Sunday, June 1, 2014

Follow Drew Canole's Advice for This Brain Boosting Juice Recipe

Have you taken time to think about how your brain ages? Almost no one has. Most us of at times tend to think of the brain aging only in a sense of getting grey hair on our scalps. There's more to that. Did you know you are age gracefully and in a healthy way? You don't haqve to gracefully season and become fat, nor do you have to experience mental fatigue, nor excessive dementia. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables daily or frequently can delay the unhealthy aging process and help you retain mental clarity, good muscular health, and much more. FitLifeTV founder Drew Canole releases a new video on YouTube showing how you can juice certain foods of the Earth in a juicing machine to increase and improve brain function. This is also a great video for college students to watch, simply because as the brain ages, you need to strive harder to retain information. And, when a student is studying or prepping for class, they need to have knowledge retained in their mind firsthand, so they know wh

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