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<a href="http://www.wendyshow.com/2013/09/16/divorce-in-the-name-of-love/" rel="nofollow" target="new">Wendy Williams</a> discusses divorce. Divorce and remarriage is amongst the hottest discussed topics not just in America, but across the world. When two people marry, are they certain they have paired themselves congruently in spiritual alignment with the right soulmate? Or, just someone to have around as a possibly part-time companion and be intimate with? While emotions and deep feelings play a heavy role in the moment of feeling they might be the "right one" for marriage, some feel otherwise later down the road, after saying "I do."
Divorce and remarriage is "sin." If your first husband or wife is living and you're married to the second wife or husband, truth is, your second marriage is null and void. You are "not" married to them. As long as your first spouse is still in the land of the living, that's who you're still married to, like it or not. This is the truth. Most people live the way they want and disregard this spiritual law. If you're shacking up with someone and you're not married to them, that's "sin" also. Most folk today who are unmarried understand this ''doctrine'' towards marriage. When people marry, they take a ''vow'' before GOD in a lifetime commitment to their spouse.
A vow is a promise made unto The Lord Jesus Christ you can't take back.This is the absolute truth.When people divorce, they break this vow.
'Finalized in Biblical Stone'
Additionally, in the eyes of GOD, as long as your first spouse is living, you can't marry someone else because GOD will not honor it. Truth hurts, but that's set in stone by biblical doctrine. If you're living in adultery or ignoring scriptural law pertaining to marriage, just remember GOD gets the last say on everything on the day of Pentecost. You've been warned.
from Drewry News https://drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/dating-relationships-marriage/marriage/1918-divorce-divorcing-and-marrying-a-second-time-while-your-first-is-living-is-not-an-option-for-you
via Drewry News Network
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