Saturday, June 6, 2015

#ArticleSpinning is Not a Good #SEO Move

From time to time, bloggers and Internet marketers sometimes resort to "article marketing" as a cost-effective means of promoting themselves without spending a dime on PPC advertising. While article marketing still remains a somewhat cost-effective means of promoting an Internet business but not as strong as it used to be, some Internet marketers are still resorting to "article spinning programs." They sometimes download PLR content from sites that give away PLR content for free, use the article spinning program to load the PLR content into, and spin the content to make it seem as if they rewrote the article in their own words. Even though they used an article spinning program to change the words around to make it seem as if they wrote it themselves, it's still a form of indirect plagiarism and duplicate content. and have their unique ways of finding out if article marketers or spinning content. They use proprietary technology to compare content that sounds similar

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