In everyone’s daily activities, remaining mentally acute can be quite a challenging task. We’re going to work, taking care of our children, cooking, and being additionally productive in any area of our lives that we serve in. Cardiovascular activity performed 1-3 times weekly promotes mental acuity. In addition, intense , or shall I say HIIT “High Intensity Interval Training” cardio helps us to become stronger, not only in our decision making process, but, in our improvement of our persona, thus helping one to sleep better at night.
Going to work in the morning after dropping the children off, or rushing to your day job to meet with management can be a job within itself. It gives one little time to themselves to gather thoughts together clearly, because a person can be potentially rushing in the morning to do what’s necessary , in starting off the day. Through personal experience, I’ve learned when a person rushes. I’m not able to gather thoughts and other things together mentally, because of intense concentration on what’s happening at the moment. When the mind is cluttered with thoughts of other things in distractions from strengthening your mind and body, we may possibly feel entangled, thus pulling us away from striving towards goals of keeping a sound mind and body in check regularly.
When cardiovascular activity is performed in the morning before the day starts, I’ve discovered some unique benefits. For starters, when I steer out of the norm and break the comfort zone of doing work 1st thing in the morning to go to the gym and either perform a weightlifting workout, or intense cardiovascular treadmill activity, I’ve noticed afterwards there is an increase in energy. post workouts, there is an increase in energy for anyone, because your body is still burning calories and building muscle hours after your morning workout at the gym, or a morning walk or running exercise. Additionally, cardiovascular exercise performed early in the morning on an empty stomach also helps with burning stored body fat and an increase in emotional happiness.
When going to your job or performing daily duties after a morning exercise of any kind, some people may notice you feeling and acting much happier after working out. Some may wonder if you’re taking any kind of “happy pills” . Others may think you’re on some new designer drug. Heck, some may silently chatter among themselves that you’re smoking something. That is certainly not the case. When you perform intense cardiovascular activity, you feel happier, burn more stored body fat and make better decisions, feeling mentally sharper and “on top of your game” . Lastly, cardio also helps to promote fat burning during sleep, in congruence with sleeping deeper at night, and having better naps in the afternoon, if you work at home.
The mind is a very powerful tool we all have. When we apply ourselves to performing cardiovascular activity, not only does it help us to ‘stay on track’ with our healthy thoughts and decision making, but it also helps us to feel good about ourselves. We’re losing weight afterwards, we fit our clothes better, people see you in a different light, people feel more attracted to you, and you have an overall positive attitude about life and relationships. It is essential for anyone to invest 30 minutes to one hour of intense cardiovascular exercise, applied one to two times a week, for fat loss and emotionally uplifting results. I could not emphasize enough about how performing cardio regularly helps anyone to become a sharper thinker. And, while it’s not required for anyone to do, if you feel you really desire to go the extra mile, cardio works wonders for dropping 1-2 pounds of fat a cardio session, in addition to helping clear up lactic acid and suppressing cortisol.
Thank you for your precious time reading this excerpt. Hopefully, this little bit of information about performing cardio and helping to increase sharper thinking has helped inspire you to do an extra session of cardio weekly. If you’re only doing cardio once weekly, it’s ok to step it up to twice. In due time, you’ll notice how the beauty of doing cardio spontaneously will lift up your spirits.
from Drewry News
via Drewry News Network
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