DrewryNewsNetwork recently experienced a bit of Russian intervention. As mentioned in previous forum posts and possibly a blog post, DNN News reported that Russians successfully managed to hack one of Drewry's passwords on a social bookmarking site. The Russian hacker who hacked DNN's social bookmarkng password posted what looked to be "Russian affiliate links," trying to make money online by posting "Affiliate links to Russian shopping websites to earn Russian affiliate commissions." Slightly before the <a href="http://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-team-met-russian-accused-of-international-hacking-conspiracy" target="new" rel="nofollow">Russian hacked</a> DNN's social bookmarking account password, the DNN website was slowly being bombarded with "generic and spammy Russian site registrants," with strange e-mail addresses.
<iframe width="650" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mP7jiuWcMNk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Below are direct e-mail spam addresses some Russians use to register on websites:
Adzijova o.sm.e.n.t.q.yug.o.h.
Amgawova o.sme.ntqy.ug.oh.1.2.20@gmail.com
JominizGrava nikmales@yandex.com
MichaelDA gymfitsru@yandex.ru
Phillizbor bansomel@yandex.com
The Russians are out of control. What's the deal with Russian hackers going virtually ballistic like some of them have no self control trying to hack their way through the United States of America? Not everyone thinks like Donald Trump nor agrees with him. Why should good Americans get hacked by Russians who might have something against the Trump administration and take it out on innocent people online by hacking social bookmarking accounts and social networking passwords? This makes no sense on Russia's behalf. We want no quarrel with Russians. We're all supposed to live and work together peacefully, not hack one another for the purpose of politicial or financial gain. Do you agree?
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/blogs/news/1766-covfefe-why-does-russia-continue-to-hackamerica
via Drewry News Network
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