTube's partner program or any online marketing program. If you want something, you have to go after it, even if you get rejected the first few times. Do not expect immediate acceptance in <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner program</a> right away. If and when you experience YouTube partner program rejection, don't let it discourage you from additionally pursuing the goal of being a YouTube partner. Keep going in by uploading unique video content, writing unique video descriptions, include relevant keywords-tags about your video, and strive to get accepted into YouTube's partner program. Once accepted, there's <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">no salary cap</a> or ceiling how much you can possibly earn in YouTube ad residual monthly income. It's all up to you what you make of the YouTube partner ad program by

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When you're potentially accepted into the <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner program</a>, advertisements will automatically show up in every new video you upload to your YouTube channel. As a YouTube partner, you will earn a portion of the revenue from your videos, as this can turn into a potential full time online living, if you are persistent in your efforts to keep your channel viewers satisfied with your new videos. Bear in mind that this is work but unlike the 9 to 5 day job scene. It is a beautiful labor of love but a patient operation. As your YouTube revenue grows from your videos, you can potentially expect your rent, mortgage, car note, utility bills, and other expenses to be paid potentially in full while having change left in your pocket and money in the bank.

As mentioned previously in so many your efforts to become a <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner</a>, give it your best, be honest in your videos, be yourself genuinely, and create meaningful and engaging video content to connect with the Internet audience on a humble level. Be down-to-earth in your YouTube videos so they can understand clearly where you are coming from. Stay faithful. Put people before profits and when least expected, the money will roll in like Water as you'll be able to "quit your day job." Lastly, before publishing a video description, always write unique content fresh from scratch. Bing, Google, and all check across the web for exact or similar versions of any type of content posted to your channel, blog, or website. The more unique content you publish to your video channel or site, the more free traffic and potential sales you get. So with that in mind, take time to write naturally and mingle with your target audience in giving them responses and feedback. This way, you subliminally encourage people to keep coming back and giving you their business. To keep your <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube monetization - content creation</a> ambitions ignited in longevity, it's recommended for content creators and evergreen content marketers to acquire a durable speech recognition program.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#YouTubePartner: Earn YouTube#AdMoney from a #YouTube Partnership

<img src="" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#MakingMoneyOnline with the #AdSenseYouTube #partnerprogram -" height="400"></a>

Earning #YouTubeAdMoney from a video partnership is not as hard as it seems. Creating meaningful and engaging online video content will help to build your subscriber base. Writing a keyword rich video description after you've uploaded your video will attract video search traffic to your YouTube video channel. Uploading videos and creating unique video description content will not only build your video subscriber base and build channel views, but staying persistent will help you to accomplish potential YouTube partner status in due time.

The first step towards becoming a potential <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner</a> is to get into the consistency of uploading videos to your YouTube channel every single day. When uploading videos to your YouTube channel, be sure to write a meaningful description of what your YouTube video is about. Writing two or three sentences will not cut the mustard toward building your YouTube video search traffic. To be effective at YouTube video marketing and building your subscriber base, it's always a positive and common practice to write at least a 1 to 2 paragraph description of what your YouTube video is about. Go for the gusto if you have the time and creativity to publish a 500 to 1,000 word video description. The beauty of doing so is getting a better SEO rank if you include links to your blog or website in the YouTube video description field.

<iframe width="600" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The keywords and content embedded in your YouTube video description will be indexed by major search engines and available to search on YouTube and Google organic search results pages. It's also a good practice to include relevant tags in the tag description of your newly uploaded YouTube videos. If you've uploaded a video about relationship and online dating, you shouldn't include keywords in the tag description about technology, television, making money, investing in stocks and bonds, Forex markets, offshore banking, and music. If you upload a video to your YouTube channel about relationship and online dating, the relevant tags that should be included with that video art love, dating, marriage, relationship, relationships, relationship building, lifetime partner, love and marriage, together for ever, so on and so forth.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Lily Singh making millions on YouTube</a> -

