Saturday, October 12, 2013

Panjo Makes Significant Gains in the United States on Alexa

Panjo is on the rise in Bing, Google and YaHoO! If you own a vB or WordPress site and looking to earn revenue from selling online marketplace listings "something like what eBaY does," you need Panjo installed on your web server, and accept payment online using PayPal. Last week, the company ranked 299,114 on Alexa in the U.S., continuing the online business journey of making a transformation of improving their search engine rankings and web traffic. They're riding high today on Amazon's Alexa at 181,278. If you own a vB or WordPress, installing Panjo on your dedicated server gives site owners the ability to: * Increased content on your site without manually writing it yourself * Increased search engine spidering and indexing * Viral word of mouth from people sharing marketplace listings on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter * Potential increase in online revenue * More search engine and social networking traffic * Having a piece of mind about not spending $ gUaP $ to advertise your site

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