Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Forbes Shares Interesting YouTube Video Discussing 'Themed Menus'

Doesn't this look so good? :) Forbes discusses [themed menus] on YouTube. Basically, this video talks about tech companies offering perks to their employees, such as "in-house gourmet food catering." At companies like Bloomberg, Facebook, Google, and YaHoO!, employees enjoy such perks as these, knowing they can order gourmet food and eat as many times as they please during their working shift at no out of pocket charge. Yep, employees eat gourmet food all day at work, whenever they please. Isn't that so beautiful? If you ask Drewry, the answer would be the same as Dave Hester in saying "Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!" :) Enjoy the video! :o


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