If you're persistent enough to upload one to five or more videos to your YouTube channel every day and include keyword rich description about your videos uploaded, you can potentially set yourself up for success to achieve membership in the YouTube partner program in a matter of months. It can't be emphasized enough you must be persistent as getting accepted into the YouTube partner program if it is a goals you desire to achieve long-term. No one's going to just give you or offer you a partnership into YouTube's partner program or any online marketing program. If you want something, you have to go after it, even if you get rejected the first few times. Do not expect immediate acceptance in <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner program</a> right away. If and when you experience YouTube partner program rejection, don't let it discourage you from additionally pursuing the goal of being a YouTube partner. Keep going in by uploading unique video content, writing unique video descriptions, include relevant keywords-tags about your video, and strive to get accepted into YouTube's partner program. Once accepted, there's <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">no salary cap</a> or ceiling how much you can possibly earn in YouTube ad residual monthly income. It's all up to you what you make of the YouTube partner ad program by

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When you're potentially accepted into the <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner program</a>, advertisements will automatically show up in every new video you upload to your YouTube channel. As a YouTube partner, you will earn a portion of the revenue from your videos, as this can turn into a potential full time online living, if you are persistent in your efforts to keep your channel viewers satisfied with your new videos. Bear in mind that this is work but unlike the 9 to 5 day job scene. It is a beautiful labor of love but a patient operation. As your YouTube revenue grows from your videos, you can potentially expect your rent, mortgage, car note, utility bills, and other expenses to be paid potentially in full while having change left in your pocket and money in the bank.

As mentioned previously in so many your efforts to become a <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube partner</a>, give it your best, be honest in your videos, be yourself genuinely, and create meaningful and engaging video content to connect with the Internet audience on a humble level. Be down-to-earth in your YouTube videos so they can understand clearly where you are coming from. Stay faithful. Put people before profits and when least expected, the money will roll in like Water as you'll be able to "quit your day job." Lastly, before publishing a video description, always write unique content fresh from scratch. Bing, Google, and all check across the web for exact or similar versions of any type of content posted to your channel, blog, or website. The more unique content you publish to your video channel or site, the more free traffic and potential sales you get. So with that in mind, take time to write naturally and mingle with your target audience in giving them responses and feedback. This way, you subliminally encourage people to keep coming back and giving you their business. To keep your <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">YouTube monetization - content creation</a> ambitions ignited in longevity, it's recommended for content creators and evergreen content marketers to acquire a durable speech recognition program.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

Monday, July 10, 2017

#RussianHackers: Why Are They #HackingAmerica?

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In a previous post on Drewry News, DNN discussed how the Russians allegedly meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And now, they're allegedly and most likely hacking social media accounts. Have you changed your password lately on your social network account? It might be time to do a "password change refresher," as Russian hackers are quietly and secretly gaining access to some social networking accounts.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Trump Jr. has to testify before U.S. Senate</a> -

In the recent pas, Russians successfully hacked one of Drewry News' social bookmarking accounts. After a Russian or Russians successfully hacked the password, they placed affiliate links to third party shopping sites in hopes of using one of DNN's social bookmarking accounts to hopefully have someone click the affiliate link and make a purchase. This way, the Russian hacker would potentially make money from DNN's social bookmarking account. The password has been changed.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Russian hacking on social media</a> -

Russia continues to be a trending topic on the web. Did you know they're earning billions of dollars off of the U.S.? How so? They have gas stations possibly throughout the United States of America. This means billions in revenue for the Russian government. If they're earning money hand over fist from the U.S., they why would they want to hack America? Is this a politicial move out of spite, or?

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#NaturalHealing: Using #NaturalFoods of the #Earth to Promote #KneeHealing

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Sunday, July 9, 2017

#SearchEngineVisibility: Build Online Authority by #GuestPosting on #Blogs and #Websites

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Saturday, July 8, 2017

#SmallBusinessGrants: #FedEx Offers Opportunity to Win #SmallBusiness #Grants

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#MakeMoneyBlogging: How to Earn #EasyOnlineRevenue Watching Your Favorite #TVShows

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

Friday, July 7, 2017

#StartYourOwnBusiness: Alternative Forms of #Education Outside the #CollegeClassroom

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#TwitterforBusiness: #Twitter is #OpenSeason for You to #BuildYourBusiness Immediately

via Stories by Drewry on Medium

#RussianHacking: From #Politics to #SocialNetworks - CHANGE your PASSWORD NOW!

