A young man was seen on the highway in West Chester, Pennsylvania Sunday afternoon on November 12, 2017 in an Apple.com maps truck. The driver, a young Caucasian male, was seen driving a Apple weather-maps truck with weather looking gadgets on top of the vehicle. The young man was allegedly on his phone while driving (a driving hazard). Additionally, it looks as if he allegedly drove cross country from California, as the Maps.Apple.com truck sported California tags.
<img src="http://bit.ly/2mnF0aR" width="600" rel="nofollow" alt="#AppleComputers #employee seen in #Delaware driving on #Interstate495 through #ClaymontDelaware in an #AppleMaps truck from #California"></a>
Related: <a href="http://stocknewspress.com/2017/11/09/paradise-papers-reveal-apples-use-of-tax-havens.html" target="new" rel="nofollow">Paradise Papers Reveal Apple's Use Of Tax Havens</a> - StockNewsPress.com
If the young male Maps.Apple.com employee was in Delaware on business, what was he doing driving from California to Delaware? To stop at the Apple.com store at Christiana Mall? Or was he en route to New York City?
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/delaware/1889-applecomputers-what-s-the-applemaps-truck-from-california-doing-in-the-stateofdelaware
via Drewry News Network
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