Saturday, June 20, 2015

What to Do When You Discover a #Family Member as a Willing Participant of #Incest

Many families have dirty family members. It could be that nasty uncle from down south that discovers a niece or two that are willing participants. Dirty family members could be a cousin that has over 30 years of secrets doing hanky panky since they were a teenager. Incest is a taboo topic most people stay away from discussing. While some people think it's ok to "keep it in the family," it can cause relationships with other family members who don't engage in incest to go sour. Do you know of a cousin or nasty uncle who is a willing participant of incest? Here's what to do if you have a cousin or uncle that are willing incestual participants: 1. Act like you don't even know them. Once you expose their incestuous history, they will try to slander you as a means of covering up their incest tracks. When you ignore them and move forward with your life, act as if they don't exist. Don't bother attending anymore family events if you know that nasty cousin or dirty southern uncle will be there

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