<img src="" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#Russianhacking continues on #socialnetworks -" height="400"></a>

Ladies and gentlemen… Russia is not playing. They are very intelligent people who know exactly what they're doing. And while it's highly likely they allegedly meddled in the 2016 United States presidential election, they're allegedly nowadays going after your personal social networking accounts. It doesn't matter who you are. If you have a high trafficked social networking profile on,,, or even, you better watch your back online.

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Russian masterminds nowadays are going after social networking accounts without Americans exactly knowing what the Russian agenda is. Is the suspected hacking politically motivated or financially driven to sci-fi money out of Americans? Who knows. Now is the time to change the password on your social networking account if you haven’t already done so.

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<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Russia</a> continues to be a trending topic in the world since the alleged meddling in the 2016 election with Clinton vs. Trump. And the issues concerning Russian hackers and politics continues to take the cake in world discussion in the workplace and across internets.

The Russians are now taking it one step further in hacking. Drewry News Network recently had one of its social media account passwords “HACKED” by a Russian entity. While the Russian entity-HACKER hasn’t been pinpointed, Drewry News changed the password successfully on the HACKED social media account. Once the hacker gained access to the formerly hacked social media account, they posted “affiliate links” to what seeed like at the time allegedly Russian travel sites, or some kind of travel website with an alleged “Russian affiliate link.” From there, the Russian HACKER also posted direct links to some kind of blog or website.

Unrelated: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Jared Kushner is in big trouble in Jersey City</a> -

Additionally to Russian hackers trying to take over social media accounts, a flood of them have recently signed up as new site registrants on Drewry News Network. While their site registration requests continue to be ignored and deleted, one managed to successfully approve themselves as a new site user. In fact, they started posting “which is now deleted as well as their site registration details,” content in Russian language. Thankfully, all posts by site users must undergo an “post moderation approval process,” before any member content is displayed on the Drewry News website. Their information and IP address has been captured for future reference.

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Has your social media account allegedly been hacked by Russians? It’s time to change your “stale password.” They’ll continue to scour the internet to see who they can hack and devour. Watch your back online and be mindful to encrypt your passwords and MYSQL database information. Lastly, if you’re a blogger or full-time content creator and share content on Russian social network sites such as, now’s the time for you to reconsider deleting your social networking account,” before more Russians discover your site and allegedly try to post content.

from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network

#StoryofOJ: Did #JayZ Expose The Alleged Racist Past of #Disney and Talk About #Jewish People Owning Most of #NewYork?

<object width="650" height="400"><param name="movie" value="//;version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//;version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="650" height="400" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

#JayZ said some things in the story of OJ video. He went in discussing credit and Jewish people owning 1/2 of New York, especially #Brooklyn. If you know anything about business in Brooklyn, it's mostly Jewish people, who by the way are very intelligent and blessed people, own a vast majority of not just businesses in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, but also hold a stake in many apartment buildings in the Bronx. It's also rumored they allegedly control the music industry. Is this true?


<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Brooklyn properties owned by Jewish landlords</a> -

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Jews in NYC</a>

<a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Subliminal messages on Jay-Z's new album</a> -

Do you agree with the things Shawn Jay-Z Carter said?

Is it true that certain shades of Black get more opportunities and treated better because of their outwardly appearance?

from Drewry News - Straight OUTTA Flatbush Brooklyn
via Drewry News Network

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

#RussianInternetTakeOver: Safeguard Your #SocialMedia and #OnlineBusiness Accounts

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Drewry News Network is currently experience Russian presence on this site. And it's NOT GOOD.

Stay tuned for an update coming momentarily discussing the Russian uprise and alleged takeover of the internet. If you think the Russians didn't allegedly meddle in the 2016 United States presidential election, guess again. And they're taking the "internet invasion" to the "public 9th step!"

Check back momentarily for an update.

from Drewry News - Straight OUTTA Flatbush Brooklyn
via Drewry News Network

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

#DPRK Leader #KimJongUn of #NorthKorea Sends Direct Message Angering the #US

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North Korea continues showing off how mighty their missiles are. While they haven't fired them directly at any country (yet), President and others stand fast in anger to see what the North's next move will be. According to the report by <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Los Angeles Times</a>, Kim Jong Un claims "in so many words" North Korea's missiles have the ability to reach the United States and have a devastating impact on <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Los Angeles, California</a>.

