Monday, October 28, 2013

Does Chris Brown Ever Stay Out of Trouble?

Bloggers are blogging and fellow rappers are predicted to increase album sales $ gUaP $ rapping on rap albums about how Chris Brown can't keep his hands to himself. :cool: Image Credit: TMZ R&B music entertainer Chris Brown is in trouble with the law again. After his first encounter with the law for putting his hands on Rihanna the wrong way and catching a Felony, most people thought Chris would learn his lesson about hitting women, yet, hitting people in general. Now, the Internet is talking around the world about his newest brush with the law. This time, it's in Washington D.C. Will Chris Brown ever learn his lesson about keeping his hands to himself? Or, is he too rich and allegedly arrogant to see his own shortcomings? No man has the right to put his hands on the woman in a wrongful way, other than [pleasing his wife in a positive way in and out of the bedroom]. :cool:

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