Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rules for Engagement on the Web

If you want to succeed online and offline in your business efforts, you have to "change your mindset." Humility and having good relationships with others are the keys to business success. DrewryNewsNetwork can't emphasize enough how important it is to stay humble in the field of entrepreneurship. It's so easy online "since the internet is emotionless" for a business or blogger to be perceived as "arrogant." An unwritten rule of thumb for meaningful engagement on the web is watch your words in your site content. Words are powerful. They can be taken the wrong way and can land you in alot of trouble. When words are used in a humble tone, it may propel your online business to the next level in a positive way. Another unwritten rule for meaningful engagement online is to put others first before your business. Having a humble heart towards "serving others first" before trying to sell a product or service to people online shows [sincerity]. Not everyone wants a marketing message or product

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