Will continue to get the cheap seats and continue spectating <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Kim Jong Un</a>'s trash talking and missile testing, or possibly devise a battle plan for allegedly starting World War III with <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">North Korea</a>?

from Drewry News - Straight OUTTA Flatbush Brooklyn
via Drewry News Network

Sunday, July 2, 2017

#DuplicateContent: Staying in the #GoogleSandbox for Less than #UniqueContent?

<img src="" width="650" alt="#Is there any #strength left in getting #GoodSEO from #guestblogging on #guestblog #directories? -" rel="nofollow"></a>

As many know her in the internet marketing world, Ann Smarty is an SEO authority. Her site, My Blog Guest, connects WordPress bloggers and writers so those who contribute content to MyBlogGuest will possibly be syndicated by bloggers who self host their own WordPress blogs on their dedicated server. The purpose of authors and WordPress bloggers coming together is to help one another succeed on the World Wide Web with their Internet marketing and content syndication efforts.

Lisa Irby of made a very interesting post to her Google + profile on March 20, 2014. In the post, Lisa says "<a href= "" target= "new" rel="nofollow">Lisa Irby</a> Shared publicly - Mar 20, 2014 #SEOBummer! So sorry to hear about +Ann Smarty ''s My Blog Guest site getting hit with a Google Penalty. She has always emphasized content quality and discouraged people from buying links and other shady SEO tactics.

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Did Google use her guest blogging site to send a message to the content and affiliate marketers that duplicate content will be dealt with accordingly? Did Ann Smarty allegedly have "duplicate content?" Or, allegedly have paid links associated from the my blog guest website? To be or not to be is the question.

from Drewry News - Straight OUTTA Flatbush Brooklyn
via Drewry News Network

#StartupAdvice: Have Faith in the Journey to #Startup Greatness

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Can any ol' startup thrive in today's world of information technology? Yes and no. An online startup in some people's minds can be seen as an awkward idea transformed into reality. The tech transformation-start up can be in the form of starting a blog or website discussing a certain topic, and off-the-wall web application that goes from a strange idea to possibly 100 million downloads in less than three months and being featured on sites such as,,,,, and, and more. And the success of any online startup also and mainly has to do with the entrepreneurs mindset and their visionary thinking where they see their startup in the next 5 to 10 years.

Yes Your Startup Can Thrive

What useful information in your blog or website provide people? How does it add value to their lives? These are some of many things blog and website owners should think about was starting online venture. Other things to take into account is if you plan to offer a product or service on a blog or website, how will it satisfy people to the way where as you, the entrepreneur, will satisfy people in such a unique way that they'll use their energy give you free advertising by sharing links to your blog posts or webpages on,,, and You look at the bigger picture about startups, anything a person or company starts online can go from small potatoes to a successful large operation potentially in as little as two years. The key to success after starting up online is consistency.

Related: <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">What you need to do for your startup to thrive</a> -

This is where most people fail because they allegedly assume that starting an online business or fund raising venture will instantly yield profits when that certainly not the case. If you feel you can play the patience card and stick it out while building up your online start up from the ground floor up and whether trials and tribulations associated with building a business on the Internet fresh from scratch, your startup will definitely thrive regardless how the American economy is performing. Truth is, the Internet is here to stay and provides silent opportunity to those who stay the course in their business startup endeavors.

Your Startup Might Not Succeed

Don't feel you can wait it out for a few years before your startup becomes a success? <a href="" target="new" rel="nofollow">Internet business</a> just might not be a good fit for you. You see, many people think they can use the Internet to get rich quick in any kind of start up. One of those people who think like that, your mindset is way off track and derailed. If you also allow family members secretly don't want to see you prosper, fake friends, and coworkers who you shared your business aspirations with influence you to the point where as you don't feel your startup will prosper, this may not be the line of work for you.

Your startup might not succeed because there will be days you'll be building your and earn a business from the ground floor up and won't earn one red cent either from selling products and services from your site directly to site visitors or from ads on your blog or website. You might be one of those people who get discouraged easily and give up when things don't work out in the time frame hoped for. If you have a negative mindset for launching your online startup, it's best to wait it out and get your mind right before putting anything on the World Wide Web.


Just a bit of faith the size of a mustard seed and get you further than hoped for not just in the world of business, but life in general. You cannot and will not succeed without it. If you have a little bit of faith, stay the course by holding onto it and keep doing the transformation business work!

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