Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gain a Piece of Mind from Online Content Marketing Automation

Here's something that can be of good use to a blogger or website owner that doesn't have this function available on their dedicated server. If you never heard of what cron jobs are, basically, it's an automation service-tool, whereas once a site owners creates content, they can use cron jobs to schedule the time to have the content posted to their site. The good thing about having a cron job setup on your server and for your site is the ability to continually create content and have the cron service scheduled to post content throughout the day on your blog or website, thus, saving you time of having to sit at the PC 10-15 hours a day and glued to their chair, just to write and post content to your site. With cron jobs, you can have an entire day's content already pre-written, and once you've scheduled all of your content to be posted at certain times, cron will follow your every command "just had to say this again for the record." The end result of using cron jobs is keeping your site

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