Friday, October 25, 2013

How to Increase Pinterest Traffic to Specific Webpages

Pinterest is the world's most popular online pin board. They virtually complete neck and neck with twitter in terms of who gets more traffic. Whether you're posting tweets to twitter or pinning to Pinterest, everybody needs both social networking services. Using Pinterest for business to build traffic to deep pages within your blog or website will help increase your site's exposure and potentially increase online advertising revenue, if you have ads on your blog or website. Maybe you have a blog or website with thousands of pages already published to the World Wide Web. Maybe you just created a Pinterest account and started pinning only recently published pages from your blog or website to specific Pinterest pin boards. Wait a minute. What about those old pages from years ago that already published? The old pages you published to the web that are most likely archive on your site can still receive traffic. 'Pinterest Referral Traffic' Did you know Pinterest is growing to be the world's

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