Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Earn Ad Revenue Online from Commenting on Videos

Did you know you can potentially earn online ad revenue from Google AdSense and affiliate programs, just by renting a dedicated server, installing WordPress on your server, and post blogs daily about videos you watched on YouTube? Believe it or not, people who blog part-time or full-time quietly make money from AdSense and affiliate programs by sharing their thoughts on their blog about videos watched on YouTube. For example, let's say you like cars. You start up a blog on the sole topic about all kinds of cars. It doesn't matter if their blog is about domestic or foreign vehicles. After launching your blog to the web, you can use speech recognition to create content "commentary blog posts" about awesome car videos "like the video above on YouTube," post the auto commentary to your blog, and share it to social networks. After your blogs are published, people would feel enticed to stop by and read your blogs. This is how you drive traffic from search engines and social networks through


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